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Morgens are agile, aggressive foes found in the Ashlands. They rise from the ground after breaking out of their disguise, similar to Abominations.


Type Limit Frequency Stars
Ashlands, any time of day 1 Very Rare No
Inside Putrid Holes 1 One time Yes

Attacks and abilities[]

For strategies for defeating Morgens, see Aggressive creature strategies § Morgen.

Morgens have three melee attacks and one of them is also a sidedash. At close range, it will slap one to two times in front of it. If there is some distance from its target, it could try to dash forward with a powerful bite.

Regularly, it will jump and roll on a random side once he touches the ground. The impact causes an AoE attack which can be parried, with sufficient parry defense it will cancel the following dash.

All these attacks also do friendly fire damage to allied creatures.



Item 0 Star 1 Star 2 Star
Morgen sinew Morgen sinew 1 2 4
Morgen heart Morgen heart 80% 2 4
Morgen trophy Morgen trophy 5% 5% 5%


  • Actually there are no visual model differences between 0-star, 1-star and 2-star Morgen.

