bear hug

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bear hug

A strong and often immobilizing type of embrace. Jane was so excited to see her dad for the first time since his military deployment, she ran to him, wrapped her arms around him, and gave him a long bear hug. After the accident, I wrapped my kids in a bear hug for what felt like an eternity. Yeah, my ex and I were ultimately incompatible, but he gave really comforting bear hugs.
See also: bear, hug
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

bear hug

An affectionate, sometimes overwhelming embrace. In wrestling it is also known as a body lock; in business it is an aggressive offer for a takeover. But the cliché refers simply to the embrace, as in “Jane met him with a handshake, but he responded by giving her a bear hug.”
See also: bear, hug
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
For children to successfully acquire knowledge at such a young age, Bear Hugs believes play is an important part of learning, which is why each day is carefully planned to support a child's growth and development with frequent fun outdoor themed activities to supplement the time in classrooms.
The family of a motorcyclist 'known for his bear hugs' who was killed in an accident have paid tribute to a 'caring father - a gentle giant'.
In addition, the site contains patient education materials and information on community initiatives such as the Roche organ donation awareness programs Linkages to Life and Get Game-Give Life, and The Bear Hugs Program which provides support for pediatric transplant recipients and their families coping with the special challenges of organ transplantation in children.
Old friends greet each other with such bear hugs that you might think they've just won the lottery.
"In honor of Mother's Day, Hallmark wanted to account for the value of all the intangible things Mom does, like playing, kissing a boo-boo, and giving bear hugs."
Not only designed to provide realtors with safety tips, the training program also offers a physical defense training session where police officers prepare realtors for unexpected holds such as bear hugs and how to escape them, how to break handholds, and ways to defend themselves against choke holds.
This program teaches you how to defend yourself against common chokes, grabs, bear hugs,and other attacks, including fighting on the ground and when confronted by a weapon.
Written and illustrated by Nicholas Oldland, "Big Bear Hug" is a joyous romp of a story about a bear who loves everything and everyone so much that he gives them all big bear hugs.
"We are excited about the opening and continue to spread teddy bear hugs throughout the world.