DNA profiling

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Related to DNA profiling: DNA fingerprinting

DNA profiling

The identification and documentation of the structure of certain regions of a given DNA molecule, used to determine the source of a DNA sample, to determine a child's paternity, to diagnose genetic disorders, or to incriminate or exonerate suspects of a crime. Also called DNA fingerprinting, DNA typing.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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DNA profiling is a forensic technique in criminal investigations, comparing a suspect's profiles to DNA evidence to assess the likelihood of their involvement.
The measure defines DNA profiling or DNA typing as a process where a minute sample of genetic DNA material is taken from a human tissue and is given a computerized numeric value in the form of a "bar code."
The arrest happened after the DNA profiling was done in the month of March this year.
The aim here is to accelerate the DNA profiling process that will lead to quicker investigation and trial, thus fast-tracking the criminal justice system.
DOG DNA profiling should be introduced in a bid to crack down on irresponsible pet owners - a councillor has claimed.
However he added that introducing DNA profiling would be too costly.
Scotland Yard said that "advances in forensic examination and DNA profiling" since the brutal stabbing of Stephen, 18, had led officers to focus on an item recovered on the night he died, April 22 1993.
JEDDAH: The Health Ministry has completed the DNA profiling of all the pilgrims who were injured and killed in last week's stampede in Mina, and have urged the victims' relatives to provide blood samples so that these can be used to match those taken from their loved ones.
It focuses on general issues related to the measurement of evidential weight, the weight-of-evidence theory based on likelihoods, and alternative probability-based approaches, followed by application of the theory to forensic DNA profiling. It emphasizes the identification of an unknown individual whose DNA profile was recovered from a crime scene, but also discusses profiles with multiple contributors, paternity and other relatedness testing, and profiles subject to drop-out and other consequences of degraded DNA.
KUWAIT, July 1 (KUNA) -- The National Assembly on Wednesday approved a draft bill on the DNA profiling for all citizens, foreign residents and visitors in the first and second readings and referred the bill to the government.
The laboratories were asked to conduct DNA profiling from two different bone powder samples, dating back 150 years and 400 years respectively.
NEW technology will allow forensic scientists in Scotland to "lead the way" in DNA profiling following a PS6million investment, according to the Justice Secretary.

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