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v. car·ried, car·ry·ing, car·ries
1. To hold or support while moving; bear: carried the baby in my arms; carrying a heavy backpack.
a. To move or take from one place to another; transport: a train carrying freight; a courier carrying messages.
b. Chiefly Southern US To escort or accompany.
3. To serve as a means for the conveyance of; transmit: pipes that carry waste water; a bridge that carries traffic between the two cities.
a. To communicate; pass on: The news was carried by word of mouth to every settlement.
b. To express or contain: harsh words that carried a threat of violence.
5. To have (something) on the surface or skin; bear: carries scars from acne.
6. To hold or be capable of holding: The tank carries 16 gallons when full.
a. To support (a weight or responsibility).
b. To support the weight or responsibility of: a beam that carries the floor; a student who carries a heavy course load.
8. To keep or have on one's person: stopped carrying credit cards.
9. To be pregnant with (offspring).
a. To hold and move (the body or a part of it) in a particular way: carried her head proudly.
b. To behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner.
11. To extend or continue in space, time, or degree: carried the line to the edge of the page; carry a joke too far.
a. To give impetus to; propel: The wind carried the ball over the fence.
b. To take further; advance: carry a cause.
13. To take or seize, especially by force; capture.
a. To be successful in; win: lost the game but carried the match.
b. To gain victory, support, or acceptance for: The motion was carried in a close vote.
c. To win a majority of the votes in: Roosevelt carried all but two states in the 1936 presidential election.
d. To gain the sympathy of; win over: The amateurs' enthusiasm carried the audience.
15. To include or keep on a list: carried a dozen workers on the payroll.
a. To have as an attribute or accompaniment: an appliance carrying a full-year guarantee.
b. To involve as a condition, consequence, or effect: The crime carried a five-year sentence.
17. Physics To possess (an intrinsic property, such as color charge) or convey (a force) that governs particle interactions.
18. To transfer from one place, as a column, page, or book, to another: carry a number in addition.
19. To keep in stock; offer for sale: a store that carries a full line of electronic equipment.
20. To keep in one's accounts as a debtor: carried the unemployed customer for 90 days.
a. To maintain or support (one that is weaker or less competent, for example).
b. To compensate for (a weaker member or partner) by one's performance.
22. To place before the public; print or broadcast: The morning papers carried the story. The press conference was carried by all networks.
23. To produce as a crop.
24. To provide forage for (livestock): land that carries sheep.
25. To sing (a melody, for example) on key: carry a tune.
26. Nautical To be equipped with (a mast or sail).
27. Sports
a. To cover (a distance) or advance beyond (a point or object) in one golf stroke.
b. To control and advance (a ball or puck).
c. Basketball To palm (the ball) in violation of the rules.
1. To act as a bearer: teach a dog to fetch and carry.
2. To be transmitted or conveyed: a voice that carries well.
3. To admit of being transported: Unbalanced loads do not carry easily.
4. To hold the neck and head in a certain way. Used of a horse.
5. To be accepted or approved: The proposal carried by a wide margin.
n. pl. car·ries
a. The act or process of carrying.
b. A portage, as between two navigable bodies of water.
c. Football An act of running with the ball on an offensive play from scrimmage: a carry of six yards.
a. The range of a gun or projectile.
b. The distance traveled by a hurled or struck ball.
c. Reach; projection: "a voice that had far more carry to it than at any time in the term thus far" (Jimmy Breslin).
Phrasal Verbs:
carry away
To move or excite greatly: was carried away by desire.
carry forward
Accounting To transfer (an entry) to the next column, page, or book, or to another account.
carry off
1. To cause the death of: was carried off by a fever.
2. To handle successfully: carried off the difficult situation with aplomb.
carry on
1. To conduct; maintain: carry on a thriving business.
2. To engage in: carry on a love affair.
3. To continue without halting; persevere: carry on in the face of disaster.
4. To behave in an excited, improper, or silly manner.
carry out
1. To put into practice or effect: carry out a new policy.
2. To follow or obey: carry out instructions.
3. To bring to a conclusion; accomplish: carried out the mission successfully.
carry over
1. Accounting
a. To transfer (an account) to the next column, page, or book relating to the same account.
b. To retain (merchandise or other goods) for a subsequent, usually the next, season.
2. To deduct (an unused tax credit or a loss, for example) for taxable income of a subsequent period.
3. To persist to another time or situation: The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work.
carry through
1. To accomplish; complete: carry a project through despite difficulties.
2. To survive; persist: prejudices that have carried through over the centuries.
3. To enable to endure; sustain: a faith that carried them through the ordeal.
carry (someone's) water
To support someone, especially in an submissive or uncritical manner.
carry the ball Informal
To assume the leading role; do most of the work.
carry the day
To be victorious or successful.

[Middle English carien, from Old North French carier, from carre, cart; see car.]
Synonyms: carry, bear1, convey, transport
These verbs mean to move while holding or supporting something. Carry is the most general: The hikers were carrying backpacks and sleeping bags. The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. Bear can denote the movement of heavy loads: The river barges bore grain and coal downriver. It can also suggest formality or ceremony: The sergeant at arms entered the chamber bearing the mace. Convey often implies continuous movement or flow: A moving belt conveyed the parts along the assembly line. Transport emphasizes movement of goods or people from one place to another: Refrigerated trucks were used to transport the milk from farm to market. Buses stood by to transport the evacuees to area shelters.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly tr) , -ries, -rying or -ried
1. (also intr) to take or bear (something) from one place to another: to carry a baby in one's arms.
2. to transfer for consideration; take: he carried his complaints to her superior.
3. to have on one's person: he always carries a watch.
4. (also intr) to be transmitted or serve as a medium for transmitting: sound carries best over water.
5. to contain or be capable of containing: the jug carries water.
6. to bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure, or responsibility of: her efforts carry the whole production.
7. to have as an attribute or result: this crime carries a heavy penalty.
8. to bring or communicate: to carry news.
9. (also intr) to be pregnant with (young): she is carrying her third child.
10. to bear (the head, body, etc) in a specified manner: she carried her head high.
11. to conduct or bear (oneself) in a specified manner: she carried herself well in a difficult situation.
12. to continue or extend: the war was carried into enemy territory.
13. to cause to move or go: desire for riches carried him to the city.
14. to influence, esp by emotional appeal: his words carried the crowd.
15. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to secure the passage of (a bill, motion, etc)
16. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to win (an election)
17. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to obtain victory for (a candidate or measure) in an election
18. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) chiefly US to win a plurality or majority of votes in (a district, legislative body, etc): the candidate carried 40 states.
19. to capture: our troops carried the town.
20. (Communications & Information) (of communications media) to include as the content: this newspaper carries no book reviews.
21. (Accounting & Book-keeping) accounting to transfer (an item) to another account, esp to transfer to the following year's account instead of writing off against profit and loss: to carry a loss. Also (esp US): carry over
22. (Mathematics) maths to transfer (a number) from one column of figures to the next, as from units to tens in multiplication and addition
23. (Commerce) (of a shop, trader, etc) to keep in stock: to carry confectionery.
24. (Music, other) to support (a musical part or melody) against the other parts
25. (Agriculture) to sustain (livestock): this land will carry twelve ewes to the acre.
26. (Agriculture) to maintain (livestock) in good health but without increasing their weight or obtaining any products from them
27. (intr) (of a ball, projectile, etc) to travel through the air or reach a specified point: his first drive carried to the green.
28. (Golf) sport esp golf (of a ball) to travel beyond: the drive carried the trees.
29. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (intr) (of a gun) to have a range as specified: this rifle carries for 1200 yards.
30. (Hunting) to retain contact with and pursue (a line of scent)
31. (Hunting) (intr) (of ground) to be in such a condition that scent lies well upon it
32. (Hockey (Field & Ice)) ice hockey to move (the puck) forwards, keeping it against the blade of the stick
33. informal to imbibe (alcoholic drink) without showing ill effects
34. (Recreational Drugs) (intr) slang to have drugs on one's person
35. carry all before one to win unanimous support or approval for oneself
36. (Music, other) carry a tune to be able to sing in tune
37. carry the can informal to take the responsibility for some misdemeanour, etc (on behalf of)
38. carry the day to win a contest or competition; succeed
n, pl -ries
39. the act of carrying
40. US and Canadian a portion of land over which a boat must be portaged
41. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the range of a firearm or its projectile
42. (Golf) the distance travelled by a ball, etc, esp (in golf) the distance from where the ball is struck to where it first touches the ground
[C14 carien, from Old Northern French carier to move by vehicle, from car, from Latin carrum transport wagon; see car]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkær i)

v. -ried, -ry•ing, v.t.
1. to move while supporting or holding; take from one place to another; transport: to carry groceries home.
2. to wear, hold, or have around one: to carry a cane.
3. to contain or be capable of containing; hold: This suitcase can carry enough clothes for a week.
4. to serve as a medium for the transmission of: The networks carried her speech.
5. to be the means of conveying: The space shuttle carried a satellite.
6. to be pregnant with.
7. to continue or transfer to a subsequent time, page, or column: to carry a number in adding.
8. to transfer to a higher authority: to carry a case to appellate court.
9. to bear the weight or burden of.
10. to sing (a melody) on pitch.
11. to hold (the body or head) in a certain manner.
12. to bear or comport (oneself) in a specified manner: carries herself with dignity.
13. to secure the passage of (a motion or bill).
14. to gain a majority of votes in (a district).
15. to extend in a given direction or to a certain point: to carry the war into enemy territory.
16. to transmit or communicate, as news or a message.
17. to influence by emotional or intellectual appeal.
18. to uplift or dominate by superior talent or determination: The star carried the play.
19. to drive or impel.
20. to have as an attribute or consequence: Violation carries a stiff penalty.
a. to keep on hand or in stock for sale.
b. to keep on the account books.
22. to bear as a crop.
23. to sustain or support, esp. financially.
24. to advance beyond (an object or expanse) with one golf stroke.
25. to act as a bearer or conductor.
26. to have or exert propelling force.
27. to be transmitted, propelled, or sustained: Sounds carry well in the desert.
28. (of a horse) to bear the head in a particular manner.
29. to rush with the football from scrimmage.
30. carry away, to stir strong emotions in; provoke to excessive behavior: Don't get carried away - it's only a movie.
31. carry back, to apply (an unused credit or operating loss) to the net income of a prior period in order to reduce the tax for that period.
32. carry off,
a. to win (a prize or honor).
b. to cause the death of.
c. to deal with successfully.
33. carry on,
a. to manage; conduct.
b. to continue without stopping; persevere.
c. to be disruptive; act up.
34. carry out,
a. to put into operation; execute.
b. to effect or accomplish; complete.
35. carry over,
a. to hold until a later time; postpone.
b. to remain.
c. to carry forward.
d. to extend from one activity or time to another.
36. carry through,
a. to accomplish; complete.
b. to support or help through a difficult situation.
c. to be prevalent in.
37. range, as of a gun.
38. the distance a stroked golf ball travels.
39. land between navigable waters over which a canoe or boat must be carried; portage.
40. rushing with the football from scrimmage.
41. a carrying.
[1275–1325; carien < Anglo-French carier < Late Latin carricāre, appar. variant of *carrūcāre, derivative of Latin carrūca traveling carriage < Celtic]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'carry' and 'take'

Carry and take are usually used to say that someone moves a person or thing from one place to another. When you use carry, you are showing that the person or thing is quite heavy.

He picked up his suitcase and carried it into the bedroom.
My father carried us on his shoulders.
She gave me some books to take home.
2. transport

You can also say that a ship, train, or lorry is carrying goods of a particular kind. Similarly you can say that a plane, ship, train, or bus is carrying passengers.

We passed tankers carrying crude oil.
The aircraft was carrying 145 passengers and crew.

Take can be used in a similar way, but only if you say where someone or something is being taken to. You can say, for example, 'The ship was taking crude oil to Rotterdam', but you can't just say 'The ship was taking crude oil'.

This is the first of several aircraft to take British aid to the area.

You can say that a smaller vehicle such as a car takes you somewhere.

The taxi took him back to the station.

Be Careful!
Don't say that a small vehicle 'carries' you somewhere.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: carried
Gerund: carrying

I carry
you carry
he/she/it carries
we carry
you carry
they carry
I carried
you carried
he/she/it carried
we carried
you carried
they carried
Present Continuous
I am carrying
you are carrying
he/she/it is carrying
we are carrying
you are carrying
they are carrying
Present Perfect
I have carried
you have carried
he/she/it has carried
we have carried
you have carried
they have carried
Past Continuous
I was carrying
you were carrying
he/she/it was carrying
we were carrying
you were carrying
they were carrying
Past Perfect
I had carried
you had carried
he/she/it had carried
we had carried
you had carried
they had carried
I will carry
you will carry
he/she/it will carry
we will carry
you will carry
they will carry
Future Perfect
I will have carried
you will have carried
he/she/it will have carried
we will have carried
you will have carried
they will have carried
Future Continuous
I will be carrying
you will be carrying
he/she/it will be carrying
we will be carrying
you will be carrying
they will be carrying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been carrying
you have been carrying
he/she/it has been carrying
we have been carrying
you have been carrying
they have been carrying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been carrying
you will have been carrying
he/she/it will have been carrying
we will have been carrying
you will have been carrying
they will have been carrying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been carrying
you had been carrying
he/she/it had been carrying
we had been carrying
you had been carrying
they had been carrying
I would carry
you would carry
he/she/it would carry
we would carry
you would carry
they would carry
Past Conditional
I would have carried
you would have carried
he/she/it would have carried
we would have carried
you would have carried
they would have carried
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.carry - the act of carrying somethingcarry - the act of carrying something  
transfer, transferral, transportation, conveyance, transport - the act of moving something from one location to another
backpacking, packing - carrying something in a pack on the back; "the backpacking of oxygen is essential for astronauts"
piggyback - the act of carrying something piggyback
fireman's carry - the act of carrying a person over your shoulder
portage - carrying boats and supplies overland
porterage - the transportation of burdens by porters
Verb1.carry - move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's bodycarry - move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
carry - pass on a communication; "The news was carried to every village in the province"
shoulder - carry a burden, either real or metaphoric; "shoulder the burden"
port - carry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons; "port a rifle"
carry - propel or give impetus to; "The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence"
bear - move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
bucket - carry in a bucket
return - make a return; "return a kickback"
pipe in - transport to a destiny through pipes; "We have to pipe in oil"
port - carry, bear, convey, or bring; "The small canoe could be ported easily"
porter - carry luggage or supplies; "They portered the food up Mount Kilimanjaro for the tourists"
pack - carry, as on one's back; "Pack your tents to the top of the mountain"
cart - transport something in a cart
fly - transport by aeroplane; "We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America"
haul - transport in a vehicle; "haul stones from the quarry in a truck"; "haul vegetables to the market"
lug, tote, tug - carry with difficulty; "You'll have to lug this suitcase"
move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"
chariot - transport in a chariot
bring, convey, take - take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point"
2.carry - have with oneself; have on one's person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
carry - have or possess something abstract; "I carry her image in my mind's eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"
3.carry - transmit or serve as the medium for transmissioncarry - transmit or serve as the medium for transmission; "Sound carries well over water"; "The airwaves carry the sound"; "Many metals conduct heat"
convey, express, carry - serve as a means for expressing something; "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot of anger"
bring, convey, take - take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point"
wash up - carry somewhere (of water or current or waves); "The tide washed up the corpse"
pipe in - bring in through pipes; "Music was piped into the offices"
bring in - transmit; "The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine"
retransmit - transmit again
carry - be conveyed over a certain distance; "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"
4.carry - serve as a means for expressing something; "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot of anger"
measure, quantify - express as a number or measure or quantity; "Can you quantify your results?"
communicate, intercommunicate - transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
channel, transmit, carry, impart, conduct, convey - transmit or serve as the medium for transmission; "Sound carries well over water"; "The airwaves carry the sound"; "Many metals conduct heat"
5.carry - bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
hold up, support, sustain, hold - be the physical support of; carry the weight of; "The beam holds up the roof"; "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"; "What's holding that mirror?"
carry - compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance; "I resent having to carry her all the time"
carry - keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"
6.carry - support or hold in a certain mannercarry - support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
sling - hold or carry in a sling; "he cannot button his shirt with his slinged arm"
stoop - carry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward; "The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane"
piggyback - support on the back and shoulders; "He piggybacked her child so she could see the show"
balance, poise - hold or carry in equilibrium
deport, comport, acquit, behave, conduct, bear, carry - behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
7.carry - contain or holdcarry - contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"
include - have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"
contain, hold, take - be capable of holding or containing; "This box won't take all the items"; "The flask holds one gallon"
retain - hold back within; "This soil retains water"; "I retain this drug for a long time"; "the dam retains the water"
hold in, enclose, confine - close in; darkness enclosed him"
8.carry - extend to a certain degree; "carry too far"; "She carries her ideas to the extreme"
effect - act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"
9.carry - continue or extend; "The civil war carried into the neighboring province"; "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces"
continue - exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather continued for two more weeks"
prolong, protract, draw out, extend - lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight"
extend - prolong the time allowed for payment of; "extend the loan"
10.carry - be necessarily associated with or result in or involve; "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"
involve, imply - have as a necessary feature; "This decision involves many changes"
carry - have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence; "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mother's genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"
11.carry - win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
win - be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
carry - be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
persuade, sway, carry - win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters"
12.carry - include, as on a list; "How many people are carried on the payroll?"
include - consider as part of something; "I include you in the list of culprits"
13.carry - behave in a certain mannercarry - behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
carry, bear, hold - support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
fluster - be flustered; behave in a confused manner
act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
put forward, assert - insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!"
deal - behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
walk around - behave in a certain manner or have certain properties; "He walks around with his nose in the air"; "She walks around with this strange boyfriend"
posture, pose - behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"
14.carry - have on hand; "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"
have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
15.carry - include as the content; broadcast or publicize; "We ran the ad three times"; "This paper carries a restaurant review"; "All major networks carried the press conference"
disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, broadcast, circularise, circularize, spread, disperse, propagate, distribute - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
16.carry - propel, "Carry the ball"; "dribble the ball"
athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
hit - cause to move by striking; "hit a ball"
17.carry - pass on a communication; "The news was carried to every village in the province"
communicate, pass along, put across, pass on, pass - transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news"
carry, transport - move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
18.carry - have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence; "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mother's genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
carry - be necessarily associated with or result in or involve; "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"
19.carry - be conveyed over a certain distance; "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"
channel, transmit, carry, impart, conduct, convey - transmit or serve as the medium for transmission; "Sound carries well over water"; "The airwaves carry the sound"; "Many metals conduct heat"
range - have a range; be capable of projecting over a certain distance, as of a gun; "This gun ranges over two miles"
20.carry - keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"
maintain, sustain, keep - supply with necessities and support; "She alone sustained her family"; "The money will sustain our good cause"; "There's little to earn and many to keep"
carry - bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
21.carry - have or possess something abstract; "I carry her image in my mind's eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"
have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
carry, pack, take - have with oneself; have on one's person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"
22.carry - be equipped with (a mast or sail); "This boat can only carry a small sail"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
23.carry - win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters"
carry - win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
act upon, influence, work - have and exert influence or effect; "The artist's work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"
24.carry - compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance; "I resent having to carry her all the time"
carry - bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, compensate, correct, make up - adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
25.carry - take further or advance; "carry a cause"
encourage, promote, further, boost, advance - contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
26.carry - have on the surface or on the skin; "carry scars"
bear - have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
27.carry - capture after a fight; "The troops carried the town after a brief fight"
appropriate, conquer, seize, capture - take possession of by force, as after an invasion; "the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants"; "The army seized the town"; "The militia captured the castle"
28.carry - transfer (entries) from one account book to another
carry - transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication; "put down 5 and carry 2"
transfer - move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital"
29.carry - transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication; "put down 5 and carry 2"
shift, transfer - move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket"
post, carry - transfer (entries) from one account book to another
30.carry - pursue a line of scent or be a bearer; "the dog was taught to fetch and carry"
follow - to travel behind, go after, come after; "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"; "Please follow the guide through the museum"
31.carry - bear (a crop); "this land does not carry olives"
farming, husbandry, agriculture - the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock
carry - be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
farm, produce, raise, grow - cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"; "We raise hogs here"
32.carry - propel or give impetus to; "The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence"
carry, transport - move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
propel, impel - cause to move forward with force; "Steam propels this ship"
33.carry - drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry"
booze, drink, fuddle - consume alcohol; "We were up drinking all night"
34.carry - be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
farm animal, livestock, stock - any animals kept for use or profit
nourish, nurture, sustain - provide with nourishment; "We sustained ourselves on bread and water"; "This kind of food is not nourishing for young children"
carry - bear (a crop); "this land does not carry olives"
35.carry - have a certain range; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
carry - cover a certain distance or advance beyond; "The drive carried to the green"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
36.carry - cover a certain distance or advance beyond; "The drive carried to the green"
golf, golf game - a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes
carry - have a certain range; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
37.carry - secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions); "The motion carried easily"
carry - be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
obtain - come into possession of; "How did you obtain the visa?"
38.carry - be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
win - be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
carry - win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
carry - secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions); "The motion carried easily"
39.carry - sing or play against other voices or parts; "He cannot carry a tune"
perform, do, execute - carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
40.carry - be pregnant withcarry - be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"
birth, give birth, bear, deliver, have - cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
expect - look forward to the birth of a child; "She is expecting in March"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. convey, take, move, bring, bear, lift, transfer, conduct, transport, haul, transmit, fetch, relay, cart, tote (informal), hump (Brit. slang), lug He carried the plate through to the dining room.
2. transport, take, transfer, transmit The ship can carry seventy passengers.
3. support, stand, bear, maintain, shoulder, sustain, hold up, suffer, uphold, bolster, underpin This horse can't carry your weight.
4. transmit, transfer, spread, pass on Frogs eat pests which carry diseases.
5. publish, include, release, display, print, broadcast, communicate, disseminate, give Several magazines carried the story.
6. entail, involve, lead to, occasion, result in The crime of espionage carries the death penalty.
7. be audible, travel, be heard Even in this stillness he doubted if the sound would carry.
8. be expecting, be pregnant with She claims to be carrying his child.
9. win, gain, secure, capture, accomplish It was this point of view that carried the day.
carry on
1. continue, last, endure, persist, keep going, persevere Her bravery has given him the will to carry on.
2. (Informal) make a fuss, act up (informal), misbehave, create (slang), raise Cain She was yelling and screaming and carrying on like an idiot.
3. have an affair, play around, mess around, play away, commit adultery, philander My husband's carrying on with a girl barely older than our daughter.
carry something on engage in, conduct, carry out, undertake, embark on, enter into The consulate will carry on a political dialogue.
carry something out perform, effect, achieve, realize, implement, fulfil, accomplish, execute, discharge, consummate, carry through Commitments have been made with very little intention of carrying them out.
carry something through achieve, effect, finish, complete, perform, carry out, conclude, accomplish, execute, discharge, bring to completion The state announced a clear-cut policy and set out to carry it through.
carry yourself behave, act, conduct yourself, deport yourself, acquit yourself, comport yourself They carried themselves with great pride and dignity.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To move while supporting:
Informal: tote.
Slang: schlep.
2. To cause to come along with oneself:
3. To serve as a conduit:
5. To cause (a disease) to pass to another or others:
6. To hold up:
7. To sustain the weight of:
8. To hold on one's person:
Informal: pack.
9. To conduct oneself in a specified way:
10. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance:
11. To be accepted or approved:
12. To be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form:
13. To have as an accompaniment, a condition, or a consequence:
14. To have for sale:
phrasal verb
carry away
To move or excite greatly:
Slang: send.
phrasal verb
carry off
To cause the death of:
Slang: waste, zap.
phrasal verb
carry on
1. To control the course of (an activity):
2. To involve oneself in (an activity):
Idiom: take part.
3. To engage in (a war or campaign, for example):
4. To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks:
Idioms: hang in there, keep going , keep it up.
5. To show enthusiasm:
6. To behave in a rowdy, improper, or unruly fashion:
Informal: cut up, horse around.
phrasal verb
carry out
1. To oversee the provision or execution of:
2. To engage in (a war or campaign, for example):
3. To compel observance of:
Idioms: put in force, put into action.
4. To act in conformity with:
Idiom: toe the line.
5. To bring about and carry to a successful conclusion:
Informal: swing.
phrasal verb
carry through
To bring about and carry to a successful conclusion:
Informal: swing.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَحْمِلُيَحْمِلُ، يَنْقُلُيَمْشي مَعْتَدِل القامَهيَنْتَقِلُيُوافِقُ عَلى، يُقِرُّ
néstnést s sebounést senést/nositpodpírat
bæreføre sigindebæreledevedtage
berabera sigbera, halda uppiberasthafa, bera meî sér
...을 운반하다
būti susijusiambūti vertinamamdidelis krepšysduoti valią jausmamsgabenti
niesťniesť so sebou


1. (= take) → llevar
I carried the tray into the kitchenllevé la bandeja a la cocina
he carries our lives in his handsnuestras vidas están en sus manos
to carry sth around with onellevar algo consigo
I've been carrying your umbrella around since last weekllevo cargando con tu paraguas desde la semana pasada
as fast as his legs could carry himtan rápido como le permitían sus piernas, a todo correr
to carry one's audience with one (fig) → ganarse al público
to carry sth in one's headtener algo en mente
he carries his drink wellaguanta mucho bebiendo
2. (= support) [+ burden] → sostener
it's too heavy to carrypesa mucho para llevarlo encima or para cargar con ello
3. (= have on one's person) [+ money, documents] → llevar (encima)
he always carries a gunsiempre lleva pistola (encima)
are you carrying any money?¿llevas dinero (encima)?
4. (= transport) [+ goods] → transportar; [+ passengers, message] → llevar
the train does not carry passengersel tren no lleva pasajeros
this bus carries 60 passengerseste autobús tiene asientos para 60 personas
the wind carried the sound to himel viento llevó el sonido hasta él
5. (Comm) (= stock) [+ goods] → tener, tratar en
6. (Med) [+ disease] → transmitir, ser portador de
7. (= involve) [+ consequence] → acarrear; [+ responsibility] → conllevar; [+ interpretation] → encerrar, llevar implícito; [+ meaning] → tener; [+ authority etc] → revestir
the offence carries a £50 finela infracción será penalizada con una multa de 50 libras
a crime which carries the death penaltyun delito que lleva aparejada la pena de muerte
8. (= have, be provided with) [+ guarantee] → tener, llevar; [+ warning] → llevar
9. [newspaper etc] [+ story] → traer, imprimir
both papers carried the storyambos periódicos traían la noticia
this journal does not carry reviewsesta revista no tiene reseñas
10. (= extend) → extender, prolongar
to carry sth too far (fig) → llevar algo demasiado lejos
11. (Math) [+ figure] → llevarse (Fin) [+ interest] → llevar
12. (= approve) [+ motion] → aprobar; [+ proposition] → hacer aceptar
the motion was carriedla moción fue aprobada
13. (= win) [+ election, point] → ganar (Parl) [+ seat] → ganar
to carry the daytriunfar
to carry all or everything before onearrasar con todo
14. to carry o.sportarse
he carries himself like a soldierse comporta como un soldado
she carries herself wellse mueve con garbo
15. [pregnant woman] [+ child] → estar encinta de
1. [sound] → oírse
she has a voice which carriestiene una voz que se oye bastante lejos
2. [pregnant woman] she's carrying (o.f.) → está embarazada
C. N [of ball, shot] → alcance m
carry along VT + ADVllevar; [flood, water] → arrastrar
carry away VT + ADV
1. (lit) → llevarse
2. (fig) → entusiasmar
to get carried away by sthentusiasmarse con algo
carry back VT + ADV
1. (lit) [+ object] → traer
2. (fig) that music carries me back to the 60sesa música me hace recordar los 60
3. (Fin) → cargar (sobre cuentas anteriores)
carry down VT + ADVbajar
carry forward VT + ADV (Math, Fin) → pasar a la página/columna siguiente
carried forwardsuma y sigue
carry off VT + ADV
1. (lit) → llevarse
2. (fig) (= seize, win) → llevarse; [+ prize] → alzarse con, arramblar con; [+ election] → ganar
he carried it off very wellsalió muy airoso de la situación
3. (= kill) → matar, llevar a la tumba
carry on
1. (= continue) [+ tradition etc] → seguir, continuar
2. (= conduct) [+ conversation] → mantener; [+ business, trade] → llevar (adelante)
1. (= continue) → continuar, seguir
if you carry on like thatsi sigues así
we carry on somehowde algún modo vamos tirando
carry on!¡siga!; (in talking) → ¡prosigue!
to carry on doing sthseguir haciendo algo
2. (= make a fuss) → montar un número, armarla
to carry on about sthmachacar sobre algo
how he carries on!¡no para nunca!, ¡está dale que dale!
don't carry on so!¡no hagas tanto escándalo!
3. (= have an affair) → tener un lío (with sb con algn)
carry out VT + ADV
1. (= accomplish etc) [+ plan] → llevar a cabo; [+ threat, promise, order] → cumplir
he never carried out his intention to write to hertenía intención de escribirla, pero nunca lo hizo
2. (= perform, implement) [+ idea, search etc] → realizar; [+ test, experiment] → verificar; [+ work] → realizar, llevar a cabo
to carry out repairshacer reparaciones
carry over VT + ADV
1. (= postpone) → posponer
2. (= pass on) → transmitir
a tradition carried over from one generation to the nextuna tradición transmitida de generación en generación
3. (Comm) → pasar a cuenta nueva
carry through
1. (= accomplish) [+ task] → llevar a término
2. (= sustain) [+ person] → sostener
B. VT + PREP to carry sb through a crisisayudar a algn a superar una crisis
we have enough food to carry us through the wintertenemos comida suficiente para pasar todo el invierno
carry up VT + ADVsubir
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[person] [+ object, bag] → porter
I'll carry your bag → Je vais porter ton sac.
to carry all before one (= succeed easily) → triompher sur toute la ligne
[vehicle] → transporter
a plane carrying 100 passengers → un avion transportant cent passagers
to get carried away [person] (fig)se laisser emporter
Don't get carried away!
BUT Ne t'emballe pas!.
to get carried away by sth, to be carried away by sth → se laisser griser par qch
[+ motion, bill] → adopter
[+ disease] → être porteur/euse de
[sign, poster] [+ words] → porter
(MATHEMATICS) [+ figure] → retenir
(COMMERCE) [+ interest] → rapporter
This loan carries 10% interest
BUT Ce prêt est à 10%.; Ce prêt est à 10% d'intérêt.
(= involve) [+ responsibilities] → comporter, impliquer; [+ risk] → comporter
[sound] → porter
carry forward
(BOOK-KEEPING) [+ balance, loss, tax relief] → reporter
(= implement) [+ agenda, plan] → mener à bien
carry on
(= continue) → continuer
Carry on! → Continue!
to carry on with sth → continuer qch
to carry on doing sth → continuer à faire qch
She carried on talking → Elle a continué à parler.
(= behave) → se comporter
(= make a fuss) → faire des histoires
vt (= conduct) [+ research] → mener
to carry on an affair → avoir une liaison
carry out
[+ orders, instructions] → exécuter
[+ investigation] → effectuer
[+ idea, threat] → mettre à exécution
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


load, person, objecttragen; message(über)bringen
(vehicle: = convey) → befördern; goods alsotransportieren; this coach carries 30 peopledieser Bus kann 30 Personen befördern; a boat carrying missiles to Cubaein Schiff mit Raketen für Kuba; the boat was carried along by the windder Wind trieb das Boot dahin; the current carried them alongdie Strömung trieb sie mit sich; the wind carried the sound to himder Wind trug die Laute zu ihm hin or an sein Ohr
(= have on person) documents, moneybei sich haben or führen (form); gun, swordtragen; to carry something about or around with oneetw mit sich herumtragen; to carry money on oneGeld bei sich haben; to carry the facts in one’s headdie Fakten im Kopf haben; (= remember)die Fakten (im Kopf) behalten; the ship was carrying too much saildas Schiff hatte zu viele Segel gesetzt
(fig) his denial did not carry convictionsein Leugnen klang nicht überzeugend; he carried his audience (along) with himer riss das Publikum mit, er begeisterte das Publikum; to carry interest (Fin) → Zinsen tragen or abwerfen; the loan carries 5% interestdas Darlehen wird mit 5% verzinst; this job carries extra pay/a lot of responsibilitydieser Posten bringt eine höhere Bezahlung/viel Verantwortung mit sich; the offence carries a penalty of £50auf dies Vergehen or darauf steht eine Geldstrafe von £ 50
(bridge etc: = support) → tragen, stützen
(Comm) goods, stockführen, (auf Lager) haben
(Tech, pipe) water, oil, electricityführen; (wire) sound(weiter)leiten, übertragen
(= extend)führen, (ver)legen; they carried the pipes under the streetsie verlegten die Rohre unter der Straße; to carry something too far (fig)etw zu weit treiben; they carried the war into the enemy’s territorysie trugen den Krieg in feindliches Gebiet; this theme is carried through the whole bookdies Thema zieht sich durch das ganze Buch
(= win)einnehmen, erobern; to carry the daysiegreich sein, den Sieg davontragen; to carry all before onefreie Bahn haben; (hum, woman) → viel Holz vor der Tür haben (inf); the motion was carried unanimouslyder Antrag wurde einstimmig angenommen; he carried his pointer ist mit diesem Punkt durchgekommen; he carried all seven stateser hat die Wahl in allen sieben Staaten gewonnen
he carries himself well/like a soldierer hat eine gute/soldatische Haltung; he carries himself with dignityer tritt würdig auf; she carries her head very erectsie trägt den Kopf sehr aufrecht
(Press) story, photobringen
(Med) people carrying the AIDS virusMenschen, die das Aidsvirus in sich (dat)tragen
(= be pregnant with)erwarten, schwanger gehen mit (geh); to be carrying a childschwanger sein, ein Kind erwarten
(Math) … and carry 2übertrage or behalte 2, … und 2 im Sinn (inf)
(voice, sound)tragen; the sound of the alphorn carried for milesder Klang des Alphorns war meilenweit zu hören
(ball, arrow)fliegen


n (US) → (Einkaufs-/Reise)tasche f
n (Brit) → Babytragetasche f


n (inf)Theater nt (inf)
carry-out (US, Scot)
(= restaurant)Imbissstube f/Restaurant ntfür Außer-Haus-Verkauf; (= bar)Schalter mfür Außer-Haus-Verkauf, Gassenschenke f (S Ger)
(= meal, drink)Speisen pl/Getränke plzum Mitnehmen; let’s get a carrykaufen wir uns etwas zum Mitnehmen; carrys aren’t allowed in the groundsauf das Gelände dürfen keine Getränke mitgebracht werden
adj attrAußer-Haus-; the carry menu is quite differentfür Gerichte zum Mitnehmen gibt es eine ganz andere Speisekarte
nÜberbleibsel nt; (Fin) → Saldovortrag m, → Übertrag m; (Math) → Rest m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. vt
a. (gen) → portare; (have on one's person, money, documents) → portare or avere con sé; (transport, goods) → trasportare; (passengers) → portare; (message, news) → recare, portare; (subj, pillar) → sostenere; (involve, responsibilities) → comportare
to carry sth about with one → portarsi dietro qc
the wind carried the sound to him → il vento trasportò il suono verso di lui
the offence carries a £50 fine → il reato prevede una multa di 50 sterline
both papers carried the story → entrambi i giornali riportarono la storia
he carries his drink well → regge bene l'alcool
you're carrying things too far! → stai esagerando!
b. (Comm) (stock) → tenere
c. (Math) (figure) → riportare (Fin) (interest) → avere
this loan carries 10% interest → questo prestito ha un interesse del 10%
d. (approve, motion, bill) → approvare, far passare; (win, election, point) → vincere
to carry the day → avere successo
e. he carries himself like a soldierha il portamento di un militare
she carries herself well → ha un bel portamento
carry away vt + advportare via
to be carried away (fig) → farsi trascinare
to get carried away by sth (fig) → farsi or lasciarsi prendere da qc
carry back vt + adv (also) (fig) (remind) → riportare
carry forward vt + adv (Math, Fin) → riportare
carry off vt + adv (seize, take away) → portare via; (kidnap) → sequestrare, rapire; (win, prize, medal) → vincere
he carried it off very well → se l'è cavata molto bene
carry on
1. vt + adv (continue, tradition) → portare avanti, continuare; (business, trade) → mandare avanti
to carry on a conversation → conversare, parlare
2. vi + adv
a. to carry on with sth/doing sthcontinuare qc/a fare qc
b. (fam) (make a fuss) → fare storie
how you do carry on! → quante storie fai!
c. (fam) (have an affair) to carry on (with)intendersela (con), filare (con)
carry out vt + adv (accomplish, plan) → realizzare; (perform, implement, idea, threat) → mettere in pratica; (orders) → eseguire; (experiment, search, repairs) → effettuare; (investigation) → svolgere
carry over vt + advriportare
carry through vt + adv (accomplish, task) → portare a termine, realizzare; (sustain, person) → sostenere
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈkӕri) verb
1. to take from one place etc to another. She carried the child over the river; Flies carry disease.
2. to go from one place to another. Sound carries better over water.
3. to support. These stone columns carry the weight of the whole building.
4. to have or hold. This job carries great responsibility.
5. to approve (a bill etc) by a majority of votes. The parliamentary bill was carried by forty-two votes.
6. to hold (oneself) in a certain way. He carries himself like a soldier.
ˈcarry-all noun
(American) a hold-all.
ˈcarry-cot noun
(American portacrib®) a small bed, like a basket, with handles for carrying a baby.
be/get carried away
to be overcome by one's feelings. She was/got carried away by the excitement.
carry forward
to add on (a number from one column of figures to the next). I forgot to carry the 2 forward.
carry off
to take away by carrying. She carried off the screaming child.
carry on
1. to continue. You must carry on working; Carry on with your work.
2. to manage (a business etc). He carries on a business as a grocer.
carry-on (ˈkari-on) noun
(slang) a fuss; excited behaviour.
carry-on (ˈkari-on) adjective
(of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane.
carry out
to accomplish. He carried out the plan.
carry weight
to have influence. His opinion carries a lot of weight around here.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَحْمِلُ nést bære tragen μεταφέρω llevar kantaa porter nositi portare 運ぶ ...을 운반하다 dragen bære nieść carregar нести bära ขนส่ง taşımak mang 运送
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


v. llevar; cargar;
to ___ out
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vt (pret & pp -ried) (a gene, etc.) tener; He carries the gene for color blindness..El tiene el gen del daltonismo.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Do not try to follow us, as the river will carry us swiftly away.
If I had the watch from eight till midnight, he would leave the deck about nine with the words, "Don't take any sail off her." Then, on the point of disappearing down the companion-way, he would add curtly: "Don't carry anything away." I am glad to say that I never did; one night, however, I was caught, not quite prepared, by a sudden shift of wind.
"Well, I'll try," said the Stork, "but if I find he is too heavy to carry I shall have to drop him in the river again."
He entreated his companion to relieve him of a small portion, that he might carry home the rest; but the Mule paid no attention to the request.
We will now talk about yourself a little, if you have no objection: you were to carry off Mlle.
It never entered my head to fill the gourd with water and carry it into my cave.
I then asked what he did there, and he made signs to me that he wished to get across the river to gather some fruit, and seemed to beg me to carry him on my back.
On the way the dwarf showed him the treasures which the witch had collected and hidden there, and the soldier took as much gold as he could carry. When he was above, he said to the little man: 'Now go and bind the old witch, and carry her before the judge.' In a short time she came by like the wind, riding on a wild tom-cat and screaming frightfully.
This was very rational; but we both found out a remedy for it, which was to carry a framed sloop on board the ship, which, being taken in pieces, might, by the help of some carpenters, whom we agreed to carry with us, be set up again in the island, and finished fit to go to sea in a few days.
On this point the landlord told him he was mistaken; for, though not recorded in the histories, because in the author's opinion there was no need to mention anything so obvious and necessary as money and clean shirts, it was not to be supposed therefore that they did not carry them, and he might regard it as certain and established that all knights-errant (about whom there were so many full and unimpeachable books) carried well-furnished purses in case of emergency, and likewise carried shirts and a little box of ointment to cure the wounds they received.
Two or three priests who were found in Moscow did try to carry out Napoleon's wish, but one of them was slapped in the face by a French soldier while conducting service, and a French official reported of another that: "The priest whom I found and invited to say Mass cleaned and locked up the church.
Tip was made to carry wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil her pot.