Bear rally

(redirected from Bear Rallies)

Bear rally

A temporary surge in stock markets while the primary market trend is bearish.
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Bear Rally

A rapid increase in stock prices following a downturn. A bear rally occurs when investors begin buying stocks in large amounts, which represents an increase in demand and therefore raises the price. However, because fundamental information has not improved, the bear rally is short-lived and is unlikely to be sustained. A bear rally is thus a brief respite between two downturns.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
"We had a bigger-than-usual cash portion and we tended to be more focused on the more liquid stocks and dismissed the bear rallies we saw from time to time," added Gargash.
Dead cat bounces, bull traps and bear rallies are all phrases used to describe upward movements in stock markets which merely foreshadow either further falls or periods of insipid stock market performance.