do away with

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Related to do away with: do up, do without, get away with, Off Course

do 1

v. did (dĭd), done (dŭn), do·ing, does (dŭz)
a. To perform or execute; carry out: do one's assigned task; do a series of business deals.
b. To fulfill the requirements of: did my duty at all times.
c. To perform the tasks or behaviors typically associated with (something), especially as part of one's character or normal duties: That talk show host just doesn't do subtle.
d. To participate in (a meal or an activity) with another person: Let's do brunch on Sunday.
a. To produce, especially by creative effort: do a play on Broadway.
b. To play the part or role of in a creative production: did Elizabeth I in the film.
c. To mimic: "doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along" (William H. Pritchard).
a. To bring about; effect: Crying won't do any good now.
b. To render; give: do equal justice to the opposing sides; do honor to one's family.
4. To put forth; exert: Do the best you can.
a. To attend to in such a way as to take care of or put in order: did the bedrooms before the guests arrived.
b. To prepare for further use especially by washing: did the dishes.
a. To set or style (the hair).
b. To apply cosmetics to: did her face.
7. To have as an occupation or profession: Have you decided what you will do after college?
8. To work out by studying: do a homework assignment.
9. Used as a substitute for an antecedent verb or verb phrase: He can play the piano, and I can do that, too.
10. Informal
a. To travel (a specified distance): did a mile in four minutes.
b. To go (a specified rate): did 80 mph on the highway.
c. To make a tour of; visit: "[He] did 15 countries of Western Europe in only a few days" (R.W. Apple, Jr.).
a. To be sufficient in meeting the needs of; serve: This room will do us very nicely.
b. Informal To serve (a prison term): did time in jail; did five years for tax fraud.
12. Slang To cheat; swindle: do a relative out of an inheritance.
13. Slang To take (drugs) illegally: "If you do drugs you are going to be in continual trouble" (Jimmy Breslin).
14. Slang To kill; murder.
15. Vulgar Slang To have sex with or bring to orgasm.
1. To behave or conduct oneself; act: Do as I say and you won't get into trouble.
a. To get along; fare: students who do well at school.
b. To carry on; manage: I could do without your interference.
c. To make good use of something because of need: I could do with a hot bath.
a. To serve a specified purpose: This coat will do for another season.
b. To be proper or fitting: Such behavior just won't do.
4. To take place; happen: What's doing in London this time of year?
5. Used as a substitute for an antecedent verb: worked as hard as everyone else did.
6. Used after another verb for emphasis: Run quickly, do!
1. Used with the infinitive without to in questions, negative statements, and inverted phrases: Do you understand? I did not sleep well. Little did we know what was in store for us.
2. Used as a means of emphasis: I do want to be sure.
n. pl. dos or do's
1. A statement of what should be done: a list of the dos and don'ts of management.
2. Informal An entertainment; a party: attended a big do at the embassy.
3. A commotion.
4. A hairdo.
5. Chiefly British Slang A swindle; a cheat.
6. Slang Fecal matter; excrement.
Phrasal Verbs:
do by
To behave with respect to; deal with: The children have done well by their aged parents.
do for
To care or provide for; take care of.
do in Slang
1. To tire completely; exhaust: The marathon did me in.
2. To kill.
3. To ruin utterly: Huge losses on the stock market did many investors in.
do up
1. To adorn or dress lavishly: The children were all done up in matching outfits.
2. To wrap and tie (a package).
3. To fasten: do up the buttons on a dress.
do without
To manage despite the absence of: We had to do without a telephone on the island.
can/could do without
To prefer not to experience or deal with: I could do without their complaints.
do a disappearing act Informal
To vanish.
do away with
1. To make an end of; eliminate.
2. To destroy; kill.
do it Vulgar Slang
To engage in sexual intercourse.
do (one) proud
To act or perform in a way that gives cause for pride.
do (one's) bit
To make an individual contribution toward an overall effort.
do (one's) business
Slang To defecate. Used especially of a pet.
do (one's) own thing Slang
To do what one does best or finds most enjoyable: "I get paid to try cases and to do my thing on trial" (Bruce Cutler).

[Middle English don, from Old English dōn; see dhē- in Indo-European roots.]

do 2

n. Music
The first tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.

[Italian, more singable replacement of ut; see gamut.]

do 3

n. pl. dos Slang
A hairdo.


1. Doctor of Optometry
2. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

do away with

1. to kill or destroy
2. to discard or abolish
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: away with - terminate, end, or take out; "Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics"; "Socialism extinguished these archaic customs"; "eliminate my debts"
cancel out, wipe out - wipe out the effect of something; "The new tax effectively cancels out my raise"; "The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record"
decouple - reduce or eliminate the coupling of (one circuit or part to another)
decouple - eliminate airborne shock waves from (an explosive)
obliterate - do away with completely, without leaving a trace
knock out - eliminate; "knock out a target"
drown - get rid of as if by submerging; "She drowned her trouble in alcohol"
cut out - delete or remove; "Cut out the extra text"; "cut out the newspaper article"
prune, rationalize, rationalise, cut - weed out unwanted or unnecessary things; "We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet"
extinguish, snuff out - put an end to; kill; "The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children"
exclude, leave out, omit, leave off, except, take out - prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
destroy, destruct - do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of; "The fire destroyed the house"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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(duː) 3rd person singular present tense does (daz) : past tense did (did) : past participle done (dan) : negative short forms don't (dount) doesn't (ˈdaznt) , didn't (ˈdidnt) verb
1. used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements. Do you smoke?
2. used with a more important verb for emphasis; (I did buy a ticket but I must have lost it) ; (Do sit down) .
3. used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before. I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.
4. used with a more important verb after seldom, ~rarely and little. Little did he know what was in store for him.
5. to carry out or perform. What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.
6. to manage to finish or complete. When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.
7. to perform an activity concerning something. to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.
8. to be enough or suitable for a purpose. Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?
9. to work at or study. She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.
10. to manage or prosper. How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.
11. to put in order or arrange. She's doing her hair.
12. to act or behave. Why don't you do as we do?
13. to give or show. The whole town gathered to do him honour.
14. to cause. What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.
15. to see everything and visit everything in. They tried to do London in four days.
nounplural do's
an affair or a festivity, especially a party. The school is having a do for Christmas.
ˈdoer noun
a person who does something. an evildoer; a doer of good deeds.
ˈdoings noun plural
the things which a person does. He tells me about all your doings.
done (dan) adjective
1. finished or complete. That's that job done at last.
2. (of food) completely cooked and ready to eat. I don't think the meat is quite done yet.
3. socially accepted. the done thing.
ˌdo-it-yourˈself noun, adjective
(of) the art or practice of doing one's own decorating, repairs etc (also DIY). I've just bought a book on do-it-yourself so I can try to tile the bathroom; a do-it-yourself job.
a fuss. a tremendous to-do about the missing papers.
I/he etc could be doing with / could do with
it would be better if I, he etc had or did (something). I could do with a cup of coffee.
do away with
to get rid of. They did away with uniforms at that school years ago.
do for
to kill or cause the end of. That attack of flu almost did for him.
done for
ruined, defeated or about to be killed etc. The police are coming – run for it or we're done for!
done in
do out
to clean thoroughly. The room's tidy – I did it out yesterday.
do out of
to prevent from getting, especially by using dishonest methods. My boss tried to do me out of a day's holiday.
do's and don'ts (dounts)
rules or advice for action. If you want to lose weight, I can give you a list of do's and don'ts.
do without
to manage without and accept the lack of. We'll just have to do without a phone; If you're too lazy to fetch the ice-cream you can just do without; I can do without your opinion, if you don't mind.
to do with
1. (with have) to have dealings with. I never had anything to do with the neighbours.
2. (with have) to be involved in, especially to be (partly) responsible for. Did you have anything to do with her death?
3. (with have) to be connected with. Has this decision anything to do with what I said yesterday?
4. (with be or have) to be about or concerned with. This letter is/has to do with Bill's plans for the summer.
5. (with have) to be the concern of. I'm sorry, but that question has nothing to do with me; What has that (got) to do with him?
what are you etc doing with
1. why or how have you etc got. What are you doing with my umbrella?
2. what action are you etc taking about. What are they doing with the children during the day if they're both working?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Under the IMF programme, the government is committed to do away with zero rating regime for five export-oriented sectors, including textile, garments, carpets, surgical and sports goods.
by PTI Six more airports in the country, including Patna and Chennai, will do away with the practice of tagging and stamping domestic passengers' hand baggage from June 1.
Elliott Greene, owner of the 12-suite Mangrove Cay Inn on Family Island, is calling on government to do away with the obligatory 15% gratuity for restaurant workers, a 30-year-old policy, billing it as key to increasing the destination's competitive edge in a flat-lined economy, reports The Nassau Guardian (March 6, 2009).