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Sylas FreljordSkin
Sylas (Universe)Sylas (Universe)
Sylas (League of Legends)Sylas (League of Legends)
Sylas (Esports)Sylas (Esports)
Sylas (Teamfight Tactics)Sylas (Teamfight Tactics)
Sylas (Development)Sylas (Development)
Sylas (Trivia)Sylas (Trivia)

Sylas Divider 01

Raised in one of Demacia Crest icon Demacia’s lesser quarters, Sylas of Dregbourne Sylas of Dregbourne has come to symbolize the darker side of the Great City. As a boy, his ability to root out hidden sorcery caught the attention of the notorious Mageseeker Crest icon mageseekers, who eventually imprisoned him for turning those same powers against them. Having now broken free, Sylas lives as a hardened revolutionary, using the magic of those around him to destroy the kingdom he once served… and his band of outcast mage followers seems to grow by the day.

SylasSquare"I am no traitor. I am the true Demacia."  Sylas
Read Biography


Early Life[]

Sylas of Dregbourne was born in Demacia Crest icon Demacia, where he developed magical abilities at a young age. As per the typical Demacian belief that magic was an affliction, Sylas' parents convinced him to turn himself in to the Mageseeker Crest icon Mageseekers. The Mageseekers took notice of Sylas' ability to sense the magic within people, so they used his power to identify the mages within the city. But Sylas began to notice the prominence of mages living their lives as civilians, having to live with being labeled as criminals by Demacian society, which caused him to doubt his standing within Demacia.

One day, Sylas and his Mageseeker handlers found a young mage girl in the countryside, forced to live in hiding to avoid persecution. Sylas took pity on her due to being so young so he tried to protect her from his handlers, but he accidentally brushed against her skin, causing Sylas to fire her lightning magic uncontrollably, resulting in the deaths of the girl as well as two Mageseekers. Sylas tried to evade the law, but he was labelled as the most dangerous mage alive and when he was caught, he was sentenced to imprisonment for life.


With his hands chained by petricite shackles, Sylas was imprisoned in a Mageseeker compound for fifteen years, growing disillusioned and vengeful towards the kingdom and seeking its downfall. One day, Luxanna Crownguard Luxanna Crownguard of the Crownguard House Crest Crownguard House found him in the compound and sympathized with him for his plight, with both soon forming a steady bond. While Lux visited Sylas to teach him about the world outside his cell and gave him books to read, and in exchange he taught her how to control her magic. One of the books Sylas recieved was Galio Galio's blueprint by Durand, where he learned about the true properties of petricite and how it did not nullify magic, but accumulate it until it reached its breaking point. All he needed to do now was touch Lux to absorb her magic into his shackles and break free.

Eventually, the Crownguards found out about Lux's meetings with Sylas, so he was sentenced to public execution by sword. Lux intervened by telling the crowd by advocating for Sylas' rights, but he touched her and unleashed a powerful blast of Lux's magic, killing everyone on scene except Lux.

The Birth of the Revolution[]

Freed from the authorities, Sylas used his powers to destroy the Mageseeker compound and free the imprisoned mages to start a revolution against Demacia for their persecution of mages. He led them to the royal castle to capture LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator7 King Jarvan III and publicly humiliate him, but to his surprise the king had already been killed before he arrived. His son, Prince Jarvan IV Jarvan IV, blamed Sylas and the mages for causing the death of his father, while Sylas decided to humiliate him instead. Sylas tied Jarvan IV to a chair and forced him to eat a rat to reflect the terrible conditions experienced by the prisoners of the compound, but Lux came to stop him, with her magic suppressed after drinking a petricite mixture. She shot a crossbow at Sylas and stabbed him in the foot before releasing Jarvan IV.

The Dauntless Vanguard Crest icon Dauntless Vanguard arrived in time, led by Lux's brother Garen Crownguard Garen Crownguard. Lux warned Garen to avoid letting Sylas touch his petricite armaments, so Garen grabbed an axe to strike him. Sylas counterattacked Garen by absorbing the magic of one of his downed allies, but Jarvan IV put him at a chokehold to avenge his father. Sylas was outnumbered by the Demacian army, so he told his allies to retreat into the sewers to escape Demacia. As he began to leave, Lux tried to warn the mages not to follow him, but he told them that there was no need to worry about her because she wouldn't hurt an innocent.

Due to Jarvan IV blaming Sylas' revolution for the death of King Jarvan III, he enforced a zero-tolerance policy towards magic in Demacia, causing innocent mages in Demacia to be sentenced to merciless treatment by the Mageseekers. Out of desperation, some mages planned to flee Demacia to migrate to Sylas' camp so they would be safe.

The Mageseeker Icon Rebels of Zeffira[]


Allying with the Freljord Winters Claw Winter's Claw[]

(TBA) Sylas teamed up with the Winter's Claw to fight against Garen Garen and his sister, Lux Lux, as well as other Demacian soldiers. Sylas and his allies were defeated after Lux summoned Galio Galio.

Sylas Divider 04


Sylas is an adult man with fair skin, a slim, athletic yet muscular build, he has shoulder-length black hair, thick eyebrows, blue eyes, and a short beard.

He doesn't wear a shirt and leaves his chest exposed, he has broken manacles around his neck and forearms with broken yellow petricite chains, likewise he also wears gray pants and goes barefoot using bandages on his feet.


Sylas is a ruthless, determined rebel who opposes Demacia's unfair persecution of mages regardless of their intentions. When he was younger, he initially wanted to protect his fellow mages from being harmed by his Mageseeker associates, but after the incident which got him imprisoned, Sylas grew to resent the kingdom after fifteen years of imprisonment. After being freed, he took on the role of a martyr for his fellow mages, inspiring them to join his rebellion. His initial goal was to raze Demacia to the ground, with no prospect of the aftermath. Despite his devotion to his cause, he harboured deep remorse towards his betrayal of Lux.

During his revolution against the Mageseekers, Sylas gradually developed a change of heart thanks to Leilani's influence, letting go of his desire for vengeance and learning to value his fellow rebels, even being more merciful towards his enemies. He was heavily affected by the deaths of the allies that he had lost on the way, striving to become a better leader for their sake. After achieving victory, Sylas split his alliance with the Demacians and started fighting against them again, believing that because the Demacian government would enable an ideology like the Mageseekers to happen, mages would never be truly free until the monarchy is abolished.


  • Magical Physiology: Sylas was born with natural magic abilities that can improve as he trains. Though he initially trained under the Mageseekers, who weaponized his abilities for their own agendas, he trained and honed his abilities further while in prison.
    • Magic Sight: Sylas was born with the ability to see magic in the form of visual colors, particularly when it emanates off of other mages. Because of this special skill, Sylas was inducted into the Mageseekers at a young age, who weaponized his ability to hunt down mages hiding in Demacia Crest icon Demacia.
    • Magic Absorption & Replication: Magic Absorption & Replication: Sylas has the innate ability to absorb magical energy into himself, allowing him to almost perfectly replicate other magical abilities.[1] Sylas can absorb magic by simply touching another mage, but he can also absorb energy from inherently magical materials, notably petricite that has already absorbed residual magic. Sylas's absorption isn't exclusive to mages and he has shown that he's capable of absorbing and mimicking the magical abilities of magical fauna. Though the extent of this ability isn't fully known, it may improve as Sylas learns to absorb other forms of magical energy.
      • Elemental Magic Absorption: Sylas can absorb and replicate almost every form of Elemental magic, such as how he replicated Lux's Lux's light magic light magic.
      • Iceborn Frost Resistance: Sylas is capable of absorbing the innate abilities of the Iceborn, perfectly mimicking their resistance to cold temperatures and possibly granting him the ability to wield True Ice.
      • Celestial Magic Absorption: By tapping into the residual magic energies left within ancient petricite structures, Sylas can absorb the Celestial magics of Kayle Kayle and Morgana Morgana, who have inherent abilities tied to the Aspects.
  • Blessing of The Veiled Lady: Blessing of The Veiled Lady: During the Great Mage Rebellion, Sylas was granted a magical blessing by Morgana Morgana herself, granting him some of her abilities and empowering his innate talent to harness other magics.
  • Petricite Shackles: Petricite Shackles: In combat, Sylas uses the same petricite shackles that bound him in prison. Using these chains, Sylas can expel magical energies absorbed through the petricite, absorb absorb magic that touches his chains and strike enemies with intense physical force.


Mageseeker Crest icon Mageseekers[]

Sylas was abducted by the Mageseekers at a very young age and had his magic detection abilities used to find and capture other mages. After an incident where Sylas ended up killing two mageseekers by accident to protect a little girl, he fled to the wilderness. Eventually he would be caught by the mageseekers and imprisoned for 15 years. He would harbor great resentment of his captors as they would treat him like an animal and barely give him any food.

Luxanna Crownguard Luxanna Crownguard[]

Sylas formed a bond with Lux Lux while he was imprisoned. In exchange for information of the outside world, he would teach her to control her magic due to magic being outlawed in Demacia. He later manipulated her and used her power to escape. He would eventually make amends with her and come to her aid when the mageseekers attacked her mages settlement. While Lux has not forgotten Sylas' betrayal, she undestands he is more than just a murderer.

Garen Crownguard Garen Crownguard[]

After escaping his execution, Sylas and his followers fought Garen Garen. He would best him in every fight they had, only retreating when Garen's reinforcements arrived.

Jarvan IV Lightshield Jarvan IV Lightshield[]

After escaping his execution, Sylas and his followers almost executed Jarvan IV Jarvan IV before fleeing. He had intended to execute Jarvan III, but then found out that the king was already mysteriously dead in the chamber he and his guard retinue had retreated to.

Freljord Winters Claw Winter's Claw[]

Sylas would form an alliance with the Winter's Claw, who later helps him attack Demacia.

Galio Galio[]

Sylas encountered Galio Galio who came to aid Lux, Garen, and other Demacian soldiers during this attack on Demacia from the north.

Lux got Durand's original texts, which include Galio's design specs, for Sylas to read. On the mention of the colossus, she states that she "knows" him as if speaking of a person and not as a statue. (She had befriended him when she was 13.)[2] Sylas clearly found her wording odd but occupied with the texts, did not question her about it, apparently not realizing that Durand's wording on Galio meant that absorbing magic allows him to move on his own.

Sylas's own shackles were originally built by Durand, who also designed Galio Galio, to restrain powerful demons like Tahm Kench Tahm Kench and Evelynn Evelynn.

Kayle Kayle and Morgana Morgana[]

Sylas Sylas knows certain truths about the winged winged sisters sisters and calls out their power during the events of Lux comics. He also believed the Veiled Lady is an absent deity, not coming to aid to those who pray to her every night. Sylas would eventually meet Morgana and learn that she was one of the Winged Protectors as well as the Veiled Lady. He sought her aid in his war against the mageseekers, but she refused to grant him, seeing consumed by vengeance. After being humbled by Leilani's death, Sylas was willing to give up his revenge and received Morgana's blessing.

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Sylas OriginalCentered

Demacia Crest icon


The Unshackled

By John O'Bryan

Starring Champion

Demacia Temple Of The Lightbringers

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Demacian Heart

By Phillip Vargas

Nature made him a mage. The seekers made him a killer.

Lux Comic 1 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 1

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

In Demacia, order reigns and magic is forbidden. How will the order be upset when Lux's hidden magic emerges?

Lux Comic 2 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 2

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.

Lux Comic 3 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 3

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

If saving Sylas means exposing her powers, will Lux dare risk her own future to save a criminal?

Lux Comic 4 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 4

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?

Lux Comic 5 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 5

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

As all mages are hunted down by Prince Jarvan IV and forces led by Garen, Lux must make her ultimate decision!

Demacia Stand With Sylas 05

Demacia Crest icon


Stand With Sylas

Demacia is built on a lie. All these noble ideals and promises of a brighter future - they were never meant for us. For too long have we mages had to hide in the shadows, and it has cost us everything.
It is time we stand up and fight back!

The Mageseeker Promo 01

Demacia Crest icon


The Mageseeker

By Digital Sun

In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.

Sylas The Recruit

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

The Recruit

By John O'Bryan

The sun was at its peak, just high enough to illuminate the exiles' camp hidden deep in the canyon. From the shade of his lean-to, Sylas of Dregbourne waited patiently for his scout to return. At last, he saw her rounding the stone spire at the mouth of the crevasse, leading a wide-eyed young stranger into the camp.

Sylas The Shackles of Belief

Freljord Crest icon

Short Story

The Shackles of Belief

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Thorva, Sister of Frost, hauled on her reins, dragging her hulking drüvask to a halt alongside Scarmother Vrynna of the Winter's Claw.

Galio Garen Lux Sylas Warriors

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

Mentioned Champion

Garen First Shield Cover 02

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Garen: First Shield

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?

Katarina Comic 2 Cover 1

Noxus Crest icon


Katarina: Issue 2

By Alison Hawkes

The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?

Katarina Comic 3 Cover 1

Noxus Crest icon


Katarina: Issue 3

By Alison Hawkes

The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?

Katarina Comic 5 Cover 1

Noxus Crest icon


Katarina: Issue 5

By Alison Hawkes

The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?

Quinn Shield of Remembrance

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Shield of Remembrance

By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Quinn ran through the forest, moving softly and swiftly.

Demacia Turmoil

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story


By Anthony Reynolds Lenné

Why send us all the way out here?

Alternate Universes

Vayne FirecrackerSkin

Runeterra Crest icon


Fortune Favors the Lucky

Join Firecracker Sejuani, Firecracker Vayne, Lunar Wraith Sylas, and Coin Emperor Tahm Kench in celebrating the Year of the Pig!

Teemo Almost Home

Runeterra Crest icon


Almost Home

Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.


  • Sylas has no last name due to his family being on the lower end of the social spectrum.[3] To be differentiated among others with the same name, they often refer to his name and his place of birth (Sylas of Dregbourne).
  • Sylas was always torn between his desire to be a "true" Demacian and his shame for identifying his fellow mages while in service to the Mageseekers.[4]
  • Sylas is around his early 30s.[5]
  • Despite hating current Demacia Crest icon Demacia, he has no love for Noxus Crest icon Noxus as well.
  • His biography originally stated that his execution was to be hung by the neck, but was changed to a beheading after Lux: Issue 3.
  • Sylas' shackles were not designed for human captives. That's why they are so big and caused him to suffer so much, but also what makes them a fearsome weapon in his hands.[6]
    • They are made of Petricite, Demacian Steel and gold.[7]
  • The scar on his abdomen is the result of an operation trying to remove his "magic" organ. (There was a short-lived theory that mages had a magic organ somewhere below the liver.) [8]
  • Sylas dresses like a prisoner due to being previously incarcerated but continues to do so in order to appeal to the downtrodden masses.[9]
    • Sylas' chains are a symbol of the oppressed.[10]
  • On his right arm is the brand that Mageseekers burn into the skin of mages. The other pulsing lines on his arms are intended to be magic pulsing through his veins out into the manacles as they constantly drain his natural magic.[11]
  • Sylas is has anarcho-collectivist political views.[12]
    • Like a lot of revolutionaries, he's better at tearing down and has not thought much in the way of practical policy, what a non-hierarchical system would look like on a large scale.[13]
  • Sylas does not usually transform when stealing stealing another user's magic. Many of his depictions in League of Legends icon League of Legends are simply for gameplay reads and visual clarity.[14]

Change log[]

Character blurb
19 Nov 2019 (During V9.23) Added.


See also[]
