bear raid

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Bear raid

In the context of general equities, attempt by investors to move the price of a stock opportunistically by selling large numbers of shares short. The investors pocket the difference between the initial price and the new, lower price after this maneuver. This technique is illegal under SEC rules, which stipulate that every short sale must be on an uptick.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Bear Raid

The practice of short selling a stock and spreading unfavorable news (which may or may not be true) about the company. That is, a bear raid occurs when one borrows a security, sells it, and attempts to push the security's price downward. This would result in a significant profit on the short sale. While it was a popular speculative investment strategy in the early 1900s, it is not illegal.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved

bear raid

A concerted effort to drive down the price of a stock by selling many shares short. The bear raid was popular among speculators in the early 1900s. Such a raid would frequently be accompanied by unfavorable rumors and stories about the target firm that would be planted in business publications. The goal of the raid was to involve other investors in a selling stampede that would drive the stock's price down to a bargain level.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
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They are un-saying the bold bluster they gave you with the results and again at the time of the bear raid.
The bank said it would hand over its own report on the bear raid to City investigators.
He's done nothing wrong, nothing illegal - just a classic stock market "bear raid".
I'd run against us, too," Hoke said of the Bear Raid offense.
An early bear raid on Friday knocked the forward price down to a low for the week of $3,175, but then the market recovered quickly to $3,260 by lunchtime.
The three months price had only lost $20 per tonne by Thursday morning but then a speculative bear raid took the price through the 50 day average line which in turn brought in a wave of fund selling to test the 100 day line at $2714.
He said: 'There has been a bit of a bear raid on our shares but this should reassure people - it's pretty comprehensive.'
The defense communicated and played much better, limiting the "Bear Raid" offense to a relatively tame 432 yards on 66 plays (6.5 per).
'C&W looks to be suffering from a bear raid and little more,' said Raj Karia, a European telecoms analyst with Canaccord.
The "Bear Raid" offense isn't like Washington State's "Air Raid" attack.
Helfrich and offensive coordinator Scott Frost should have some counter moves if the "Bear Raid" is lighting up the scoreboard.
On Saturday night, the potential NFL franchise quarterback will lead Cal's "Bear Raid" offense against Oregon's struggling defense at Autzen Stadium (7:30 p.m., ESPN2).