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League of Legends Wiki
Kayle OriginalCentered
Kayle (Universe)Kayle (Universe)
Kayle (League of Legends)Kayle (League of Legends)
Kayle (Esports)Kayle (Esports)
Kayle (Teamfight Tactics)Kayle (Teamfight Tactics)
Kayle (Legends of Runeterra)Kayle (Legends of Runeterra)
Kayle (Wild Rift)Kayle (Wild Rift)
Kayle (Development)Kayle (Development)
Kayle (Trivia)Kayle (Trivia)

Kayle is a champion in League of Legends.[1]



Divine Ascent

Divine Ascent

Innate: Kayle ascends through four forms that each grant additional bonuses. She ascends upon spending a skill point at levels 1, 6, 11, and 16.


Level 1 - Zealous: Kayle's basic attacks on-attack generate a stack of Zeal for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 5 times. For each stack, she gains Attack speed icon 6% (+ 0.5% per 100 AP) bonus attack speed, up to a maximum Attack speed icon 30% (+ 2.5% per 100 AP). At max stacks, she becomes Exalted, gaining Movement speed icon 10% bonus movement speed.

Level 6 - Arisen: Kayle becomes Ranged role ranged and gains Range icon 350 bonus attack range for a total of Range icon 525.

Level 11 - Aflame: Kayle gains 10% bonus size. While Kayle is Exalted, her basic attacks on-attack also launch a wave of fire forward that deals 20 − 41 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) magic damage to all enemies it passes through. The wave is affected by Critical strike icon critical strike modifiers.

Level 16 - Transcendent: Kayle gains an additional Range icon 100 bonus attack range for a total of Range icon 625, and permanently gains the full effects of Zealous.

▶️   "Behold, the righteous flame!"



  • The stacking attack speed can be tracked in the HUD via a buff called Zealous Zeal, while the maximum stacks bonus grants the buff Divine Ascent Exalted.
  • Subsequent applications will also refresh the duration of all stacks, but all of them are lost when expired.
  • If Kayle is in her attack animation after the stacks expire, she gains another 0.5 seconds to refresh/stack Zealous Zeal.
  • Each stack increase attack speed based on the amount of ability power Kayle has at the time the stack is acquired and will not update if it is changed.
    • For example, if a stack acquired while she has no ability power, it will the increase attack speed by Attack speed icon 6%. If Ability power icon 200 acquired afterwards, the next stack will grant Attack speed icon 8%. The two increased attack speed by Attack speed icon 14% (6 + 8) and not Attack speed icon 16% (8 + 8).


  • Basic attacks within Range icon 175 will still use Kayle's melee basic attack animations and do not utilize Projectile projectiles.
    • They are still classified as Ranged role ranged attacks.
    • Due to this fact, projectile blocking effects cannot intercept basic attacks while Kayle's target is within her "melee" range.


  • On becoming Aflame, Kayle's bonus size grows linearily over 1 second.
  • Basic attacks against structures and wards do not trigger fire waves.
  • While at 4 stacks of Zealous Zeal, the next on-attack reaching the fifth stack will be empowered by Aflame, releasing the first fire wave.


  • Zealous Zeal and Divine Ascent Exalted buffs swapped to a new buff that grants the benefit of both and it is not visible on Kayle's HUD.
  • This buff also updates its attack speed value whenever a stat update happens and ability power is changed, however, it does not track ability power from other buffs, unless they have been specifically special cased. The following buffs are not special cased yet and will not grant bonus attack speed:

Fire Waves Details

  • Celestine Wish Kayle Fire Wave

    Hitboxes shows by a graph side by side.

    A wave consists of three projectiles for the hitbox and a fourth for visuals.
  • The hitbox projectiles spawn 75 units behind Kayle, travel through her, and are destroyed once they've traveled 850 units. Their technical details are:
    • Range: Range center 850 (755 effective)
    • Width: Range model 200
    • Projectile Speed: 2800
    • Angle: 18° (left and right at 9° to their side, respectively)
  • Projectile Projectile blocking effects can block each projectile individually.
    • It is possible to block the visuals, but still get hit by an unblocked "invisible" hitbox projectile.
  • Hitting an enemy with multiple projectiles of the same wave will not increase the damage dealt.
  • The fire wave shares cast instance with the triggering basic attack.
    • The amount of Conqueror Conqueror stacks gained will be (Melee role 2 / Ranged role 1) if the basic attack deals damage first or 2 if the wave does so.
  • Keep in mind that it's still two damage instances. If one triggers Bone Plating Bone Plating, the other's damage will be blocked.
  • Fire waves roll Critical strike icon critical strike chance on each target hit individually.
  • The distance of the fire waves scales with bonus attack range.
  • A known issue is that despite dealing Death Lotus area spell damage the fire wave does not:

Interactions & Other

  • Because Kayle is both a Melee role melee and Ranged role ranged champion, she can purchase both ranged and melee exclusive items at anytime, but their effects will function depending on her current range type; the same principle also applies to runes.
    • However, keep in mind that, prior to ascending to Arisen, Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade also changes this behaviour based on its usage.
  • Waves are fired in the direction that Kayle is facing. Changing that during the attack windup via Flash Flash will also change the direction of the wave.
  • Each ascension has an unique animation and a voice line. (See: Kayle's quotes)
  • The ascensions' animation will override the current one, but it does not cancel Kayle's current action, nor her previous orders.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Wave bonus AD ratio changed to 7% bonus AD.
  • Wave AP ratio changed to 17% AP.


Radiant Blast

Radiant Blast

Active: Kayle conjures a portal in front of her that faces the target direction, from which a celestial sword launches forward. The sword expands upon hitting an enemy, targets struck in the area are dealt magic damage, Slow icon slowed for 2 seconds, and inflicted with 15% reduced Armor icon armor and Magic resistance icon magic resistance for 4 seconds.

Magic Damage:
60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP)
26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50%



  • This ability has a cast time and cast delay. The former represents the amount of time Kayle needs to spend to cast and is equal to her attack windup time. The latter is the amount of time the portal needs to launch the sword, which is always 0.264 seconds seconds, starting from the beginning of the cast time.
    • As implied by the previous point, the portal is created at the start of the cast time and Kayle does not have to be alive for it to launch the sword.
    • The portal does not follow Kayle's movements, using Flash Flash or getting displaced won't change its position nor direction either.
  • The cast time can be calculated by dividing Kayle's windup percent value (0.193555) with her current total attack speed.
    • Radiant Blast's cast time is 0.33 seconds at base attack speed, is at most 0.99 seconds at the minimum attack speed of Attack speed icon 0.2, and is 0.099 seconds at the attack speed cap of Attack speed icon 2.5. The cast time can be further decreased with effects that allows the player to bypass the attack speed cap.
    • Additionally, it should be noted that due to action only taking place on whole game ticks, the cast time can only be changed in fractions of 0.033 seconds. This also means that the lowest possible cast time is 0.033 seconds, requiring at least Attack speed icon 5.8652 attack speed.
    • Correction: Important to note that in patch V9.17, Radiant Blast's cast time was changed to be a flat 0.25 seconds, rather than scaling with the attack windup time. In patch V10.4, this was undocumentedly changed back. Whether the change to scale with windup time again was intentional or not is unknown.
  • The resistance reduction is applied after the damage has been dealt.
  • The expansion consist of 5 hitboxes, forming a cross-like shape centered 100 units ahead from the impact in its direction. Their technical details can be seen below and visualized on the image to the right.
    Celestine Wish Kayle Q Explosion

    The left side shows projectile's width and the total area traveled if it does not hit a target, while the right side shows the explosions when it hits a target.

    • ExplosionCenter: 100 radius
    • ExplosionLeft: 150 distance, 125 width
    • ExplosionRight: 150 distance, 125 width
    • ExplosionBackward: 100 distance, 90 width
    • ExplosionForward: 400 distance, 90 width

Interactions & Other

  • The visual effects of the explosion shows the blade and guard of Kayle's swords.
  • The resistance reduction can be tracked on the HUD as a debuff called Sundered and has a special icon that can be seen below.
    Sundered icon
  • Correction: Note that the Kayle PsyOpsCircle PsyOps skin still uses the old shred VFX, which also only shows for 3 seconds (effect duration is not affected). This is possibly an oversight as all existing, and at the time released Dragon Slayer, skins were updated properly in V11.18.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Slow changed to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.



Celestial Blessing

Celestial Blessing

Active: Kayle and the target allied champion are Heal power icon healed and gain bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.

55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 25% AP)
Bonus Movement Speed:
24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% (+ 8% per 100 AP)

If cast without a valid target, or self-cast, Celestial Blessing will automatically target the closest allied champion in range, prioritizing the one with the lowest Health icon health.



  • Celestial Blessing's cast time does not interrupt movement and the effects are applied at the start.

Interactions & Other

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Bonus movement speed changed to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.



Starfire Spellblade

Passive: Kayle deals bonus magic damage On-hit icon on-hit.

Passive Damage:
15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP)
Starfire Spellblade

Active: Kayle kindles her blade, empowering her next basic attack within 6 seconds to have an Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windup and deal additional bonus magic damage On-hit icon on-hit that is capped at 400 against Monster icon monsters. If Kayle is not yet Arisen Arisen, this attack becomes Ranged role ranged with Range icon 525 range.

Bonus Magic Damage:
8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5 / 10% (+ 1.5% per 100 AP) of target's missing health
Starfire Spellblade 2

Aflame Aflame Bonus: The attack explodes upon the target, dealing its damage to surrounding enemies and applying On-hit icon on-hit effects. This is affected by Critical strike icon critical strike modifiers.

Starfire Spellblade Bladework resets Kayle's basic attack timer.



  • Starfire Spellblade will be buffered and cast when the cooldown ends if the player attempts to cast it within 0.1 seconds of the cooldown ending.
  • Starfire Spellblade consist of 3 parts, each dealing different type of damage source type:
    • The basic attack part deals Basic Attack basic.
    • The passive's on-hit effect deals Wit's End item proc.
    • The active's portion deals Disintegrate spell.
    • Additionally, the damage against secondary targets caught in the explosion is also tagged as area of effect.
  • The basic attack and the active's portion shares the same cast instance since patch V11.1. (Exception: Muramana Muramana, see under Interactions & Other.)
  • Parry interactions:
    • Blind icon Blind: The main target will never receive damage, but the secondary targets will receive the active's spell damage.
    • Spirit's Refuge Block: Blocking will always negate all damage. Keep in mind that if a secondary target is outside of Spirit's Refuge's Spirit's Refuge's zone, they won't block damage.
    • Jax Counter Strike old Dodge: Dodging will always negate all damage.
  • PENDING FOR TEST:: All parry interactions are marked for retesting because of patch V11.1 changes.

Interactions & Other

  • While the active's effect is up, a circle is visible to Kayle, indicating her Range icon range, however, this circle only takes into account Divine Ascent's Divine Ascent's effect on her range, not other sources such as Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon.
    • The increased range (with the item's effect included) will be Range icon 675 prior to ascending to Transcendent, after which it's Range icon 725.
  • To clarify the description, Starfire Spellblade can behave both as a Ranged role ranged and Melee role melee attack based on how far the target is prior to Kayle ascending to Arisen Arisen, after which the attack will be always using ranged standards.
    • If the target is 200 units away or closer, the attack will be considered melee. This also uses her melee animations, not utilizing projectiles even after ascending.
    • If the target is over 200 units, the attack will be considered ranged.
  • To further expand on this: Using the ranged empowered attack will change Kayle's range type to ranged while the projectile is alive. This means that if the target could outrun the projectile, Kayle would be stuck on being ranged, although the bonuses from the active are not kept. While it's unlikely to be on this temporary ranged state for longer than half a seconds during a normal playthrough, it is possible to achieve few seconds when specific conditions are met.
  • Keep in mind that while on-hit effects will be applied to all targets in the explision, on-attack effects are only applied once per basic attack, not per target hit.
  • Single-use on-hits, such as Sheen item Spellblade, will be applied to the main target.
    • If the main target died prior to the projectile reaching them, or if it was a jungle plant, the effects will be applied to the closest target from the explosion's center.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade's Guinsoo's Rageblade's Phantom Hit can only be applied to the main target.
  • Despite being one cast instance, Starfire Spellblade triggers Muramana's Muramana's Shock twice on each target, dealing normal bonus damage after the basic attack and increased bonus damage after the spell, totalling at (Melee role 5% / Ranged role 4.2%) maximum mana (+ 6% AD) bonus physical damage.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Passive base damage changed to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25.
  • Passive AD ratio changed to 7% bonus AD.
  • Passive AP ratio changed to 14% AP.
  • Health ratio changed to 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8 / 8.5% of target's missing health.



Divine Judgment

Divine Judgment

Active: Kayle grants herself or a target allied champion Cosmic Radiance invulnerability for 2.5 seconds and conjures swords of fire.

After 2.5 seconds, she rains the swords down around the target, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Magic Damage:
200 / 300 / 400 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP)
▶️   "Drown in holy fire!"



  • Divine Judgment's cast time does not interrupt movement and the cast will finish even after Kayle's death.
  • Since Fear Beyond Death 2 internalraw damage ignores invulnerability, the target may still die via the Nexus Obelisk Nexus Obelisk, but the ability will finish at their corpse's position regardless.
  • Divine Judgment will prioritize casting on allies over Kayle. This means that if Kayle's and an ally's selection ranges are intercepting each other on the cursor's position, the cast will always occur on the ally.
  • Prior to becoming Transcended via Divine Ascent Divine Ascent, casting Divine Judgment refreshes the duration of Zealous Zeal stacks at the start of the cast time to ensure that it does not expire while she can't attack during the cast.
  • During cast, an indicator for the damaging area can be seen around the target, however, this is not visible if there is no Sight icon sight on the them.
  • Divine Judgment can be cast on Command Hallucinate clones too, including Shapesplitter Shapesplitter and Warrior Trickster Warrior Trickster, which are normally not targetable for allies.
  • While it's uncommon occurence, it is possible to cast Divine Judgment on targets who just entered Revival icon resurrection or Zombie icon zombie state. This is only possible with very strict timing and perhaps high latency.
  • It's recommended to avoid both of the afformentioned interactions, as they renders the usage of Divine Judgment useless in many cases.

Interactions & Other

  • While the target is invulnerable, a number indicator will appear beneath them whenever they would receive damage to show the amount that was entirely mitigated. This is calculated pre-mitigation, meaning before resistances and reductions are taken into account.
  • Rapid Firecannon's Rapid Firecannon's Energized effect behaves strangely with the set basic attack range:
    • If the ability is cast while the effect is ready, the range goes from Range icon 400 to Range icon 385 over 4 stat updates (400 -> 390 -> 387 -> 385). When the cast completes, the proper range needs 2 updates to set in (Range icon 660 - Range icon 675 while Arisen; Range icon 710 - Range icon 725 while Transcended).
    • Gaining the effect during the cast will cause the range to cycle between Range icon 525 and Range icon 550 until the cast finishes, then the proper range is set after 1 update.
    • Selling the item during the cast causes the range to be set to Range icon 250.

PENDING FOR TEST: Range values are outdated because of patch V11.18 changes to Kayle.

  • The invulnerability can be tracked on the HUD via a buff called Divine Judgment Intervention.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Base damage changed to 150 / 225 / 300.
  • Cooldown changed to 320 / 240 / 160 seconds.



  • As mentioned in some of the ability descriptions, Kayle's basic attacks within 175 units will always use her melee animation, even after becoming ranged, not utilizing projectiles.
    • Basic attacks empowered by Starfire Spellblade have a 200 "melee" range.
  • Once reaching the second ascension at level 11, Kayle's portrait icon for certain skins will change:
    • On the Original skin Kayle OriginalCircle becomes Kayle OriginalCircle Ascension.
    • On the Silver skin Kayle SilverCircle becomes Kayle SilverCircle Ascension.
    • On the Viridian skin Kayle ViridianCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle ViridianCircle.
    • On the Battleborn skin Kayle BattlebornCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle BattlebornCircle.
    • On the Aether Wing skin Kayle AetherWingCircle becomes Kayle AetherWingCircle Ascension.
    • On the Riot skin Kayle RiotCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle RiotCircle.
    • On the Pentakill skin Kayle PentakillCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle PentakillCircle.
    • On the PsyOps skin Kayle PsyOpsCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle PsyOpsCircle.
    • On the Dragonslayer skin Kayle DragonslayerCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle DragonslayerCircle.
    • On the Pentakill III: Lost Chapter skin Kayle PentakillLostChapterCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle PentakillLostChapterCircle.
    • On the Sun-Eater skin Kayle Sun-EaterCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle Sun-EaterCircle.
    • On the Immortal Journey skin Kayle ImmortalJourneyCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle ImmortalJourneyCircle.
    • On the Empyrean skin Kayle EmpyreanCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle EmpyreanCircle.
    • On the Prestige Empyrean skin Kayle PrestigeEmpyreanCircle PreAscension becomes Kayle PrestigeEmpyreanCircle.
  • Keep in mind that from others' point of view, only the Original skin is shown.


  • Kayle, Elise Elise, Gnar Gnar, Jayce Jayce, Nidalee Nidalee, and Samira Samira are the only champions to be conditionally considered both Ranged role ranged and Melee role melee.
  • The projectile speed of Kayle's basic attack is the second highest in the game with its 5000 speed among all ranged basic attacks that utilize projectiles, by a margin. Aphelios' Aphelios' Severum Severum gun has the fastest at 92400 speed, while Soraka Soraka has the slowest at 1000 speed. The average is between 1500 and 2000.
  • The first buff from Kayle's innate passive (Zealous Zeal) shares its name with the item Zeal Zeal.
  • Her dance references Elaine Benes' dance from Seinfeld.
    • A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
  • In Hijack Ultimate Spellbook, Kayle ascends without the player's input. This is caused by the fact that the choosen Ult-ernate Summoner Spells are automatically ranked up when the required levels are reached, which also matches the levels that the player may initiate the ascensions on.

Champion skins[]

This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Kayle (Collection).
Kayle OriginalSkin
RP 260
Born to a Targonian Aspect at the height of the Rune Wars, Kayle honored her mother’s legacy by fighting for justice on wings of divine flame. She and her twin sister Morgana were the protectors of Demacia for many years—until Kayle became disillusioned with the repeated failings of mortals, and abandoned this realm altogether. Still, legends are told of her punishing the unjust with her fiery swords, and many hope that she will one day return…
ActorZehra Fazal
ArtistJessica 'OwleyCat' Oyhenart, Victor '3rdColossus' Maury, Jennifer Wuestling
Loot eligible Loot eligible

Patch history[]

For the expanded patch notes, see here.
  • Empyrean Kayle Empyrean Kayle
    • Bug Fix: Properly implemented her unique HUD portrait before ascending to Aflame Aflame (level 11).
V14.1 - January 12th Hotfix
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Bonus attack speed AP ratio per stack reduced to 0.5% per 100 AP from 1%.
  • Divine Judgment Divine Judgment
    • Bug Fix: Sword VFX are no longer missing on her body during the cast animation.
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Several SFX and animations now properly play.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Aflame base damage changed to 20 − 41 (based on level) from 15 − 35 (based on Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade's Rank).
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Passive AP ratio reduced to 20% AP from 25% AP.
  • Divine Judgment Divine Judgment
    • Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 1.5.
    • Area of effect delay increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
    • Duration changed to 2.5 seconds at all ranks from 2 / 2.5 / 3.
    • Effect radius increased to 675 / 675 / 775 units from 500 at all ranks.
    • Base damage reduced to 200 / 300 / 400 from 200 / 350 / 500.
    • AP ratio reduced to 70% AP from 80% AP.
    • Removed: No longer reduces her attack range to 400 if she self-casts.
  • General
    • Bug Fix: No longer permanently loses attack speed from certain sources of ability power after reaching level 16.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • New Effect: Now slightly increases size upon becoming Aflame.
V12.10 - May 25th Hotfix
  • Stats
    • Base magic resistance reduced to 22 from 26.
    • Health growth reduced to 92 from 99.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Active base damage reduced to 8 / 8.5 / 9 / 9.5 / 10% missing health from 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12%.
    • Active AP ratio reduced to 1.5% per 100 AP from 2% per 100 AP.
  • Stats
    • Base health increased to 670 from 600.
    • Health growth increased to 99 from 85.
    • Armor growth increased to 4.2 from 3.
    • Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3 from 0.5.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing
    • Base heal reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.
    • Heal AP ratio reduced to 25% AP from 30% AP.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Bug Fix: Movement and attack voice lines now play correctly while Ascended.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • New Effect: While Aflame and Exalted, or Transcendent, the distance of the waves launched by her basic attacks now scales with her bonus attack range.
  • Stats
    • Base magic resistance reduced to 26 from 30.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Aflame (fire wave) AP ratio increased to 25% AP from as 20% AP.
    • Transcendent bonus attack range increased to 100 from 50.
      • Maximum bonus attack range increased to 625 from 575.
    • Bug Fix: Fire waves now properly trigger Muramana's Muramana's Shock.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Bug Fix: No longer consumes charges of Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess twice.
    • While patch the patch notes specifically mentions Tear of the Goddess, the actual change made Starfire Spellblade be a single cast instance, rather than two indicidual ones (basic attack and spell).
  • Stats
    • Base magic resistance reduced to 30 from 34.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Aflame AP ratio reduced to 20% AP from 25% AP.
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where her attack range would unintentionally increase after leveling up Divine Judgement Divine Judgement.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Passive AP ratio reduced to 20% AP from 25% AP.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Attack speed AP ratio per stack reduced to 1% per 100 AP from 2% per 100 AP.
      • Maximum attack speed AP ratio reduced to 5% per 100 AP from 10% per 100 AP.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • New Effect: Now grants 2% per 100 AP bonus attack speed per stack.
  • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast
    • Removed: No longer refunds 50% of its mana cost per enemy champion hit.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing
    • Mana cost increased to 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Mana cost reduced to 0 from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.
    • Projectile speed increased to 5000 from 2000.
    • Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 seconds from 8 at all ranks.
  • Aether Wing Kayle Aether Wing Kayle and Pentakill Kayle Pentakill Kayle
    • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast
      • Bug Fix: VFX no longer renders over impassable terrain.
  • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast
    • Undocumented: Cast time reverted to match Kayle's basic attack's windup time from 0.25 seconds.
  • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast
    • Base damage reduced to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing
    • Mana cost increased to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • Aflame base damage increased to 15 − 35 (based on Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade's Rank) from 10 − 30 (based on Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade's Rank)
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Passive base damage increased to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
  • General
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • New Effects:
      • Innate: Upon reaching levels 1, 6, 11, and 16, along with spending another skill point, Kayle ascends into a new form, gaining additional bonuses.
      • Zealous (1): Kayle's basic attacks grant 6% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 30% bonus attack speed. At maximum stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining 8% bonus movement speed. Can stack against turrets.
      • Arisen (6): Kayle becomes a Ranged role ranged champion with Range icon 525 attack range.
      • Aflame (11): While Exalted, Kayle's basic attacks against non-structures additionally launch a wave of fire in the target's direction, dealing 10 − 30 (based on Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade's Rank) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) Magic damage magic damage to enemies hit. The waves can Critical strike icon critically strike for (100% + 25% 25%) bonus magic damage.
      • Transcendent (16): Zealous is permanently set to maximum stacks and Kayle gains Range icon 50 bonus attack range, for a total of 575 attack range.
    • Old Effects:
      • Innate: Upon reaching levels 1, 6, 11, and 16, along with spending another skill point, Kayle ascends into a new form, gaining additional bonuses.
      • Zealous (1): Kayle's basic attacks against non-structures grant 6% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 30% bonus attack speed. At maximum stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining 15% bonus movement speed when moving toward enemies.
      • Aflame (6): While Exalted, Kayle's basic attacks against non-structures additionally launch a wave of fire in the target's direction, dealing 10 − 30 (based on Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade's Rank) (+ 10% AD) (+ 20% AP) Magic damage magic damage to enemies hit. The waves can Critical strike icon critically strike for (100% + 25% 25%) bonus magic damage.
      • Arisen (11): Kayle becomes a Ranged role ranged champion with Range icon 550 attack range. Additionally, Zealous's bonus attack speed is increased to 10% bonus attack speed per stack, for a maximum of 50% bonus attack speed.
      • Transcendent (16): Zealous is permanently set to maximum stacks. Additionally, Aflame's fiery waves now deal true damage instead.
  • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast
    • New Effect: Now refunds 50% of mana cost for each champion hit with it.
    • Cast delay reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.5.
    • Cast time changed to 0.25 seconds, rather than matching the basic attack's windup time.
    • Missile speed reduced to 1600 from 2000.
    • Target range reduced to 900 units from 950.
    • Resistances shred reduced to 15% from 20%.
    • Resistances shred duration increased to 4 seconds from 3.
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it wouldn't pierce as far if it hit its target at point-blank range.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Bonus magic damage reduced to 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12% of target's missing health from 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%.
    • AP ratio increased to 2% per 100 AP from 1% per 100 AP.
    • Passive on-hit damage AD ratio reduced to 10% bonus AD from 10% total AD.
    • Passive on-hit damage AP ratio increased to 25% AP from 20% AP.
  • Divine Judgment Divine Judgment
    • Mana cost reduced to 100 / 50 / 0 from 100 at all ranks.
    • AoE radius increased to 500 units from 475.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing
    • Undocumented: Can now be casted while there's a decoy nearby.
  • Divine Judgment Divine Judgment
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where she would sometimes freeze when casting her Divine Judgement and then teleport to a new location.
    • Undocumented: Can no longer be cast on decoys.
  • Stats
    • Base attack damage reduced to 50 from 52.
    • Base armor reduced to 26 from 28.
    • Base attack speed reduced to 0.667 from 0.695.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent
    • New Effect: Ascensions are now based on level and skill points.
  • Stats
    • Base health regeneration reduced to 5 from 6.
    • Armor growth reduced to 3 from 3.5.
  • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast
    • Mana cost increased to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing
    • Base movement speed reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% from 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50%.
    • Mana cost changed to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • Bonus magic damage reduced to 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% of target's missing health from 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%.
    • New Effect: Bonus magic damage now scales with 1% per 100 AP.
  • General
    • Now defaults to attack damage as her default adaptive stat, from ability power.
    • Updated recommended items.
  • Stats
    • Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5 from 3.
    • Attack speed growth reduced to 1.5% from 2%.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing
    • Movement speed AP ratio reduced to 8% per 100 AP from 10% per 100 AP.
    • New Effect: Bonus movement speed now begins on cast rather than after 0.25 seconds.
    • Removed: No longer has a 1 second uncancellable window.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade
    • New Effect: Cast time is now identical to her basic attack windup, from 0.25 seconds.
    • Bug Fix: The basic attack portion of Starfire Spellblade's attack can now properly critically strike.
  • Riot Kayle Riot Kayle
    • Updated VFX to be more wee-woo.
  • Silver Kayle Silver Kayle
    • Updated VFX to be more blue.
  • Battleborn Kayle Battleborn Kayle
    • Updated VFX to be less yellow.
  • Judgment Kayle Judgment Kayle
    • Updated VFX to be more spooky.
  • Aether Wing Kayle Aether Wing Kayle
    • New death animation.
    • Removed robotic VO processing.
V9.5 - Full Relaunch
  • General
  • Stats
    • Base attack range increased to 175 from 125.
    • Base attack speed increased to 0.695 from 0.638.
    • Base attack damage increased to 52 from 51.
    • Base armor increased to 28 from 26.88.
    • Base magic resistance increased to 34 from 30.
    • Base health increased to 600 from 586.
    • Base mana reduced to 330 from 375.
    • Base health regeneration reduced to 6 from 8.5.
    • Attack speed growth reduced to 2% from 2.2%.
    • Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.2.
    • Health growth reduced to 85 from 105.
    • Mana growth increased to 50 from 25.
    • Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.5 from 0.75.
  • Divine Ascent Divine Ascent (Innate)
    • Innate - Zealous: Kayle's basic attacks grant 6% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 30% bonus attack speed. At maximum stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining 15% bonus movement speed when moving toward enemies.
    • Upon spending 6, 11, and 16 skill points, Kayle ascends into a new form, gaining additional bonuses.
    • Aflame - Level 6: While Exalted, Kayle's basic attacks additionally launch a wave of fire in the target's direction, dealing 10 − 30 (based on Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade's Rank) (+ 10% AD) (+ 20% AP) magic damage to enemies hit.
    • Arisen - Level 11: Kayle becomes a Ranged role ranged champion with 550 attack range. Additionally, Zealous's bonus attack speed is increased to 10% bonus attack speed, for a maximum of 50% bonus attack speed.
    • Transcendent - Level 16: Kayle permanently has full Zealous stacks and is permanently Exalted. Additionally, Aflame's fiery waves now deal true damage.
  • Radiant Blast Radiant Blast (Q)
    • Active: Kayle plants a portal at her initial location that faces the target direction. After a 0.5-second delay, a celestial sword launches forward from the portal.
    • The sword explodes into a cross upon collision with an enemy, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) magic damage and Slow icon slowing targets struck by 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50%, while reducing their armor and magic resistance by 20% for 3 seconds.
    • Mana Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.
    • Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds.
  • Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing (W)
    • Active: Kayle and target allied champion are Heal power icon healed for 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 30% AP) health and gain 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50% (+ 10% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
    • If cast without a valid target, or self-cast, Celestial Blessing will automatically target the most wounded ally in range.
    • Target Range: 900.
    • Mana Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.
    • Cooldown: 15 seconds.
  • Starfire Spellblade Starfire Spellblade (E)
    • Passive: Kayle's basic attacks deal 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% AD) (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage. Additionally, Aflame's Aflame's base damage is increased.
    • Active: Kayle's next basic attack within 6 seconds deals 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20% of target's missing health bonus magic damage. While Aflame Aflame, it also damages enemies surrounding the target.
    • Prior to becoming Arisen Arisen, Starfire Spellblade also causes Kayle to become a Ranged role ranged champion with 550 attack range on the empowered attack.
    • Mana Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.
    • Cooldown: 8 seconds.
  • Divine Judgment Divine Judgment (R)
    • Active: Kayle conjures swords around the target allied champion or herself over 1.5 seconds, after which she brings them crashing to the ground, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area.
    • Divine Judgment also grants the target Cosmic Radiance invulnerability for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds.
    • Target Range: 900.
    • Mana Cost: 100.
    • Cooldown: 160 / 120 / 80 seconds.


Kayle, the Judicator Kayle, the Judicator

See also[]

