Beard grass

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Related to Beard grass: Polypogon monspeliensis
(Bot.) a coarse, perennial grass of different species of the genus Andropogon.

See also: Beard

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The inoculum for the in vitro incubation was obtained from the three ruminally fistulated cows grazing on beard grass supplemented with 2 kg of concentrate (220 g [kg.sup.-1] CP and 126 g [kg.sup.-1] NDF in DM).
Leguminoseae; Glycine max)] and beard grass (Brachiaria brizantha) were used as a control.
Beard grass (Brachiaria brizantha; control) was harvested at 30 d of re-growth at the EMBRAPA Dairy Cattle Research Centre (Coronel Pacheco, MG, Brazil) located at 21[degrees] 35' S, 43[degrees] 15' W and 435 m above sea level.
Three rumen fistulated lactating Holstein-Zebu crossbred dairy cows were fed a diet consisting of beard grass forage supplemented with 2 kg of concentrate (22 g/kg CP and 12.6 g/kg NDF in DM) on a DM basis for the in sacco study.
Substrates: The substrates used for in vitro incubations were beard grass (Brachiaria brizantha; control) or beard grass supplemented with oilseed press cake or glycerine (0.864 w/v pure) in ratios of 1,000:0, 900:100, 800:200 and 600:400, for each treatment, respectively.
Inoculum: Inoculum for the in vitro incubation was obtained from three ruminally fistulated cows grazing beard grass supplemented with 2 kg of concentrate (22 g/kg CP and 12.6 g/kg NDF in DM).
Degradable insoluble DM was highest (p<0.05) for SBM, whereas the undegradable residual DM fraction was highest (p<0.01) for castor oilseed press cake when compared to other oilseed press cakes and beard grass (control).
TROPICAL savanna grasses such as black spear grass (Heteropogon contortis), kangaroo grass (Therneda triandra) and golden beard grass (Chrysopogon fallax), have a different way of fixing C[O.sub.2] than trees and temperate grasses.
These alien grasses, such as the beard grass, Schizachyrium condensatum, now constitute 93 percent of the standing dead biomass in Hawaiian dry forests, D'Antonio says.