Valheim Wiki

Seekers are aggressive creatures found in the Mistlands and in Infested Mines.

Seekers are large insectoid creatures with traits similar to beetles, ants, and bees. They have mandibles and three pairs of legs, the middle of which are larger and used to attack enemies. A pair of large leathery wings sprout from the back and can be used to fly short distances. Seekers and their Soldier counterparts are implied to all be offspring of The Queen, much the same as how real insect colonies function.


Item 0 Star 1 Star 2 Star
Seeker meat Seeker meat 1 2 4
Carapace Carapace 1 2 4
Seeker trophy Seeker trophy 5% 5% 5%


Type Limit Frequency Stars
Middle of the Mistlands during the day time 2 Common Yes (max 1 star)
Middle of the Mistlands during the night time, despawn at dawn 6 Common Yes
Anywhere in the Meadows, Black Forests, Mountains or Plains during the night time after defeating The Queen, despawn at dawn 2 Very rare No
Spawn points near some Mistlands structures - One time Yes
Spawn points in Infested Mines - Some respawn every 4 hours Yes
Spawned by The Queen (amount based on nearby players) 2-5 Very common No
During "They sought you out" event before defeating The Queen 3 Very common No

Attacks and abilities[]

For strategies for defeating Seekers, see Aggressive creature strategies § Seeker.
  • Frostner is effective as the frost debuff slows Seekers down, allowing for a variety of opportunities to retreat or attack further. (Frostner actually does more damage than Porcupine.)
  • A heavy attack from an Atgeir, particularly Blackmetal or Himminafl, can stagger normal and even single-star Seekers. The spinning swing is also very effective at forcing them off ledges, allowing the player a moment to catch their breath or retreat to safety.
  • A Carapace bolt fired from an Arbalest has enough stopping power to stagger normal Seekers compared to other bolts.
  • Staggering Seekers does not interrupt their flying double claw attack. Dodge rolling is recommended.


  • Seekers are ant-like in appearance, but unlike ants, basic Seekers are capable of flight while Seeker Soldiers and The Queen are not.
  • Seeker hives produce Royal Jelly, which in real life is produced by worker bees and fed to larvae, particularly to produce new queens.

