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League of Legends Wiki
Mihira Universe Background
Mihira (Universe)Mihira (Universe)
Mihira (Legends of Runeterra)Mihira (Legends of Runeterra)

Mihira is the current Aspect of Justice, and the mother of Kayle Kayle and Morgana Morgana.

▶️  "In deliverance of judgement, I stand ready."
LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Mihira, Aspect of Justice


Early life[]

The Rune Wars had ripped through most ofRuneterra Crest icon Valoran and Runeterra Crest icon Shurima, and seemed poised to engulf even the peaks of Targon Crest icon Targon. In hopes of saving their tribe, Mihira and her husband Kilam decided to climb to the peak of this great mountain granting divine power.

Mihira was unaware that she was with child, but it was impossible to go back. Finally, where Runeterra meets the stars, she was chosen as a vessel for the Aspect of Justice. They returned with a blazing sword, and their twin daughters - Kayle and Morgana.

Life as the Aspect of Justice[]

Embracing divinity in the names of her daughters, Mihira left her humanity behind for her family, and swung her sword to forge a world of truth and justice.

Mihira had become a legendary warrior over the years. Enemies were drawn to her light. However, the celestial power was overshadowing Mihira's mortal personality, emotions and affections. She was pushing the girls into Kilam's arms too often, and answering battle's call.

As wars raged on countless fronts, Mihira was growing away from her family. One day, when she joined a war again, Kilam fled Targon with Kayle and Morgana for their safety, and sailed for the settlement now known as Demacia Crest icon Demacia.

Right before Mihira left this realm altogether, she left a part of herself behind - a holy flame, burning brightly. To her daughters, she sent the legacy of the Aspect of Justice - her sword wreathed in starfire and shadow. As the sword fell from the sky and the girls snatched up one half of it, golden and jet black wings burst from their shoulders. Kilam knew that it was Mihira's sword. Kayle felt more close to her mother than ever, certain that this was a sign Mihira was alive and wanted her daughters to follow the same path as her.


In her Aspect Form, Mihira appears as a massive blob-like humanoid with six white feathered wings with eyes on them, six arms, but no legs. Her human body has been altered to the holy flame with celestial magic.

In her Aspect Ascendant, Mihira appears as a tan, muscular middle-aged woman with pure white hair and glowing yellow eyes. She was ascended between her twenties and thirties, so her aging has stopped since then.


Mihira is a brave woman who risked her own life by climbing Mount Targon to save her people. She is the chosen host of Aspect of Justice, and she brings judgment upon mortals in a fair and merciful way, being balanced between Kayle and Morgana attitutes towards justice. In Legends of Runeterra, it is revealed that Mihira is aware of the problems her abandonment caused, accepting Morgana's spite and guiding Kayle to not lose herself in her ambitions, loving both of her daughters unconditionally and deeply missing her husband.


  • Unique Celestial Physiology: Since she was chosen as vessel for the Aspect of Justice at the peak of Mount Targon, Mihira has a unique physiology. In time, her mortal human body surrendered itself to the holy flame.
    • Celestial Fire Magic: Mihira obtained magical powers over heavenly fire, and can manipulate it.
    • Flight: During her ascension, feathered wings bursted from her back, and she is able to fly great distances quickly.
    • Immortality: Due to her celestial alteration, Mihira is immortal and cannot die of old age or by conventional means.
    • Automaton Creation: Mihira can create and control soulless beings without individual desires and needs but driven by a higher power that she represents, the Aspect of Justice. They all have a piece of her, they are just an extension of her, essentially one entity.
    • Dimensional Travel and Mass Teleportation: Mihira and her automatons can travel between Targon Prime and Runeterra through the portals located on Mount Targon.
    • Empowerment: Mihira, like all Aspects, has the ability to give parts of her power to those she deems worthy.
  • Expert Swordsman: After her ascension, Mihira returned with a sword that blazed with a fire brighter than the sun. She fought on countless battlefields wielding her sword. Years later, she sent the sword to her daughters living in Demacia.


Kayle Kayle[]

Mihira is the mother of Kayle. Kayle took her mother's sword, and flew to Mount Targon to find her mother. Now, it is speculated that she's with her mother on Targon Prime, and honors her mother's legacy by fighting for justice. While Mihira approves Kayle fighthing for justice and good, it is revealed that Mihira is wary of Kayle's obsession of ascension and wanting to guide her daughter to not loose herself in her ambitions, and shine her light in her own way.

Morgana Morgana[]

Mihira is the mother of Morgana. They haven't seen each other since Kilam took her to Demacia. Morgana blames her mother for the pain and heartbreak her father suffered. Mihira in turn accepts Morgana's resentment, acknowledging her flaws and promising to protect and love her daughter no matter what.

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Starring Champion

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Targon Crest icon


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Demacia Crest icon


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See also[]

