bear hug

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bear hug

A strong and often immobilizing type of embrace. Jane was so excited to see her dad for the first time since his military deployment, she ran to him, wrapped her arms around him, and gave him a long bear hug. After the accident, I wrapped my kids in a bear hug for what felt like an eternity. Yeah, my ex and I were ultimately incompatible, but he gave really comforting bear hugs.
See also: bear, hug
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

bear hug

An affectionate, sometimes overwhelming embrace. In wrestling it is also known as a body lock; in business it is an aggressive offer for a takeover. But the cliché refers simply to the embrace, as in “Jane met him with a handshake, but he responded by giving her a bear hug.”
See also: bear, hug
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
While the bear hug photo was widely viewed on the Internet, the publicity was not entirely positive for Big Apple Pizza.
- Over a quarter of adults 26% use a teddy bear hot water bottle so that they can have a warm bear hug to help them nod off.
The song "All You Need is Love" plays an important role in the Bear Hug Stretch advertising, which features a mother in search of a diaper that offers premium leakage protection for less cost than other high-grade diapers.
Speculation has run the gamut, beginning with MOMA insiders like Storr and recent hire Gary Garrels (MoMA's chief curator of drawings), both of whose embrace of the contemporary could fairly be described as a bear hug. Though neither Storr nor Garrels boasts Varnedoe's modernist credentials and academic pedigree, the former is an engaged critic and an eloquent writer and speaker, while the latter is an extra-able diplomat known for effective patron lobbying on behalf of an ambitious acquisition program during his previous tenure at SF MOMA.
When Bush sees me tomorrow, he'll give me a big bear hug. That's just his way."--John LaBombard, driver of Bush's New Hampshire campaign bus, quoted in The New Hampshire Sunday News, January 21, 2001.
The district granted summary judgment for the defendants, holding that a jail officer who fought with the inmate had not employed excessive force when he grabbed the inmate in a bear hug in a good faith effort to restore order, even though the inmate claimed that the officer took advantage of the situation to administer additional blows.
In a press event that featured a rare bear hug with Sen.
"Bear hug" is the only way to describe his purpose.
When cosmonaut Yuri Romaneko returned to Eartjh after spending ten months in Russia's Mir space station, his colleagues wanted to give him the usual Russian greeting--a bear hug. But they held back.
Deacon Deason, at Bear Hug Grips, explains how replacement grips breakdown: "The lion's share of the aftermarket grip market belongs to the synthetic materials," he says.
Mr Modi nevertheless welcomed Mr Trudeau yesterday with his signature bear hug at a formal outdoor ceremony.
OKLAHOMA CITY David Sambrooks reached out and gave SandRidge Energy Inc.'s board of directors a bear hug on Tuesday.
Beyonce The bear hug leaves his Ewok pal in little doubt that Sam is saying Stay With Me...
Patrick and I had a competition at the end to see who could give out the best bear hug - well, of course, I won that one, paws down!!
"He came right up to me and got me in a huge bear hug. His arms were all over my back, right around me so his hands were touching the sides of my breasts.