References in classic literature ?
AFFECTED dispatch is one of the most dangerous things to business that can be.
Long and curious speeches, are as fit for dispatch, as a robe or mantle, with a long train, is for race.
The president tore open the envelope, read the dispatch, and, despite his remarkable powers of self-control, his lips turned pale and his eyes grew dim, on reading the twenty words of this telegram.
Here is the text of the dispatch, which figures now in the archives of the Gun Club:
Athos took from an embroidered velvet bag which he carried under his doublet a dispatch. The cardinal held out his hand for it.
Athos replaced his dispatch in its bag, bowed gravely, and made several steps towards the door.
Despite his apparently delicate build Prince Andrew could endure physical fatigue far better than many very muscular men, and on the night of the battle, having arrived at Krems excited but not weary, with dispatches from Dokhturov to Kutuzov, he was sent immediately with a special dispatch to Brunn.
Wilcome was in the act of reading the premature dispatch, in which J.
The commissioner of police was sitting in his office at nine o'clock one evening, when the following telegraphic dispatch was put into his hands: Suez to London.
The necessities of the camp at length became so urgent that Captain Bonneville determined to dispatch a party to the Horse Prairie, a plain to the north of his cantonment, to procure a supply of provisions.
When that occurred, I was trying to make my way with important dispatches to Fort C.
About one-eighth of the whole being reserved for the use of the Ti itself, the remainder was divided into numerous smaller packages, which were immediately dispatched in every direction to the remotest parts of the valley.