Valheim Wiki

Putrid Hole are dungeons found in Ashlands. One Morgen can be found within each putrid hole, it doesn't respawn when killed.


Putrid Holes can contain large quantities of loot:

  • Up to 14 Molten cores with a 25% chance each (3.5 core on average).
  • Up to 22 Ancient pots with a 50% chance each.
  • Up to 39 Asksvin carrion.
  • Up to 13 Meat piles with a 50% chance each:
    • 1 Entrails
    • Additional 50% chance to drop the following:
Chance for 1-3 loot
Amount Item Chance
9-41 Coins Coins 45.45%
1 Entrails Entrails 45.45%
1 Silver necklace Silver necklace 9.09%
  • Up to 21 Mounds of flesh (4 guaranteed and 17 with a 66% chance):
3-4 loot
Amount Item Chance
1 Rotten meat Rotten meat 33.33%
5-15 Bone fragments Bone fragments 33.33%
1-2 Soft tissue Soft tissue 33.33%
2-4 loot (max one of each)
Amount Item Chance
1-2 Molten core Molten core 20%
3-12 Charred bone Charred bone 20%
3-12 Carapace arrow Carapace arrow 20%
99-199 Coins Coins 20%
1-2 Ashwood Ashwood 20%
  • A Vegvisirs that reveal the first mysterious locations (related to Dyrnwyn) with a 25% chance.


  • The destroyable mounds of flesh each have 100 health, and no damage resistances or weaknesses (except immunity to Poison and Spirit).

