Valheim Wiki

Leeches are aggressive creatures found in Swamps. They are enlarged, aquatic annelid worms that feed off their victims by sucking their blood.


Item 0 Star 1 Star 2 Star
Bloodbag Bloodbag 1 2 4
Leech trophy Leech trophy 10% 10% 10%


Type Limit Frequency Stars
Anywhere in waters of Swamps 10 Common Yes

Attacks and abilities[]

For strategies for defeating Leech, see Aggressive creature strategies § Leech.



  • Whereas regular Leeches are black and red, One-Star leeches are a bright, poisonous green, and Two-Star leeches are purple and bright magenta.
  • Despite the bright colors of the One- and Two-Star Leeches, the darkness of the Swamp can often make it extremely hard to identify the level of a Leech, especially at a distance; using the targeting reticle at close-range to view its rarity is often the most reliable way.
  • Leeches are only on the undead faction because undead don't have blood to drink so they ignore eachother.