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League of Legends Wiki
Yone OriginalCentered
Yone (Universe)Yone (Universe)
Yone (League of Legends)Yone (League of Legends)
Yone (Esports)Yone (Esports)
Yone (Teamfight Tactics)Yone (Teamfight Tactics)
Yone (Legends of Runeterra)Yone (Legends of Runeterra)
Yone (Wild Rift)Yone (Wild Rift)
Yone (Development)Yone (Development)
Yone (Trivia)Yone (Trivia)

Yone is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Way of the Hunter

Way of the Hunter

Innate - Intent: Yone's Critical strike chance icon total critical strike chance is doubled from all other sources, but his Critical strike icon critical strikes deal only「 (157.5% + 36% 36%) AD physical damage. 」「 90% of the Critical strike damage icon critical damage champions usually have. 」Additionally,「 every 1% critical strike chance in excess of 100% is converted into Attack damage icon 0.5 bonus attack damage. 」「 every 50% critical strike chance in excess of 100% is converted into Attack damage icon 25 bonus attack damage. 」

Innate - Steel and Spirit: Yone's basic attacks alternate between his Steel Sword and Azakana Sword on-attack. Yone begins attacking with Steel Sword, and basic attacks with Azakana Sword deal 50% AD physical damage and 50% AD magic damage.

  • There is no attack time-out between alternating swords. It will persist through Death death.
  • 50% of Sheen item Spellblade and Demolish Demolish damage will be converted to magic damage if applied by the Azakana Sword.
    • This will also occur if applied by Guinsoo's Rageblade's Guinsoo's Rageblade's Phantom Hit after having last attacked with the Azakana Sword.
    • This will also occur if applied by Mortal Steel Mortal Steel after having last attacked with the Azakana Sword.(bug)
  • The mixed damage is dealt in two simultaneous instances of damage, but will pretend to be a single instance for most effects (such as Conqueror's Conqueror's stacks).
    • Both instances deal Basic Attack basic damage and thus natively apply Life steal icon life steal.
    • The attack applies on-hit effects only once, right at the start.
    • Even if the target dies from the magic damage, the physical damage will still be applied to it.
      • If the target dies from on-hit damage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)
  • Yone requires at least Critical strike chance icon 50% critical strike chance in order to reach 100% critical strike chance from Way of the Hunter's multiplier.


Mortal Steel

Mortal Steel

Active: Yone thrusts his Steel Sword in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and applies On-hit icon on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness to the first enemy hit. Mortal Steel's damage can Critical strike icon critically strike for「 (47% + 33 33.6%) AD bonus physical damage. 」「 84% of the Critical strike damage icon critical damage champions usually have. 」

Physical Damage:
20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 105% AD)

If this hits at least one enemy, Yone generates a stack of Gathering Storm for 6 seconds, stacking up to 2 times and refreshing on subsequent hits. At 2 stacks, the next Mortal Steel consumes them all to become empowered with a new effect.

Mortal Steel 2

Gathering Storm Bonus: Yone Dash dashes a fixed distance in the target direction and unleashes a whirlwind in the same direction, both dealing the same damage to enemies hit in their path and Airborne icon knocking them up for 0.75 seconds, but being unable to affect the same target twice.

Mortal Steel's thrust is Silence icon interrupted if Yone is affected by Disarm icon disarming crowd control during the cast time but its Cooldown icon cooldown is reset to 0.1 seconds.

  • Mortal Steel applies Basic Attack basic damage for the first (closest) enemy hit and Death Lotus area damage for secondary enemies:
    • Mortal Steel will apply on-hit effects to the first target hit, but will not do so to the secondary ones.
    • Mortal Steel will not apply spell effects to the first target hit, but will do so to the secondary ones.
    • Spell vamp icon Spell vamp will only grant Heal power icon healing from the damage dealt to secondary targets, and healing is reduced to 33% effectiveness, accordingly.
    • Life steal icon Life steal will heal based on the damage dealt to the first target hit.
  • Mortal Steel will not benefit from the bonus attack speed gained by Hail of Blades Hail of Blades.(bug)
  • After a successful crit roll against one of the targets, Mortal Steel's thrust is guaranteed to Critical strike icon critically strike all further targets aswell.(bug)
    • This is unlike the behaviour of Yasuo's Yasuo's Steel Tempest Steel Tempest.
    • The whirlwind and dash roll their critical strike against each target individually.
  • Flash Blinking during Mortal Steel's cast with two stacks of Gathering Storm (after the cast time) will end the dash prematurely but enemies in range of Yone at the new location are affected. The whirlwind's trajectory cannot be changed once it has already been unleashed.
  • Only the whirlwind can be Projectile intercepted.
  • Each parry has different interactions with this ability, whether it's the first target of Mortal Steel or the secondary one. In either case Yone still gains a stack of Gathering Storm and his whirlwind Airborne icon knock up cannot be negated by parries:
    • Jax Counter Strike old Dodge and Spirit's Refuge Block: first target does not take damage, secondary target does take damage.
    • Blind icon Blind: both first target and secondary target take damage.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield does not prevent Yone from receiving a stack.
  • Mortal Steel is disabled while Grounded icon grounded or Root icon rooted if Yone has two stacks of Gathering Storm.
  • While at two stacks, a range indicator will be shown for the effective range of the whirlwind.
  • The Dash dash can cross terrain.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
    • Yone will always cast Mortal Steel in his facing direction, and he will turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast time. While at two stacks, Yone will always cast it in the target direction.


Spirit Cleave

Spirit Cleave

Active: Yone cleaves his Azakana Sword in a cone in the target direction, dealing equal parts physical and magic damage to enemies hit. The total mixed damage has a minimum threshold of 40 − 410 (based on level) against Minion icon minions and a maximum threshold of 150 − 320 (based on level) against Monster icon monsters.

Total Mixed Damage:
10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15% of target's maximum health)
Physical Damage:
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5% of target's maximum health)
Magic Damage:
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5% of target's maximum health)

If this hits an enemy, Yone grants himself a Hybrid resistances icon shield for 40 − 90 (based on level) (+ 65% bonus AD) for 1.5 seconds, increased by 100% if it hits a Champion icon champion and by 50% for each subsequent champion hit.

  • Despite Spirit Cleave generally hitting targets' Range model edge range, it cannot hit targets whose center is behind him.
    • This behaviour is common with missiles, however some cone spells such as this one also do it.
  • Spirit Cleave will not benefit from the bonus attack speed gained by Hail of Blades Hail of Blades.(bug)
  • Spell Shield Spell shield does not prevent Yone from receiving and/or increasing the Hybrid resistances icon shield.
  • The shield's amount will also increase for each Command Hallucinate clone hit.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
    • Yone will always cast Spirit Cleave in his facing direction, and he will turn to face the target direction at the start of the cast time.
  • The mixed damage is applied in two instances, and the physical damage will be dealt first within the same game tick.
    • If the physical damage finishes off the unit, the magic damage will not be dealt against it.(bug)

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Shield bonus AD ratio changed to 75% bonus AD.


Soul Unbound

Soul Unbound

Active: Yone Dash dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, discarding his body and entering Spirit Form for 5 seconds. Yone's body is Untargetable icon untargetable and is sent the same distance behind the cast location, though not through terrain, and is reclaimed when Soul Unbound ends.

Soul Unbound 3

Spirit Form: Yone becomes Ghost ghosted and gains Movement speed icon 10% − 30% (based on seconds active) bonus movement speed. Enemy champions damaged by his basic attacks or abilities are marked. Each mark stores a portion of the post-mitigation damage that Yone deals to the target with his basic attacks and abilities.

Damage Stored:
25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35% of damage dealt

Activation resets Way of the Hunter's Way of the Hunter's current sword state. Soul Unbound can be recast after 0.5 seconds, and automatically does so after the duration.

Soul Unbound 2

Recast: Yone Dash dashes back to his body with Unstoppable icon displacement immunity, ending Spirit Form and detonating the marks on each champion to deal Hybrid penetration icon true damage equal to the amount stored against each of them. After the cast time, he will Remove Scurvy cleanse himself from all Stun icon immobilizing effects and Silence icon polymorphs* that were applied to him during it as well as all Blind icon blinds, Cripple icon cripples and Drowsy icon drowsy effects.

The automatic recast is delayed if Yone is winding up a basic attack or is unable to recast Soul Unbound under any circumstances, which includes if he cannot move or cast abilities. Soul Unbound will also immediately recast upon Death death or entering Revival icon resurrection.

▶️   "Spirit unmoored!"

  • The marks store Attack damage physical damage, Magic damage magic damage, and Hybrid penetration true damage.
  • Soul Unbound stays on cooldown for the first 15 seconds of the game.
  • Recall Recall and Teleport Teleport are disabled during Soul Unbound.
  • Only Yone's initial dash can be Silence icon interrupted.
  • Yone is Unstoppable icon displacement immune during the recast's cast time.
  • Yone uses Flow resource Flow as his resource to indicate the remaining amount of time in centiseconds (100 centiseconds = 1 second) that Soul Unbound can be active for before the ability automatically recasts.
  • With 1 second remaining before the recast occurs automatically, a soft, dark vignette will pulse over the screen, accompanied by a distinct audio cue. This warning is only visible and audible to Yone.
  • Yone's body unit cannot be interacted with by any means. It will despawn as soon as Yone's dash back ends.
  • Soul Unbound's recast, even when cast automatically, counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade and triggering Force Pulse's Force Pulse's passive.
  • Soul Unbound's recast does not interrupt Yone's last movement or attack order.
  • Yone will place himself onto the ground and interrupts Airborne icon displacements affecting him upon recasting.
  • Soul Unbound's recast is notable for being an ability that Remove Scurvy removes Stun icon crowd control but cannot be activated while unable to cast abilities or mobility spells due to the same crowd control.
  • Soul Unbound does not Remove Scurvy cleanse the following Stun icon crowd control effects (ones not listed below are removed):
  • Some examples of effects that can delay Soul Unbound's automatic recast:
  • Soul Unbound's recast is disabled (cannot be manually nor automatically cast) while Yone is in the Realm of Death Realm of Death or The Hextech Ultimatum The Hextech Ultimatum. The recast will be deferred until those effects end.
  • If Yone uses Mortal Steel Mortal Steel at two Gathering Storm stacks to delay Soul Unbound's automatic recast, he will be able to basic attack once in a short time period before the automatic recast triggers.
  • If Yone Death dies or enters Revival icon resurrection with Spirit Form, he will immediately initiate the recast and dash back to his body while dead or resurrecting.
    • If he dies during the recast, the dash back is not interrupted.
    • His death animation will play upon arriving to his body.
  • The marks do not store damage from items, runes and summoner spells.
  • The mark also automatically detonates without Yone having to recast when the marked champion dies or enters Revival icon resurrection.
  • The detonation damage cannot be dodged by becoming Untargetable icon untargetable.
  • The marks will not store damage dealt to Hybrid resistances icon shields.
  • If the mark's damage is higher than the target's current health, the mark indicator will have a slightly different appearance.
    • This does not take into account effects that would amplify the damage of the mark, such as Coup de Grace Coup de Grace.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Yone is in cast time and dashing back to his body:
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Disabled
Movement Disabled
Items Usable N/A
Disabled All items are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Disabled
Spells Usable N/A
Disabled Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash Mark Mark Dash Dash
Interrupted by N/A
Interrupted by N/A

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Cooldown changed to 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds.


Fate Sealed

Fate Sealed

Active: Yone prepares a strike over the cast time, then marks all enemies within an area in the target direction, Knockdown icon knocking them down and Stun icon stunning them for 1 second. He Flash blinks 200 units beyond the center of the last enemy Champion icon champion struck, or else to maximum range instead.

After 0.3 seconds, a gust rushes along the same area that deals equal parts physical and magic damage to marked enemies within and Airborne icon pulls them towards the location Yone blinked to, then Airborne icon knocks them up for 0.75 seconds.

Total Mixed Damage:
200 / 400 / 600 (+ 80% bonus AD)
Physical Damage:
100 / 200 / 300 (+ 40% bonus AD)
Magic Damage:
100 / 200 / 300 (+ 40% bonus AD)

The Stun icon stun ends prematurely upon the knock up.

▶️   "My blades know your name!"

  • Marked enemies that are not within the area will not be affected by the second portion of the ability.
  • If Fate Sealed's maximum range is inside terrain, enemies will not be Airborne icon pulled through walls.
  • Fate Sealed Airborne icon pulls targets to the location Yone would Flash blink to, and not towards his current position by the end of the cast time.
  • Fate Sealed can hit targets whose center is behind Yone, if their Range model radius overlaps with the rectangle hitbox in front of him.
  • Enemies are Airborne icon pulled with 3000 speed.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
  • Fate Sealed will not Stun icon stun enemies that are Unstoppable icon displacement immune.
  • Yone can blink up to 1200 units + enemy size, if the last enemy champion's radius intersects with the maximum range slightly.
  • The mixed damage is applied in two instances, and the magic damage will be dealt first within the same game tick.
    • If the magic damage finishes off the unit, the physical damage will not be dealt against it.(bug)
  • Yone will Sight icon reveal himself during the cast time if there is an enemy champion nearby.
  • When striking against Spell Shield spell shield, Yone will still Flash blink to the last champion hit even if they block the effects to themselves.
  • The Airborne icon knock up starts once the pull ends.
  • Yone is Lockout icon 2 locked out of performing actions for 0.45 seconds after the cast time. All abilities that have been buffered during this time will cast shortly before the lock out ends.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Yone is in cast time:
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Disabled
Movement Disabled
Items Usable N/A
Disabled All items are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Disabled
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by N/A
Interrupted by
  • Death, unless protected by Revival icon Resurrection
  • Map-Specific Differences
    Arena icon Arena differences edit
    • Cooldown changed to 70 / 60 / 50 seconds.

    Champion skins[]

    This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Yone (Collection).
    Yone OriginalSkin
    RP 975
    In life, he was Yone—half-brother of Yasuo, and renowned student of his village's sword school. But upon his death at the hands of his brother, he found himself hunted by a malevolent entity of the spirit realm, and was forced to slay it with its own sword. Now, cursed to wear its demonic mask upon his face, Yone tirelessly hunts all such creatures in order to understand what he has become.
    ActorNoshir Dalal
    ArtistEsben Lash Rasmussen
    Loot eligible Loot eligible

    Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Stats
      • Base armor increased to 33 from 30.
    • Way of the Hunter Way of the Hunter
      • Critical strike chance multiplier reduced to 2 from 2.5.
      • Bonus attack damage per excess critical strike chance increased to 0.5 from 0.4.
    • Stats
      • Selection radius increased to 120 units from 75.
    • Mortal Steel Mortal Steel
      • Bug Fix: No longer incorrectly gains a stack if the sole target [or all targets] within its area used spell shield against it.
    • Fate Sealed Fate Sealed
      • Bug Fix: Knockup debuff is no longer applied prematurely on an enemy and lingers even if they successfully used an instant blink (e.g. Flash Flash) to position themselves outside of its area of effect within a frame of Fate Sealed's cast time completing.
    V13.24 - December 12th Hotfix
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave
      • Base shield changed to 40 − 90 (based on level) from 60 − 80 (based on level).
    • Soul Unbound Soul Unbound
      • Bug Fix: Now properly resists the application of the stasis effect from Bard's Bard's Tempered Fate Tempered Fate during the displacement immunity in the cast time.
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave
      • Base shield increased to 60 − 80 (based on level) from 45 − 65 (based on level).
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave
      • Bug Fix: Cast indicator now properly moves and follows in the direction of the cursor.
    V13.10 - May 18th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base armor increased 30 from 28.
      • Health growth increased to 105 from 99.
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave
      • Cooldown reduced to 14 − 6 (based on bonus attack speed) seconds from 16 − 6 (based on bonus attack speed).
      • Base shield increased to 45 − 65 (based on level) from 35 − 55 (based on level).
      • Bonus AD ratio increased to 65% bonus AD from 55%.
    • General
      • Bug Fix: No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.
    • Soul Unbound Soul Unbound
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where he could activate abilities while in his Spirit Form while locked in the Blast Cone Blast Cone knockback.
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 620 from 550.
      • Health growth increased to 99 from 85.
      • Armor growth increased to 4.6 from 3.4.
      • Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05 from 1.25.
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave
      • Base shield reduced to 35 − 55 (based on level) from 40 − 60 (based on level).
      • Shield bonus AD ratio reduced to 55% bonus AD from 60%.
    • Fate Sealed Fate Sealed
      • Cooldown reduced to 120 / 90 / 60 seconds from 120 / 100 / 80.
    • Mortal Steel Mortal Steel
      • AD ratio increased to 105% AD from 100% AD.
        • Critical strike AD ratio increased to 147% AD from 140% AD.
    • Soul Unbound Soul Unbound
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where he could sometimes cast Unleashed Teleport Unleashed Teleport while his Soul Unbound was active.
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave
      • Bonus shield per subsequent champion hit increased to 50% from 25%.
    • Battle Academia Yone Battle Academia Yone
      • Undocumented/Bug Fix: Yone's icon on the in-game scoreboard no longer uses the skin's portrait.
    Unknown patch
    • Stats
      • Attack damage growth reduced to 2 from 3.
    • Way of the Hunter Way of the Hunter
      • Bonus critical strike chance increased to 150% from 100%.
      • Bonus attack damage per excess critical strike chance reduced to 0.4 bonus attack damage from 0.5.
    • Stats
      • Attack speed growth increased to 3.5% from 2.5%.
    • Way of the Hunter Way of the Hunter
      • New Effect: Way of the Hunter's critical strike-related effects now wait to activate until any other effects that care about critical strikes have been taken care of.
    • Mortal Steel Mortal Steel
      • Bug Fix: Can no longer critically strike with Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade if the dash is cast in melee range.
    • Way of the Hunter Way of the Hunter
      • New Effect: Now converts every 1% excess critical strike chance into 0.5 bonus AD.
    • Fate Sealed Fate Sealed
      • Bug Fix: Allied party indicator no longer displays green when on cooldown.
    • Mortal Steel Mortal Steel
      • Base damage reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 from 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120.
    • Fate Sealed Fate Sealed
      • Removed: No longer benefits from lifesteal.
    V10.16 - Added
    • Way of the Hunter Way of the Hunter (Innate)
      • Innate - Intent: Yone doubles his total critical strike chance from all other sources, but his Critical strike icon critical strikes only deal (80% + 22 22.5%) AD bonus physical damage.
      • Innate - Purpose: Yone's basic attacks alternate between using his Steel Sword and Azakana Sword on-attack. Yone begins attacking with his Steel Sword, and basic attacks with the Azakana Sword deal 50% AD physical damage and 50% AD magic damage.
    • Mortal Steel Mortal Steel (Q)
      • Active: Yone thrusts his Steel Sword in the target direction, dealing 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 100% AD) physical damage to enemies hit and applying on-hit and on-attack effects to the first enemy hit. Mortal Steel can Critical strike icon critically strike for (60% + 20% 20%) AD bonus physical damage.
      • If Mortal Steel hits an enemy with the thrust, Yone gains a Gathering Storm stack for 6 seconds.
      • While Yone has two stacks of Gathering Storm, Mortal Steel consumes the stacks to instead cause him to Dash dash a fixed distance in the target direction and unleash a whirlwind travelling the same direction, both dealing the same damage and Airborne icon knocking up all enemies hit in their path for 0.75 seconds.
      • Mortal Steel's thrust is Silence icon interrupted if Yone is affected by hard crowd control during the cast time but its cooldown is reset to 0.1 seconds.
      • Target Range: Range model 475 / 450 / Range model 950.
      • Effect Radius: 100.
      • Width: Range model 160.
      • Speed: 1500.
      • Cast Time: 0.4 − 0.133 (based on bonus attack speed) seconds.
      • Static Cooldown: 4 − 1.33 (based on bonus attack speed) seconds.
    • Spirit Cleave Spirit Cleave (W)
      • Active: Yone cleaves with his Azakana Sword in the target direction, dealing 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15% of target's maximum health) damage to enemies hit in a cone, with equal parts of physical damage and magic damage. The total mixed damage has a minimum threshold of 40 − 410 (based on level) against minions and monsters.
      • Yone shields himself for 40 − 60 (based on level) (+ 60% AD) for 1.5 seconds if Spirit Cleave hits an enemy, increased by 100% − 200% (based on number of enemy champions hit).
      • Effect Radius: Range model 600.
      • Angle: Range model 80°.
      • Cast Time: 0.5 − 0.19 (based on bonus attack speed) seconds.
      • Static Cooldown: 16 − 6 (based on bonus attack speed) seconds.
    • Soul Unbound Soul Unbound (E)
      • Yone Dash dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, gaining Spirit Form for 5 seconds as well as creating an Untargetable icon untargetable Command Hallucinate clone a short distance behind the cast location, though not sending it through terrain. After a 0.5-second delay, Yone can recast Soul Unbound.
      • Spirit Form: Yone's resets Way of the Hunter's Way of the Hunter's state, gains 10% − 30% (based on time active) bonus movement speed and marks champions damaged with basic attacks or abilities. Each mark stores 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35% of the post-mitigation physical damage and magic damage that Yone deals to them with his basic attacks and abilities.
      • Recast: Yone becomes Unstoppable icon displacement immune and, after the cast time, Dash dashes back to his body, detonates the marks of each champion to deal true damage equal to the stored amount against them, and Remove Scurvy cleanses himself from all Stun icon crowd control effects except Disarm icon disarm, Grounded icon ground, Nearsight icon nearsight, Silence icon silence, and Slow icon slow.
      • After the duration ends or upon Death dying, Soul Unbound will recast automatically.
      • Target Range: 300.
      • Effect Radius: Global.
      • Speed: 1200.
      • Cast Time: None / 0.25 seconds.
      • Cooldown: 22 / 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 seconds.
    • Fate Sealed Fate Sealed (R)
      • Active: Yone winds up a forward strike, then Flash blinks in the target direction. After 0.125 seconds, all enemies within a wide linear area are Stun icon stunned for 0.15 seconds, then immediately dealt 200 / 400 / 600 (+ 80% AD) damage, with equal parts of physical damage and magic damage, and Airborne icon pulled towards Yone's blinking position and subsequently Airborne icon knocked up for 0.75 seconds.
      • Yone will attempt to Flash blink a certain distance beyond the last enemy Champion icon champion hit. If no enemy champions are hit, Yone will instead blink to maximum range.
      • Target Range: Range model 1000 / Range center 1000 / Range center 200.
      • Cast Time: 0.75 seconds.
      • Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.


    See also[]

