DNA profile

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DNA profile

The set of values of a group of genetic markers identified in an individual's DNA by DNA profiling. Also called DNA fingerprint, DNA type, genetic fingerprint.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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On the other hand, the term "DNA profile" refers to the genetic information from a forensic DNA analysis.
DPO Qaisrani said the 22-year-old suspect, a village fellow of the victim, was arrested on the basis of the DNA profile. He said the co-accused of the main suspect had escaped to Saudi Arabia but he would be arrested soon.
The knot was cut off and a low level mixed DNA profile was found, which Mrs Hill said she considered to originate from four individuals.
Furthermore, the unique DNA profile created does not reveal any information on genetic health or other characteristics such as hair, color, age, built, height, intelligence, except gender.
The accuracy of the result is such that 99.9999999998 percent of the rest of the world population is ruled out as a possible contributor of this specific DNA profile.
POLICE investigating the murder of a Cornish mother-of-two 20 years ago have developed a partial DNA profile for her killer.
Over a few years an identical DNA profile was associated with a series of minor offences but no match was achieved and the person remained unknown to the police.
The fully automated design also incorporates numerous efficiencies that make DNA profile generation seamless and hands free.
The Canadian government through its National Forensic Laboratory Services gave the PNP Hall's DNA profile.
" The DNA profile was generated from the clothes of the victim which was seized from the spot on the night of the incident itself.