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(Historical Terms) (formerly) an entertainment in which dogs attacked and enraged a chained bear
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
They were really more like the places where people went to see cock-fights and bear-baiting. They were round, and except over the stage there was no roof.
His example was soon followed by other managers, though the favorite place for the theaters soon came to be the 'Bankside,' the region in Southwark just across the Thames from the 'city' where Chaucer's Tabard Inn had stood and where pits for bear-baiting and cock-fighting had long flourished.
"Hunting of any kind has no place in modern society and should have ended years ago - along with cockfighting, bear-baiting, and dogfighting.
After unloading the massive amount of support gear involved in a DIY bear-baiting trip, I set about getting the particulars in order.
But that's the point we reached with the human bear-baiting that is - or was - The Jeremy Kyle Show.
The coroner at Paul's inquest used the words bear-baiting."
In 2007, a judge compared the programme to bear-baiting when a participant was convicted of assault after a fight on set during the filming of a show.
In this country we stopped bear-baiting 200 years ago.
"The Hunting Act was brought into being because the British public believed that the use of packs of hounds to kill foxes for 'sport' had no place in a British society that considered itself civilised, and that the practice should go the same way as bear-baiting and cock-fighting.
No expense was spared as Robert Dudley laid on an impressive 19-day programme of entertainments featuring fireworks, mermaids, bear-baiting and feasting.
This was the site of three of the six bear-baiting arenas that were built on the south bank of the Thames in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, two of which (numbers 3 and 3A according to the numbering established by WW.