Valheim Wiki

Dvergr rogues are neutral creatures found in the Mistlands, especially around Dvergr settlements. They resemble short, blue humanoids with light blue eyes and silver hair carrying an Arbalest. Rogues that spawn at Dvergr structures will often be accompanied by a mix of other rogues and/or Dvergr mages; unlike mages, however, rogues may spawn (and respawn) anywhere in the Mistlands.

Once provoked by a player (by damaging them, other nearby Dvergr, or any part of a nearby structure that is protected by a Dvergr Ward), they will become hostile and attack.

Dvergr are naturally hostile to other aggressive creatures in the Mistlands and will attack them on sight. Clearing at least one dvergr settlement is necessary to progress in the Mistlands, because the Dvergr component crate contains the Dvergr extractor, an essential component in the Sap extractor.


Item 0 Star 1 Star 2 Star
Coins Coins 2-14 2-14 2-14
Black marble Black marble 50% 50% 50%
Soft tissue Soft tissue 25% 25% 25%
Dvergr trophy Dvergr trophy 5% 5% 5%


Type Limit Frequency Stars
Middle of the Mistlands during the day time 2 Uncommon Yes
Common spawn point in Dvergr forts and structures - One time Yes



  • Who goes there?
  • Norseman.
  • Greetings.
  • Hello.
  • Welcome.
  • Åtett.


  • Until next time.
  • Be careful out there!
  • Goodbye then.
  • Don't get lost.
  • Keep that wisplight close, you don't want to lose it.
  • Tettå


  • You never know what you'll find out there in the mist.
  • Best be on your guard.
  • What's Midgard like, then? I've only ever heard the tales.
  • Do all humans look like you? You're so... Nevermind.
  • It's easy to lose track of the days out here...
  • Us dvergr watch out for our own kin.
  • Blasted seekers! I wish they'd all just shrivel up and die.
  • I almost got completely drained by a tick once... But dvergr don't die that easily.
  • It's a bit strange to think this was all once a great battlefield...
  • If we could come through to here, it makes you wonder what else might...

Talk in faction base

  • My knees are aching, but at least we have food and a warm fire.
  • If you work and keep tidy, Friday brings money.
  • This little fort is nothing compared to our strongholds at home...
  • When is it dinner time? I'm hungry.
  • Are we running out of ale? I think we're running out of ale...
  • Some repairs to this place wouldn't hurt.
  • I don't get why they didn't just take everything when they left the mines. Why leave the cores there?
  • Damned seekers smashed our black cores! Back into the deep then, I guess...
  • This world has changed so much since our people were here last. Imagine what it'll look like in another couple of centuries!
  • I heard we're venturing down south again. Maybe I'll apply for the expedition this time.

Private area alarm

  • I wouldn't do that if I were you.
  • Keep your hands to yourself!
  • We were here first!
  • Hands off!
  • Touch that again and I'll chop your hand off.
  • I'm warning you!
  • We're not to be trifled with!
  • You'd best be real careful. Or things will go badly for you.


  • I'll make you bleed!
  • Kill the Norseman!
  • Do you feel lucky?
  • You'll regret this!
  • You've planted your last turnip!
  • I'll kick your arse!
  • Enjoying shooting yourself in the foot, eh? I can help with that!
  • So it's a fight you're after, then?
  • I'll mop the floors with your guts!
  • Into formation!
  • You're going down!

