DNA barcoding

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DNA bar·cod·ing

A method for identifying the species of a biological specimen, based on comparing the DNA barcode of the specimen to the DNA barcodes of known species.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Length Polymorphisms among Different Duckweeds by DNA Barcoding Markers.
Diet overlap and predation between largemouth bass and walleye in Wisconsin lakes using DNA barcoding to improve taxonomic resolution.
Herbal supplement manufacturer MediHerb recently led a research study that Identified major shortcomings in the use of DNA barcoding to authenticate botanical materials in finished products.
In recent years, a new means of molecular identification, termed DNA barcoding, has made species identification readily available across a broad range of taxa.
Hypothesis/purpose: We have applied DNA Barcoding--High Resolution Melting (Bar-HRM), an emerging method for identifying of medicinal plant species based on DNA dissociation kinetics and DNA barcoding, for the authentication of medicinal plant species.
Unlike traditional DNA barcoding, which relies on longer segments of the same DNA region for identification, AuthenTechnologies said it employs a highly specific and sensitive method capable of identifying almost any species using shorter segments and validated reference materials.
The direct benefits of DNA barcoding undoubtedly include: Relieve the enormous burden of identifications from taxonomists, so they can focus on more pertinent duties such as delimiting taxa, resolving their relationships and discovering and describing new species; Pair up various life stages of the same species (e.g.