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Related to security: Security Essentials


Piece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds, and other investments.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


A document; historically, a physical certificate but increasingly electronic, showing that one owns a portion of a publicly-traded company or is owed a portion of a debt issue. Securities are tradable. At their most basic, securities refer to stocks and bonds, but the term sometimes also refers to derivatives such as futures and options.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


1. An instrument that, for a stock, shows ownership in a firm; for a bond, indicates a creditor relationship with a firm or with a federal, state, or local government; or signifies other rights to ownership.
2. Collateral used to guarantee repayment of a debt.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.


Traditionally, a security was a physical document, such as stock or bond certificate, that represented your investment in that stock or bond.

But with the advent of electronic recordkeeping, paper certificates have increasingly been replaced by electronic documentation.

In current general usage, the term security refers to the stock, bond, or other investment product itself rather than to evidence of ownership.

Dictionary of Financial Terms. Copyright © 2008 Lightbulb Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


  2. the provision of a ‘collateral’ to obtain a LOAN. See COLLATERAL SECURITY.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson


(1) Property that serves as collateral for a debt,such that defaulting on the debt will result in the creditor seizing and selling the property.(2) Under what has come to be known as “the modified Howey rule,” an investment contract or other instrument commonly known as a security is defined as “an investment in a common venture premised on a reasonable expectation of profit to be derived from the entrepreneurial or managerial efforts of others.”This definition includes many real estate investments that, if not specifically exempted under some provision of federal law, are susceptible to SEC regulation and oversight for the investment itself, the persons marketing the investment,or both.The Howey rule arose out of a Supreme Court case interpreting sales of interests in an orange grove in Florida—a real estate sale arrangement held to be a security.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
For convenience and ease of use, suite security systems may also be integrated with the building's access control, visitor management, elevator, and garage systems.
The Transportation Security Administration has received requests from 30,000 airline passengers to have their names cleared from the lists.
The congressional committee chaired by Burton also revealed that plans are well-advanced that would merge the security functions of the United Sates and Mexico.
Many of the functional area specialists and operational personnel on the CSTC-A staff were reluctant to use a Gantt chart approach to security assistance program planning.
After discovering its problem with rogue hotspots, the Poway district engaged service provider Farm9 to conduct a security audit of the district's networks.
Compuware also offers a Security Assessment for ASP.NET applications to those organizations that require specific expertise.
Flores argued she was required to apply for Social Security disability benefits under her long-term disability policy.
By repackaging their health care, law enforcement and other course programs under the broad category of "homeland security," community colleges can assure themselves of money through direct government programs and loans and grants to students.
The office of the Secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs (SAF/IA), provides this overview through the Air Force Security Cooperation Knowledgebase, an on-line secure portal that integrates and readily presents all the information that those engaged in security cooperation use daily.