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Gjall are massive flying aggressive creatures found in the Mistlands. If there is one nearby, you will be alerted by a unique sound: a cross between a plane and an airhorn. Additionally, the mist in the immediate area around a Gjall will have a fiery orange hue.


Item 0 Star 1 Star 2 Star
Bilebag Bilebag 1 1 1
Gjall trophy Gjall trophy 30% 30% 30%


Type Limit Frequency Stars
Middle of the Mistlands during the day time 1 Very rare No
Middle of the Mistlands during the night time, despawn at dawn 1 Very rare Yes
During "What's up, Gjall!?" event before defeating The Queen 1 Very common No


The Gjall deals primarily Fire damage, but also a significant amount of Blunt damage in a wide area of effect, so there are several defenses which are effective against its attacks. Bonemass's Forsaken power will greatly reduce the amount of blunt damage taken. Alternatively, having Fenris Armor set, Yagluth's Forsaken power or Fire resistance barley wine will help reduce the amount of fire damage. The Bonemass power can be combined with barley wine to protect against both simultaneously and thus is a safe choice for exploring the Mistlands in general since all of its creatures other than the Gjall (and Dvergr mages) deal exclusively pierce and blunt damage.

The Gjall's projectile attacks may seem fairly inaccurate, but they have a wide area of effect compared to the projectile's size in addition seem to be effective at leading targets which will hit players more often than expected and large ships even more so. Running, jumping, and/or dodging right after a Gjall fires a projectile (you can hear it, and thus don't need to be looking at the Gjall) can help players avoid the attack. Blocking or parrying can greatly reduce the damage from the projectiles (even the fire damage-over-time). A successful Shield-less parry is possible against a 0-star Gjall with many high-tier weapons, even magic ones such as the Staff of embers, although Gjall are immune to staggering, so no damage bonus may be obtained through parrying. Otherwise the Gjall's Fire balls do not damage natural stone, Ancient armor and Ancient swords, so these can safely be utilized as cover.

The Gjall will occasionally spawn 3 Ticks, which will aggro & attempt to latch onto you, dealing 50 Pierce damage per 0.5 seconds when attached.

Ranged weapons (such as Bows, Crossbows or Magic) will certainly be your best choice because the Gjall tends to be higher than the player. However, this is also their weakness as hitting the orange egg sacs on their underside take critical damage.

If the player can land on top of a Gjall, the Gjall will shake them off after a short time, also dealing some blunt damage (in addition to any fall damage) but can be avoided by jumping every few seconds.


  • Gjall are very dangerous creatures but can easily be outrun. Therefore, fleeing is an option if you have sufficient stamina.
  • Pierce resistance is useful against the ticks if they become a problem


  • In Norse mythology, the Gjallarhorn is blown by Heimdallr to signal the commencement of Ragnarok.
  • There are different ways to pronounce Gjall:
    • In Old Norse, it would be pronounced /ˈɡjɑlː/ g'yall with hard g as in get and long l at the end. This pronunciation would be the closest to the Viking lore.
    • In modern Norwegian, it is pronounced /jɑl/ yal, like y'all. Many players prefer this pronunciation and it also matches the puns in Gjall events better.
    • In modern Swedish, it is pronounced /jalː/ yahll with a as in the first half of cow and long l at the end.
    • In modern Danish, it is pronounced /ˈkjæl/ k'yael with k as in scar and ae in bat.
    • In modern Icelandic, it is pronounced /catl/ tyahtl with ty as in stew.
  • The name "Gjall" is probably inspired by the name of the mythological river Gjöll, meaning "noisy" "loud" or "scream".
  • The sound made by the Gjall is most likely a reference to the sound made by the tripods in War of the Worlds. It may also take inspiration from the World War 2-era German dive bomber Junkers JU-87 "Stuka" which was known for its loud siren as it approached high speeds on a bombing run.

