bear pit

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bear pit

ngabbia degli orsi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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He explained: "The chaos descended and it became a bit of a bear pit. I can't see what's going on over there.
For centuries the Commons has been described as a bear pit as politicians face one another down.
What was he thinking by bringing his children into that bear pit? To gain sympathy I suspect", she said.
And while we are about it we could re-design the new House of Commons to accommodate a half-moon shaped chamber instead of the current confrontational bear pit.
In 1666 Pepys visited a 'bear pit' and saw animals including horses and bulls being baited for public amusement, which he described as "a rude and nasty pleasure".
The bear pit is long gone but a home was that records his visit called Pepys House, on Park Street.
Former Hibs and Rangers ace Thomson looked on as one Northern Irishman, Neil Lennon, emerged victorious from the Ibrox bear pit last Saturday.
After all, we live in a world where a US presidential candidate boasts of sexually assaulting women, UKIP MEPs settle political arguments with their fists and the weekly exchanges at Westminster still make the UK Parliament look like a bear pit.
DUNNO what was worst on last night's bear pit of misery, the Argos waiting room of doom, or, as it's better known, X Factor's vile Six Chair Challenge.
I always admire our dear leader David Cameron's bravery as he submits himself to that journalistic bear pit This Morning.
JEREMY Kyle, an odious agony uncle who has foisted bear pit television on the unsuspecting public, is to mend his broken heart in Barbados following the breakdown of his marriage.
Written and directed by Laurence Allan, the play throws the MP into a bear pit of young people who want some answers.