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Related to bear: beer, brown bear


to give birth to: bear a child; to suffer; endure; undergo: bear the blame; to bring: bear gifts; to render; afford; give: bear witness, bear testimony; an animal: a polar bear
Not to be confused with:
bare – unadorned, plain: Tell me the bare facts.; naked; without covering or clothing: bare midriff; scarcely sufficient: the bare necessities
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree

bear 1

v. bore (bôr), borne (bôrn) or born (bôrn), bear·ing, bears
a. To carry (something) on one's person from one place to another: bore the suitcase to the station.
b. To move from one place to another while containing or supporting (something); convey or transport: a train bearing grain. See Synonyms at carry.
c. To cause to move by or with steady pressure; push: a boat borne along by the current.
d. To carry or hold in the mind over time; harbor: bear a grudge; bear ill will.
e. To have as a visible characteristic or attribute: a letter bearing his name.
2. To conduct (oneself) in a specified way: She bore herself with dignity.
a. To hold up; support: This wall bears much of the weight of the roof.
b. To be accountable for; assume: bearing heavy responsibilities.
c. To have a tolerance for; endure: couldn't bear his lying; can't bear to see them leave. See Synonyms at endure.
d. To have grounds for; call for; warrant: This case bears investigation.
a. To give birth to: bore six children.
b. To produce; yield: plants bearing fruit. See Synonyms at produce.
5. To offer; render: I will bear witness to the deed.
1. To yield fruit; produce: peach trees that bear every summer.
2. To have relevance or influence; apply: They studied how the relativity theory bears on the history of science.
3. To endure something with tolerance or patience: Bear with me while I explain what happened.
a. To extend or proceed in a specified direction: The road bears to the right at the bottom of the hill.
b. To be directed or aimed in a certain direction or at a target: The guns were brought to bear upon the approaching fleet.
Phrasal Verbs:
bear down
1. To exert muscular pressure downward, as in giving birth to a baby.
2. To advance in a threatening manner: The ship bore down on our canoe.
3. To apply maximum effort and concentration: If you really bear down, you will finish the task.
bear out
To prove to be right or justified; confirm: The test results bear out our claims.
bear up
To withstand stress, difficulty, or attrition: The patient bore up well during the long illness.
bear a relation/relationship to
To have an association with or relevance to: That remark bears no relation to the matter at hand.
bear a resemblance/liking/similarity to
To be similar to; appear or function like.
bear down on
1. To move rapidly toward: The ship bore down on the abandoned vessel.
2. To affect in a harmful or adverse way: Financial pressures are bearing down on them.
bear fruit
To come to a satisfactory conclusion or to fruition.
bear in mind
To hold in one's mind; remember: Bear in mind that bridges freeze before roads.

[Middle English beren, from Old English beran; see bher- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: Thanks to the vagaries of English spelling, bear has two past participles: born and borne. Traditionally, born is used only in passive constructions referring to birth: I was born in Chicago. For all other uses, including active constructions referring to birth, borne is the standard form: She has borne both her children at home. I have borne his insolence with the patience of a saint.

bear 2

a. Any of various usually omnivorous mammals of the family Ursidae that have a shaggy coat and a short tail and walk with the entire lower surface of the foot touching the ground.
b. Any of various other animals, such as the koala, that resemble a true bear.
2. A large, clumsy, or ill-mannered person.
a. One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
b. A pessimist, especially regarding business conditions.
4. Slang Something that is difficult or unpleasant: The final exam was a bear.
5. Slang A highway patrol officer.
6. Slang A hairy, stocky gay man.
Characterized by falling prices: a bear market.

[Middle English bere, from Old English bera; see bher- in Indo-European roots. Sense 3, probably from the proverb to sell the bear's skin before catching the bear.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly tr) , bears, bearing, bore or borne
1. to support or hold up; sustain
2. to bring or convey: to bear gifts.
3. to take, accept, or assume the responsibility of: to bear an expense.
4. (past participle born; in passive use except when foll by by) to give birth to: to bear children.
5. (also intr) to produce by or as if by natural growth: to bear fruit.
6. to tolerate or endure: she couldn't bear him.
7. to admit of; sustain: his story does not bear scrutiny.
8. to hold in the conscious mind or in one's feelings: to bear a grudge; I'll bear that idea in mind.
9. to show or be marked with: he still bears the scars.
10. to transmit or spread: to bear gossip.
11. to render or supply (esp in the phrase bear witness)
12. to conduct or manage (oneself, the body, etc): she bore her head high.
13. to have, be, or stand in (relation or comparison): his account bears no relation to the facts.
14. (Navigation) (intr) to move, be located, or lie in a specified direction: the way bears east.
15. to have by right; be entitled to (esp in the phrase bear title)
16. bear a hand to give assistance
17. bring to bear to bring into operation or effect: he brought his knowledge to bear on the situation.
[Old English beran; related to Old Norse bera, Old High German beran to carry, Latin ferre, Greek pherein to bear, Sanskrit bharati he carries]


n, pl bears or bear
1. (Animals) any plantigrade mammal of the family Ursidae: order Carnivora (carnivores). Bears are typically massive omnivorous animals with a large head, a long shaggy coat, and strong claws. See also black bear, brown bear, polar bear
2. (Animals) any of various bearlike animals, such as the koala and the ant bear
3. a clumsy, churlish, or ill-mannered person
4. a teddy bear
5. (Stock Exchange) stock exchange
a. a speculator who sells in anticipation of falling prices to make a profit on repurchase
b. (as modifier): a bear market. Compare bull15
vb, bears, bearing or beared
(Banking & Finance) (tr) to lower or attempt to lower the price or prices of (a stock market or a security) by speculative selling
[Old English bera; related to Old Norse bjorn, Old High German bero]


1. (Astronomy) the English name for Ursa Major, Ursa Minor
2. (Placename) an informal name for Russia
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. bore, borne born, bear•ing. v.t.
1. to hold up or support: The columns bear the weight of the roof.
2. to give birth to: to bear a child.
3. to produce by natural growth: a tree that bears fruit.
4. to sustain or be capable of: This claim doesn't bear close examination. The view bears comparison with the loveliest sights.
5. to drive or push: The crowd was borne back by the police.
6. to carry or conduct (oneself, one's body, etc.): to bear oneself bravely.
7. to suffer; endure or tolerate: He bore the blame. I can't bear your nagging.
8. to warrant or be worthy of: It doesn't bear repeating.
9. to carry; bring: to bear gifts.
10. to carry in the mind or heart: to bear malice.
11. to transmit or spread (gossip, tales, etc.).
12. to render; afford; give: to bear testimony.
13. to have and be entitled to: to bear title.
14. to exhibit; show: to bear a resemblance.
15. to accept or have as an obligation: to bear the cost.
16. to possess as a quality or characteristic; have in or on: to bear traces; to bear an inscription.
17. to tend in a course or direction; move; go: to bear left.
18. to be situated: The lighthouse bears due north.
19. to bring forth young, fruit, etc.
20. bear down,
a. to press or weigh down.
b. to strive harder.
21. bear down on,
a. to press or weigh down on.
b. to strive toward.
c. to move toward rapidly and threateningly.
22. bear on or upon, to be relevant to; affect.
23. bear out, to substantiate; confirm.
24. bear up, to face hardship bravely; endure.
25. bear with, to be patient with.
bring to bear , to force to have an impact: to bring pressure to bear on union members to end a strike.
[before 900; Middle English beren, Old English beran, c. Old High German beran, Old Norse bera, Gothic bairan to carry, Skt bhárati (one) carries, Latin ferre, Greek phérein to carry]
syn: bear, stand, endure refer to supporting the burden of something distressing, irksome, or painful. bear is the general word and suggests merely being able to put up with something: She is bearing the disappointment quite well. stand is an informal equivalent, but with an implication of stout spirit: I couldn't stand the pain. endure implies continued resistance and patience over a long period of time: to endure torture.
usage: Since the latter part of the 18th century, a distinction has been made between born and borne as past participles of the verb bear. borne is the past participle in all senses that do not refer to physical birth: The wheat fields have borne abundantly. Judges have always borne a burden of responsibility. borne is also the participle when the sense is “to bring forth (young)” and the focus is on the mother rather than on the child. In such cases, borne is preceded by a form of have or followed by by: She had borne a son the previous year. Two children borne by her earlier were already grown. When the focus is on the offspring or on something brought forth as if by birth, born is the standard spelling, and it occurs in passive constructions and in adjective phrases: My friend was born in Ohio. No children have been born at the South Pole. Abraham Lincoln, born in Kentucky, grew up in Illinois.



n., pl. bears, (esp. collectively) bear, n.
1. any large, stocky, omnivorous mammal of the carnivore family Ursidae, with thick, coarse fur, a very short tail, and a plantigrade gait, inhabiting the Northern Hemisphere and N South America.
2. a gruff, clumsy, or rude person.
3. a person who believes that stock prices will decline (opposed to bull).
4. (cap.) either of two constellations, Ursa Major or Ursa Minor.
5. marked by declining prices, esp. of stocks: a bear market.
[before 1000; Middle English be(a)re, beor(e), Old English bera, c. Old High German bero; Germanic *beran- literally, the brown one]
bear′like`, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Any of various large mammals having a shaggy coat, a rounded head, and a short tail. Bears eat plants and other animals, especially insects and small rodents. Bears walk with the entire lower surface of their foot touching the ground.
2. Any of various other animals, such as the koala, that resemble a true bear.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. 'bear'

The other forms of bear are bears, bore, borne. However, the past form and -ed participle are rarely used.

If someone bears pain or a difficult situation, they accept it in a brave way.

Boys are encouraged to be tough and bear pain, to prove they're a man.
2. 'endure'

Endure is used in a similar way.

Many people have to endure pain without specialist help.
3. 'can't bear'

Bear is often used in negative sentences. If you can't bear something or someone, you dislike them very much.

I can't bear him!

If you can't bear to do something, you cannot do it because it makes you so unhappy.

She couldn't bear to talk about it.
4. 'can't stand'

If you can't stand something or someone, you dislike them very much.

He kept on asking questions and I couldn't stand it any longer.
I can't stand people who lie.

Be Careful!
Don't say that you 'can't stand to do something.

5. 'tolerate' and 'put up with'

If you tolerate or put up with something, you accept it, although you don't like it or approve of it. Tolerate is more formal than put up with.

The school does not tolerate bad behaviour.
The local people have to put up with a lot of tourists.



These words are both pronounced eə/.

1. 'bear'

Bear can be a noun or a verb.

A bear is a large, strong wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws.

The bear stood on its hind legs.

If you bear a difficult situation, you accept it and are able to deal with it.

This disaster was more than some of them could bear.
2. 'bare'

Bare is usually an adjective. Something that is bare has no covering.

The grass was warm under her bare feet.
The walls were bare.


put up withstandbear
1. 'suffer'

You can say that someone suffers pain or an unpleasant experience.

He suffered a lot of discomfort.
Young suffered imprisonment and intimidation.
2. 'put up with'

You do not use 'suffer' to say that someone tolerates an unpleasant person. You say that they put up with the person.

The local people have to put up with gaping tourists.
3. 'stand' and 'bear'

If you do not like someone at all, you do not say that you 'can't suffer' them. You say that you can't stand them or can't bear them.

She said she couldn't stand him.
I can't bear kids.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


(in most senses)
Past participle: borne
Gerund: bearing

I bear
you bear
he/she/it bears
we bear
you bear
they bear
I bore
you bore
he/she/it bore
we bore
you bore
they bore
Present Continuous
I am bearing
you are bearing
he/she/it is bearing
we are bearing
you are bearing
they are bearing
Present Perfect
I have borne
you have borne
he/she/it has borne
we have borne
you have borne
they have borne
Past Continuous
I was bearing
you were bearing
he/she/it was bearing
we were bearing
you were bearing
they were bearing
Past Perfect
I had borne
you had borne
he/she/it had borne
we had borne
you had borne
they had borne
I will bear
you will bear
he/she/it will bear
we will bear
you will bear
they will bear
Future Perfect
I will have borne
you will have borne
he/she/it will have borne
we will have borne
you will have borne
they will have borne
Future Continuous
I will be bearing
you will be bearing
he/she/it will be bearing
we will be bearing
you will be bearing
they will be bearing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bearing
you have been bearing
he/she/it has been bearing
we have been bearing
you have been bearing
they have been bearing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bearing
you will have been bearing
he/she/it will have been bearing
we will have been bearing
you will have been bearing
they will have been bearing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bearing
you had been bearing
he/she/it had been bearing
we had been bearing
you had been bearing
they had been bearing
I would bear
you would bear
he/she/it would bear
we would bear
you would bear
they would bear
Past Conditional
I would have borne
you would have borne
he/she/it would have borne
we would have borne
you would have borne
they would have borne


(give birth to)
Past participle: borne/born
Gerund: bearing

I bear
you bear
he/she/it bears
we bear
you bear
they bear
I bore
you bore
he/she/it bore
we bore
you bore
they bore
Present Continuous
I am bearing
you are bearing
he/she/it is bearing
we are bearing
you are bearing
they are bearing
Present Perfect
I have borne
you have borne
he/she/it has borne
we have borne
you have borne
they have borne
Past Continuous
I was bearing
you were bearing
he/she/it was bearing
we were bearing
you were bearing
they were bearing
Past Perfect
I had borne
you had borne
he/she/it had borne
we had borne
you had borne
they had borne
I will bear
you will bear
he/she/it will bear
we will bear
you will bear
they will bear
Future Perfect
I will have borne
you will have borne
he/she/it will have borne
we will have borne
you will have borne
they will have borne
Future Continuous
I will be bearing
you will be bearing
he/she/it will be bearing
we will be bearing
you will be bearing
they will be bearing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bearing
you have been bearing
he/she/it has been bearing
we have been bearing
you have been bearing
they have been bearing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bearing
you will have been bearing
he/she/it will have been bearing
we will have been bearing
you will have been bearing
they will have been bearing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bearing
you had been bearing
he/she/it had been bearing
we had been bearing
you had been bearing
they had been bearing
I would bear
you would bear
he/she/it would bear
we would bear
you would bear
they would bear
Past Conditional
I would have borne
you would have borne
he/she/it would have borne
we would have borne
you would have borne
they would have borne


(lower the price of shares etc.)
Past participle: beared
Gerund: bearing

I bear
you bear
he/she/it bears
we bear
you bear
they bear
I beared
you beared
he/she/it beared
we beared
you beared
they beared
Present Continuous
I am bearing
you are bearing
he/she/it is bearing
we are bearing
you are bearing
they are bearing
Present Perfect
I have beared
you have beared
he/she/it has beared
we have beared
you have beared
they have beared
Past Continuous
I was bearing
you were bearing
he/she/it was bearing
we were bearing
you were bearing
they were bearing
Past Perfect
I had beared
you had beared
he/she/it had beared
we had beared
you had beared
they had beared
I will bear
you will bear
he/she/it will bear
we will bear
you will bear
they will bear
Future Perfect
I will have beared
you will have beared
he/she/it will have beared
we will have beared
you will have beared
they will have beared
Future Continuous
I will be bearing
you will be bearing
he/she/it will be bearing
we will be bearing
you will be bearing
they will be bearing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bearing
you have been bearing
he/she/it has been bearing
we have been bearing
you have been bearing
they have been bearing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bearing
you will have been bearing
he/she/it will have been bearing
we will have been bearing
you will have been bearing
they will have been bearing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bearing
you had been bearing
he/she/it had been bearing
we had been bearing
you had been bearing
they had been bearing
I would bear
you would bear
he/she/it would bear
we would bear
you would bear
they would bear
Past Conditional
I would have beared
you would have beared
he/she/it would have beared
we would have beared
you would have beared
they would have beared
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


A speculator on a stock exchange who buys expecting prices to decrease. Compare bull.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bear - massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong clawsbear - massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
bear cub - a young bear
carnivore - a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal; "terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb"
family Ursidae, Ursidae - bears and extinct related forms
brown bear, Ursus arctos, bruin - large ferocious bear of Eurasia
bruin - a conventional name for a bear used in tales following usage in the old epic `Reynard the Fox'
American black bear, Euarctos americanus, Ursus americanus, black bear - brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
Asiatic black bear, black bear, Selenarctos thibetanus, Ursus thibetanus - bear with a black coat living in central and eastern Asia
ice bear, polar bear, Thalarctos maritimus, Ursus Maritimus - white bear of Arctic regions
Melursus ursinus, sloth bear, Ursus ursinus - common coarse-haired long-snouted bear of south-central Asia
2.bear - an investor with a pessimistic market outlookbear - an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
investor - someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns
bull - an investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later
Verb1.bear - have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
carry - have on the surface or on the skin; "carry scars"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
2.bear - cause to be bornbear - cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
twin - give birth to twins
drop - give birth; used for animals; "The cow dropped her calf this morning"
foal - give birth to a foal; "the mare foaled"
cub - give birth to cubs; "bears cub every year"
kitten - have kittens; "our cat kittened again this year"
lamb - give birth to a lamb; "the ewe lambed"
litter - give birth to a litter of animals
pup, whelp - birth; "the dog whelped"
farrow, pig - give birth; "sows farrow"
fawn - have fawns; "deer fawn"
have young, calve - birth; "the whales calve at this time of year"
have a bun in the oven, gestate, expect, bear, carry - be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"
produce, bring forth - bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit"
3.bear - put up with something or somebody unpleasantbear - put up with something or somebody unpleasant; "I cannot bear his constant criticism"; "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"; "he learned to tolerate the heat"; "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"
live with, swallow, accept - tolerate or accommodate oneself to; "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"; "I swallowed the insult"; "She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies"
hold still for, stand for - tolerate or bear; "I won't stand for this kind of behavior!"
bear up - endure cheerfully; "She bore up under the enormous strain"
take lying down - suffer without protest; suffer or endure passively; "I won't take this insult lying down"
take a joke - listen to a joke at one's own expense; "Can't you take a joke?"
sit out - endure to the end
pay - bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action; "You'll pay for this!"; "She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly"; "You'll pay for this opinion later"
countenance, permit, allow, let - consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
suffer - experience (emotional) pain; "Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers"
4.bear - move while holding up or supportingbear - move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
carry, transport - move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
frogmarch - carry someone against his will upside down such that each limb is held by one person
carry, bear, hold - support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
5.bear - bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"bear - bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"; "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"
spin off - produce as a consequence of something larger
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
seed - bear seeds
crop - yield crops; "This land crops well"
overbear - bear too much
fruit - bear fruit; "the trees fruited early this year"
bear out, underpin, corroborate, support - support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm; "The stories and claims were born out by the evidence"
6.bear - take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person; "I'll accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility"
take - take into one's possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "I'll take three salmon steaks"
carry-the can, face the music - accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
7.bear - contain or holdbear - contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"
include - have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"
contain, hold, take - be capable of holding or containing; "This box won't take all the items"; "The flask holds one gallon"
retain - hold back within; "This soil retains water"; "I retain this drug for a long time"; "the dam retains the water"
hold in, enclose, confine - close in; darkness enclosed him"
8.bear - bring inbear - bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
investment funds, investment - money that is invested with an expectation of profit
earn, realise, pull in, bring in, realize, gain, make, take in, clear - earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
net, clear - yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million"
pay off - yield a profit or result; "His efforts finally paid off"
9.bear - have on one's personbear - have on one's person; "He wore a red ribbon"; "bear a scar"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
10.bear - behave in a certain mannerbear - behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
carry, bear, hold - support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
fluster - be flustered; behave in a confused manner
act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
put forward, assert - insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!"
deal - behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
walk around - behave in a certain manner or have certain properties; "He walks around with his nose in the air"; "She walks around with this strange boyfriend"
posture, pose - behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"
11.bear - have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade"
have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
12.bear - support or hold in a certain mannerbear - support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
sling - hold or carry in a sling; "he cannot button his shirt with his slinged arm"
stoop - carry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward; "The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane"
piggyback - support on the back and shoulders; "He piggybacked her child so she could see the show"
balance, poise - hold or carry in equilibrium
deport, comport, acquit, behave, conduct, bear, carry - behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
bear - move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
13.bear - be pregnant withbear - be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"
birth, give birth, bear, deliver, have - cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
expect - look forward to the birth of a child; "She is expecting in March"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. carry, take, move, bring, lift, transfer, conduct, transport, haul, transmit, convey, relay, tote (informal), hump (Brit. slang), lug a surveyor and his assistant bearing a torch
carry drop, shed, put down
2. hold, carry, pack the constitutional right to bear arms
3. support, carry, shoulder, sustain, endure, hold up, keep up, uphold, withstand, bear up under The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.
support drop, give up, abandon, desert, relinquish, discontinue
4. display, have, show, hold, carry, possess, exhibit notepaper bearing the President's seal
5. suffer, feel, experience, go through, sustain, stomach, endure, undergo, admit, brook, hack (slang), abide, put up with (informal) He bore his sufferings manfully.
6. bring yourself to, allow, accept, permit, endure, tolerate, hack (informal), abide, be doing with (informal), countenance He can't bear to talk about it, even to me.
7. take on, support, carry, accept, shoulder, sustain, absorb She should bear that responsibility alone.
8. produce, give, provide, develop, generate, yield, bring forth, give forth The plants grow and start to bear fruit.
9. earn, make, get, receive, gain, net, collect, realize, obtain, yield, bring in, gross, reap, procure The eight-year bond will bear annual interest of 10.5%.
10. give birth to, produce, deliver, breed, bring forth, beget, be delivered of She bore a son called Karl.
11. exhibit, hold, maintain, entertain, harbour, cherish She bore no ill will. If they didn't like her, too bad.
12. conduct, move, carry, deport There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.
13. turn, tack, veer, swerve, change direction, change course, shift, sheer Go left on the A107 and bear left into Seven Sisters Road.
bear down on someone advance on, attack, approach, move towards, close in on, converge on, move in on, come near to, draw near to A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on her.
bear down on something or someone press down, push, strain, crush, compress, weigh down, encumber She felt as if a great weight was bearing down on her shoulders.
bear on something be relevant to, involve, concern, affect, regard, refer to, be part of, relate to, belong to, apply to, be appropriate, bear on, befit, pertain to, touch upon, appertain to The remaining 32 examples do not bear on our problem.
bear something out support, prove, confirm, justify, endorse, uphold, vindicate, validate, substantiate, corroborate, legitimize His photographs do not quite bear this out.
bear up cope, suffer, manage, survive, carry on, persevere, bear the brunt, grin and bear it (informal), take it on the chin (informal), hold your own, keep your chin up, go through the mill She felt that she would be unable to bear up under the pain.
bear with someone be patient with, suffer, wait for, hold on (informal), stand by, tolerate, put up with (informal), make allowances for, hang fire If you'll bear with me, Frank, I can explain everything.


2 noun
Related words
adjective ursine
young cub
collective noun sloth
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To hold up:
2. To sustain the weight of:
3. To hold on one's person:
Informal: pack.
4. To move while supporting:
Informal: tote.
Slang: schlep.
5. To cause to come along with oneself:
6. To hold and turn over in the mind:
7. To be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form:
8. To conduct oneself in a specified way:
9. To put up with:
Informal: lump.
Idioms: take it, take it lying down.
10. To give birth to:
Chiefly Regional: birth.
Idiom: be brought abed of.
11. To bring forth (a product):
12. To exert pressure:
13. To proceed in a specified direction:
phrasal verb
bear on or upon
To be pertinent:
Idioms: have a bearing on, have to do with.
phrasal verb
bear out
1. To assure the certainty or validity of:
phrasal verb
bear up
To withstand stress or difficulty:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
להולידלהכריזלהעלות נושאלהציגלסחוב
björnfæîa, bera, alaòolaòola, afberasveigja, liggja, stefna
chịu đựngcon gấu


1 [bɛəʳ]
A. N
1. (= animal) → oso/a m/f (fig) (= man) → grandullón m
he was a huge bear of a manera un hombre grande como un oso
the Great/Little Bearla Osa Mayor/Menor
to be like a bear with a sore headestar de un humor de perros
to be loaded for bear (US) → estar dispuesto para el ataque
see also brown E
see also grizzly, polar
2. (also teddy bear) → osito m de peluche
3. (Fin) (= pessimistic trader) → bajista mf
B. CPD bear baiting N espectáculo en el que se azuzan a unos perros contra un oso
bear cub Nosezno m
bear garden N (fig) → manicomio m, casa f de locos
bear hug Nfuerte abrazo m
bear market N (Fin) → mercado m bajista
bear pit N (fig) → manicomio m, casa f de locos


2 [bɛəʳ] (bore (pt) (borne (pp)))
1. (= support) [+ weight] → aguantar, sostener
see also -bearing
2. (= take on) [+ cost] → correr con, pagar; [+ responsibility] → cargar con (fig) [+ burden] → soportar
the government bears some responsibility for this crisisel gobierno tiene parte de responsabilidad en esta crisis
he bore no responsibility for what had happenedno era responsable de lo que había pasado
they bear most of the responsibility for elderly relativescargan con la mayor parte de la responsabilidad de atender a familiares ancianos
3. (= endure) [+ pain, suspense] → soportar, aguantar
I can't bear the suspenseno puedo soportar or aguantar el suspense
I can't bear himno lo puedo verno lo soporto or aguanto
the dog can't bear being shut inel perro no soporta estar encerrado
I can't bear to lookno puedo mirar
he can't bear to talk about itno puede hablar de ello
he can't bear to see her sufferno soporta verla sufrir
see also brunt
4. (= bring) [+ news, gift] → traer
a letter bearing important newsuna carta que trae/traía importantes noticias
5. (= carry) → llevar, portar (liter)
protesters bearing placardsmanifestantes mfpl llevando or portando pancartas
to bear arms (frm) → portar armas (frm)
he bore himself like a soldier (posture) → tenía un porte soldadesco; (behaviour) → se comportó como un verdadero soldado
there was dignity in the way he bore himselfhabía dignidad en su porte
6. (= have, display) [+ signature, date, message, title] → llevar; [+ mark, scar] → conservar
his ideas bore little relation to realitysus ideas no tenían mucha relación con la realidad
she bore no resemblance to the girl I knew 20 years agono se parecía en nada a la chica que había conocido 20 años atrás
the room bore all the signs of a violent struggleel cuarto conservaba todas las huellas de una riña violenta
to bear a grudgeguardar rencor
she bears him no ill-will (grudge) → no le guarda rencor; (hostility) → no siente ninguna animadversión hacia él
see also witness A2
see also mind A3
7. (= stand up to) [+ examination] → resistir
her story won't bear scrutinysu historia no resistirá un análisis
it doesn't bear thinking aboutda horror sólo pensarlo
the film bears comparison with far more expensive productionsla película puede compararse con producciones mucho más caras
8. (liter) (= produce) [+ fruit] → dar (frm) [+ child] → dar a luz a (Fin) [+ interest] → devengar
her hard work bore fruit when she was promotedsus esfuerzos dieron fruto cuando la ascendieron
she bore him a daughterle dio una hija
1. (= move) to bear (to the) right/lefttorcer or girar a la derecha/izquierda
2. to bear on sth (= relate to) → guardar relación con algo, tener que ver con algo; (= influence) → influir en algo
see also bring 2
3. (= afflict) his misdeeds bore heavily on his consciencesus fechorías le pesaban en la conciencia
bear away VT + ADVllevarse
injured people were borne away in ambulancesse llevaron a los heridos en ambulancias
the wreckage was borne away by or on the tidelos restos del naufragio fueron arrastrados por la corriente
bear down VI + ADV
1. (= come closer) to bear down on sth/sbecharse encima a algo/algn
the ferry was bearing down on usel ferry se nos echaba encima
2. (= press down) → presionar
you have to bear down hard on the screwhay que apretar fuerte el tornillo
3. (= push) (in childbirth) → empujar
bear in on bear in upon VI + ADV + PREP (frm) after half an hour it was borne in (up)on him that no one was listeningdespués de media hora cayó en la cuenta de que or se percató de que nadie le estaba escuchando
bear off VT + ADV = bear away
bear on VI + PREP [+ person] → interesar; [+ subject] → tener que ver con
bear out VT + ADVconfirmar
the facts seem to bear out her storylos hechos parecen confirmar su historia
their prediction was not borne out by eventssus predicciones no se vieron confirmadas por los sucesos
perhaps you can bear me out on this, Alan?Alan, ¿me puedes confirmar que estoy en lo cierto?
bear up VI + ADV how are you bearing up?¿qué tal ese ánimo?
she's bearing up well under the circumstanceslo está llevando bien dadas las circunstancias
"how are you?" - "bearing up!"-¿qué tal? -¡voy aguantando!
bear up! it's nearly over¡ánimo, que ya queda poco!
the children bore up well during the visit to the museumlos niños aguantaron bien la vista al museo
bear with VI + PREPtener paciencia con
thank you for bearing with us during this difficult timegracias por tener paciencia con nosotros en estos tiempos difíciles
if I repeat myself, please bear with meles ruego que tengan paciencia si me repito
bear with it, it gets betterten un poco de paciencia or aguanta un poco, ya verás como mejora
if you'll bear with me, I'll explainsi esperas un poco, te explico
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= animal) → ours m
(STOCK EXCHANGE)baissier m bear market
vb [bore] [ˈbɔːr] (pt) [borne] [ˈbɔːrn] (pp)
(= carry) [+ object, burden] → porter
to bear sth somewhere → porter qch quelque part
(= support) [+ weight] → supporter
(= take) to bear responsibility → porter la responsabilité
to bear responsibility for sth → assumer la responsabilité de qch
to bear the responsibility of doing sth → être responsable de faire qch
(= endure) → supporter
I can't bear him → Je ne peux pas le supporter., Je ne peux pas le souffrir.
I can't bear it!
BUT C'est insupportable!.
I can't bear to do ... → je ne peux pas faire ...
How can you bear to talk to him? → Comment est-ce que tu peux lui parler?
to bear no resemblance to sth → n'avoir aucun rapport avec qch
to bear little relation to sth → n'avoir que peu de rapport avec qch, avoir peu de rapport avec qch
(= show) [+ traces] → porter
The room bore all the signs of a violent struggle
BUT L'état de la pièce indiquait qu'une violente bagarre y avait eu lieu.
The houses bear the marks of bullet holes
BUT Les maisons gardent la trace d'impacts de balles.
to bear the cost of sth (= pay for) → prendre qch à sa charge
(= stand up to) [+ examination, scrutiny] → résister à
to bear comparison with → soutenir la comparaison avec
(= feel towards) to bear sb ill will → en vouloir à qn
(= give birth to) to bear a child → donner naissance à
(= produce) to bear fruit [tree, plant] → donner des fruits; [action] → porter ses fruits
(= earn) [+ interest] → rapporter
(= go) to bear left → obliquer à gauche, se diriger vers la gauche
to bear right → obliquer à droite, se diriger vers la droite
to bring pressure to bear on sb → faire pression sur qn
to bring sth to bear on sth (= use to deal with sth) → faire peser qch sur qch
bear down
(= rush towards) to bear down on sb/sth → se ruer sur qn/qch
to bear down on sth (= weigh heavily on) → peser sur qch
bear out
vt sep (= support) [+ theory, suspicion, claim] → confirmer; [+ person] → appuyer
bear up
vitenir le coup
He bore up well → Il a tenu le coup.
bear up! → tiens bon!
to bear up under pain → supporter la douleur
bear with
vt fus
bear with me a minute → un moment, s'il vous plaît
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nBärenhatz f
bear cub
nBärenjunge(s) nt


bear garden
n (Brit) → Tollhaus nt
bear hug
nungestüme Umarmung; (Wrestling) → Klammer f, → Umklammerung f


bear market
n (St Ex) → Baisse f
bear paw
n (US inf: Mot) → Park-, Radkralle f
nBärengehege nt


1 pret <bore>, ptp <borne>
(= carry) burden, armstragen; gift, messagebei sich tragen, mit sich führen; to bear away/backmitnehmen/mit (sich) zurücknehmen; (through the air) → fort- or wegtragen/zurücktragen; the music was borne/borne away on the wind (liter)die Musik wurde vom Wind weiter-/weggetragen; he was borne along by the crowddie Menge trug ihn mit (sich)
(= show) inscription, signaturetragen; mark, traces also, likeness, relationaufweisen, zeigen ? witness
(= be known by) name, titletragen, führen
(= have in heart or mind) loveempfinden, in sich (dat)tragen; hatred, grudge alsohegen (geh); the love/hatred he bore herdie Liebe, die er für sie empfand/der Hass, den er gegen sie hegte (geh)or empfand ? mind
(lit, fig: = support, sustain) weight, expense, responsibilitytragen; to bear examination/comparisoneiner Prüfung/einem Vergleich standhalten; it doesn’t bear thinking aboutman darf gar nicht daran denken; his language doesn’t bear repeatingseine Ausdrucksweise lässt sich nicht wiederholen
(= endure, tolerate)ertragen; (with neg also) → ausstehen, leiden; painaushalten; criticism, jokingvertragen; smell, noise etcaushalten, vertragen; she can’t bear flyingsie kann einfach nicht fliegen; she can’t bear doing nothingsie kann einfach nicht untätig sein; she can’t bear being laughed atsie kann es nicht vertragen, wenn man über sie lacht; could you bear to stay a little longer?können Sie es noch ein bisschen länger hier aushalten?
(= produce, yield fruit etc)tragen ? interest
(= give birth to)gebären ? born
(= move) to bear right/left/northsich rechts/links/nach Norden halten; to bear away or off (Naut) → abdrehen
(fruit tree etc)tragen
to bring one’s energies/powers of persuasion to bearseine Energie/Überzeugungskraft aufwenden (on für); to bring one’s mind to bear on somethingseinen Verstand or Geist für etw anstrengen; to bring pressure to bear on somebody/somethingDruck auf jdn/etw ausüben
vrsich halten; he bore himself with dignityer hat Würde gezeigt


Bär m; (fig: = person) → Brummbär m (inf); he is like a bear with a sore header ist ein richtiger Brummbär (inf)
(Astron) the Great/Little Bearder Große/Kleine Bär or Wagen
(St Ex) → Baissespekulant m, → Baissier m
vi (St Ex) → auf Baisse spekulieren
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [bɛəʳ] (bore (vb: pt) (borne (pp)))
1. vt
a. (carry, burden, signature, date, name) → portare; (news, message) → recare; (000, traces, signs) → mostrare
to bear some resemblance to → somigliare a
he bore himself like a soldier (of posture) → aveva un portamento militare (of behaviour) → si comportò da soldato
the love he bore her → l'amore che le portava
to bear sb ill will → portare or serbare rancore a qn
b. (support, weight) → reggere, sostenere; (cost) → sostenere; (responsibility) → assumere; (comparison) → reggere a
the roof couldn't bear the weight of the snow → il tetto non ha retto il or al peso della neve
c. (endure, pain) → sopportare; (stand up to, inspection, examination) → reggere a
it won't bear close examination → non bisogna guardarlo troppo da vicino
I can't bear him → non lo posso soffrire or sopportare
I can't bear to look → non ho il coraggio di guardare
it doesn't bear thinking about → non ci si può neanche pensare
d. (produce, fruit) → produrre, dare; (young) → partorire; (child) → generare, dare alla luce (Fin) (interest) → fruttare
2. vi
a. (move) to bear right/leftandare a destra/sinistra, piegare a destra/sinistra
to bear away (Naut) → poggiare
b. to bring sth to bear (on) (influence, powers of persuasion) → esercitare qc (su)
to bring pressure to bear on sb → fare pressione su qn
to bring one's mind to bear on sth → concentrarsi su qc
bear down vi + adv to bear down (on) (ship) → venire dritto (contro); (person) → stare per piombare addosso (a)
bear on vi + prep (frm) → essere in relazione con
bear out vt + adv (theory, suspicion) → confermare, convalidare; (person) → dare il proprio appoggio a
bear up vi + advfarsi coraggio
he bore up well under the strain → ha sopportato bene lo stress
bear with vi + prep (sb's moods, temper) → sopportare (con pazienza)
bear with me a minute → solo un attimo, prego
if you'll bear with me ... → se ha la cortesia di aspettare (un attimo) ...


2 [bɛəʳ] norso/a (Stock Exchange) → ribassista m/f
the Great Bear (Astron) → l'Orsa Maggiore
to be like a bear with a sore head (hum) → avere la luna di traverso
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(beə) past tense bore (boː) : past participle borne (boːn) verb
1. (usually with cannot, ~could not etc) to put up with or endure. I couldn't bear it if he left.
2. to be able to support. Will the table bear my weight?
3. (past participle in passive born (boːn) ) to produce (children). She has borne (him) several children; She was born on July 7.
4. to carry. He was borne shoulder-high after his victory.
5. to have. The cheque bore his signature.
6. to turn or fork. The road bears left here.
ˈbearable adjective
able to be endured.
ˈbearer noun
a person or thing that bears. the bearer of bad news.
ˈbearing noun
1. manner, way of standing etc. a military bearing.
2. (usually in plural. sometimes short for ˌball-ˈbearings) a part of a machine that has another part moving in or on it.
ˈbearings noun plural
location, place on a map etc; The island's bearings are 10 North, 24 West.
bear down on
1. to approach quickly and often threateningly. The angry teacher bore down on the child.
2. to exert pressure on. The weight is bearing down on my chest.
bear fruit
to produce fruit.
bear out
to support or confirm. This bears out what you said.
bear up
to keep up courage, strength etc (under strain). She's bearing up well after her shock.
bear with
to be patient with (someone). Bear with me for a minute, and you'll see what I mean.
find/get one's bearings
to find one's position with reference to eg a known landmark. If we can find this hill, I'll be able to get my bearings.
lose one's bearings
to become uncertain of one's position. He's confused me so much that I've lost my bearings completely.


(beə) noun
a large heavy animal with thick fur and hooked claws.
ˈbearskin noun, adjective
(of) the skin of a bear.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


دُبّ, يَحْتَمِلُ medvěd, nést bære, bjørn Bär, ertragen ανέχομαι, αρκούδα oso, portar, soportar kantaa, karhu ours, supporter medvjed, nositi orso, portare クマ, 支える, 받치다 beer, dragen bære, bjørn niedźwiedź, przenieść carregar, urso медведь, нести bära, björn ทน, หมี ayı, taşımak chịu đựng, con g��u , 负担
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi. soportar; aguantar;
___ downpujar, empujar hacia afuera con fuerza;
___ a childdar a luz, estar de parto.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vt (pret bore; pp borne) tolerar, aguantar, soportar; (to give birth to) dar a luz; child-bearing age edad fértil; to — down pujar; Bear down as if you were having a bowel movement.. Puje como si estuviera defecando (haciendo popó); to — weight soportar peso; You shouldn’t bear weight with your left leg for two weeks..No debe soportar peso con su pierna izquierda durante dos semanas.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Once in summer-time the bear and the wolf were walking in the forest, and the bear heard a bird singing so beautifully that he said:
The father of Keesh had been a very brave man, but he had met his death in a time of famine, when he sought to save the lives of his people by taking the life of a great polar bear. In his eagerness he came to close grapples with the bear, and his bones were crushed; but the bear had much meat on him and the people were saved.
Our greatest Champion, Overman-Anu, once climbed the spiral stairway and fought nine days with the Gargoyles before he could escape them and come back; but he could never be induced to describe the dreadful creatures, and soon afterward a bear caught him and ate him up."
The grizzly bear is the only really formidable quadruped of our continent.
BUT never was a fight managed so hardily, and in such a surprising manner as that which followed between Friday and the bear, which gave us all, though at first we were surprised and afraid for him, the greatest diversion imaginable.
A HUNTER who had lassoed a Bear was trying to disengage himself from the rope, but the slip-knot about his wrist would not yield, for the Bear was all the time pulling in the slack with his paws.
TWO MEN were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on their path.
This one wore the head of a bear. In his hand he bore a brass hoop.
It happened she had once had a big blue bear for a pet; but the bear choked to death on a fishbone one day, and she loved it so dearly that Dyna made a rug of its skin, leaving the head and four paws on the hide.
"He thought he saw a Coach-and-Four That stood beside his bed: He looked again, and found it was A Bear without a Head.
Then we set out in search of the great, shaggy cave bear of the higher altitudes.
How could the soil thy father eared so long Endure to bear in silence such a wrong?