bear garden

Related to bear garden: Bear pit

bear garden

1. (Historical Terms) (formerly) a place where bears were exhibited and where bear-baiting took place
2. a place or scene of tumult and disorder
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

bear garden

n (fig) → manicomio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Never was a quiet and orderly household transformed so suddenly into a bear garden, or a happy man turned into such a completely miserable one.
Tunsgate alone has numerous independents like Kalm Kitchen, Positano and jewellers Cry For The Moon, but there's also places like Corkage, the Bear Garden and the recently re-opened Moffats, plus the stalls in the market that are all worth checking out.
The Cleobury Wash House won this year for their teddy bear garden party-themed display.
| WHERE...was variously described by the US press as Johnson's Polar Bear Garden, Walrussia and Russian Fairy Land?
We are dealing, he writes, with a "preliterate age" that "deepens and sophisticates its communication by means of the activity of punning, something that a literate society judges to be the lowest form of wit." (10) This allows him to bring together the seemingly opposed entertainments of the playhouse and the bear garden by means of a pun on "baiting" / "bating." Both activities stage scenes of torment and persecution ("baiting") as well as provide an opportunity for rest and relaxation ("bating").
Also the 'bear garden' or Punch and Judy antics of Members of Parliament noted often by your correspondents has at least struck, as no less person than the Speaker has stated: "Such childish action has damaged democracy, putting the public off politics , let it stop."
One is the information about the archaeological excavations of the Rose, Globe, Theatre, Curtain, and the various bear garden sites, which is presented in a very accessible way and used to complement the documentary evidence.
The new Bear Garden Generating Station is designed to run primarily on natural gas, with ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel as a backup.
Scholars from Europe and the US explore such topics as Shakespeare's stage and the bear garden, visual meaning and its absence in Hamlet, mist and fog on the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage, dramatic illusion and sympathetic curiosity in Romantic drama, and the study and application of animal characteristics as part of an actor's preparation for a role.
o describe the last Birmingham City Council meeting beTT-fore the May 6 general and local elections as a bit of a bear garden would be unfair to bears, who as far as I know do not deserve their reputation for unruly behaviour or other anti-social behaviour in the woods.