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League of Legends Wiki

Previous Abilities[]

Skarner OriginalCentered old
Base Statistics
Health 650 +99 Attack damage 65 +4.5
Health regen. 9 +0.85 Attack speed [*] 0.625 (+ 0 +2.1%)
Armor 38 +5 Crit. damage 200%
Magic resist. 32 +2.05 Range 125
Mana 320 +60 Gameplay radius 65
Mana regen. 7.2 +0.45 Move. speed 335
Tank icon Skarner
the Crystal Vanguard
Price:BE 4800 / RP 880
Secondary Bar:Mana resource Mana
Release Date:2011-08-09 Last Changed:N/A
Secondary Attributes:Melee role Melee
Champion style basic attacks activeChampion style 45Champion style abilities inactive
Champion difficulty 1

Crystal Spires

Crystal Spires

Innate: Skarner's presence spawns Crystal Spires Minimap 6 Crystal Spires at set points across the battlefield:

After Minion icon minions have spawned, a Crystal Spire can be captured by Champion icon champions by standing on it for 2 seconds, Once captured, the Crystal Spire is owned by the team until contested, and the defending team can stand on the spire to prevent the opposing team from capturing it.

Capturing a Crystal Spire grants Sight icon sight of its radius for 1.5 seconds and locks it out from capture for 15 seconds. Crystal Spires grant 30 Gold 30 split among its captors, or 15 Gold 15 for a single captor.

Skarner gains Crystal Charge while within range of a Crystal Spire controlled by his team, for 1.25 seconds after triggering Crystal Venom Crystal Venom, and for 1.75 seconds after stinging an enemy champion with Impale Impale.

Crystal Charge: Skarner gains Movement speed icon 70 − 120 (based on level) bonus movement speed and Attack speed icon 43% − 160% (based on level) bonus attack speed and restores Mana icon 1% maximum mana every 0.5 seconds.

Crystal Spires near buff monsters start the game already captured by the side's respective team.

  • Crystal Charge's duration refreshes if it was gained by an ability.

Map-Specific Differences
Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences
  • Number of Crystal Spires spawned on the battlefield changed to five:
    • One in each brush (with the central one being neutral)
    • One in each team's base (below each inhibitor)
Reroll ARAM
  • Crystal Spires appear at:
    • One nearby each inner Turret icon turret.
    • One at the center of the map.

Crystallizing Sting

Crystallizing Sting

Crystal Slash Crystal Slash and Fracture Fracture apply a Crystal Venom stack on the target enemy (up to 3 times)

At 3 stacks, Skarner consumes them and his next basic attack is enhanced to deal 20 − 105 (based on level) (+ 100% AD) bonus magic damage as well as Stun icon stun the target for 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 (based on level) seconds.

Crystal Venom and Crystallizing Sting cannot affect the same target more than once every few seconds.

  • No additional details.



Skarner's basic attacks reduce his ability cooldowns each by 0.5 seconds (doubled against enemy champions)

  • No additional details.

Crystal Slash

Crystal Slash

Active: Skarner slashes around himself, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy is hit, he becomes charged for 5 seconds, empowering subsequent casts of Crystal Slash to deal bonus magic damage.

Physical Damage:
1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% of target's maximum health (+ 20% AD)
Bonus Magic Damage:
1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% of target's maximum health (+ 20% AD) (+ 30% AP)

Each instance of damage is capped at 200 against epic Monster icon monsters.

Basic attacks reduce Crystal Slash's Cooldown icon current cooldown by 0.25 seconds, increased to 1 second against Champion icon champions.

  • Spell Shield Spell shield will block the damage but will not prevent Skarner from triggering the bonus effect.
  • Basic attacks against structures will not trigger the cooldown reduction.
  • As already noted, each damage instance is capped on its own, meaning that the maximum possible damage against an epic monster with one cast is 400.
  • In order to hit the cap, the target needs to have at least 20000 / 13334 / 10000 / 8000 / 6667 health (without considering the ratios).

Map-Specific Differences
ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Ultra Rapid Fire differences
  • No longer reduces its cooldown on-hit. *
Arena icon Arena differences
  • Damage health ratio changed to 1 / 1.375 / 1.75 / 2.125 / 2.5% of target's maximum health.
  • AP ratio changed to 40% AP.

Crystalline Exoskeleton

Crystalline Exoskeleton

Active: Skarner grants himself a Hybrid resistances icon shield for up to 6 seconds, and while it holds, he gains Movement speed icon bonus movement speed that doubles over the first 3 seconds.

Shield Strength:
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% maximum health (+ 80% AP)
Bonus Movement Speed:
8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%
Increased Bonus Movement Speed:
16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32%

  • No additional notes.


Passive: Every time Skarner triggers Crystal Venom or stings an enemy with Impale Impale, Fracture's Cooldown icon current cooldown is reduced by the corresponding base duration of the disable.


Active: Skarner launches a blast of crystalline energy in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit, Slow icon slows them for 2.5 seconds, and marks them with Crystal Venom for 5 seconds.

Magic Damage:
40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 20% AP)
30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Crystal Venom

Crystal Venom: Skarner's next basic attack against a marked target is empowered to consume the mark to deal bonus physical damage and Stun icon stun them for 1.25 seconds.

Bonus Physical Damage:
30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110

  • Fracture is disabled during Impale Impale.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.
  • Fracture's projectile deals Death Lotus area damage, while the Crystal Venom on-hit effect deals Wit's End item proc damage.
  • Crystal Venom triggers even if the attack is Spirit's Refuge blocked (Stun icon stun applies), but not if it's Jax Counter Strike old dodged or he is Blind icon Blind. The damage of the entire attack is negated in both cases.

Map-Specific Differences
Arena icon Arena differences
  • Stun duration changed to 1 second.


Skarner Impale old2

Active: Skarner Root icon roots the target enemy Champion icon champion over the cast time and attempts to impale them with his stinger. Upon impaling the target, he deals 60% AD physical damage plus magic damage and Suppression icon suppresses them for 1.75 seconds, during which they are True Sight icon revealed and Skarner can drag them with himself.

Afterwards, the target takes the same damage again.

Magic Damage:
20 / 60 / 100 (+ 50% AP)
Total Mixed Damage:
40 / 120 / 200 (+ 120% AD) (+ 100% AP)

Impale's drag ignores Unstoppable icon displacement immunity. Skarner is unable to basic attack, cast Fracture Fracture, or use Flash Flash during Impale.

  • The target will not take Impale's secondary damage if the Suppression icon suppression is removed before the duration ends.
  • If the target becomes Untargetable icon untargetable, Death dies, or is too far away or no longer in Sight icon sight during the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go on Cooldown icon cooldown nor pay its cost (if applicable).
    • The range cancel distance is 800 units.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will not block the Root icon root.
  • Impale is special cased to end prematurely if the target is affected by Devour Devour, both for an ally and enemy Tahm Kench Tahm Kench or if Skarner is teleported by Realm Warp Realm Warp.
    • Impale will not end prematurely if Skarner enters Revival icon resurrection.
  • Skarner cannot use gates during Impale.
  • While Impale is active, and for the purposes of direction-conditioned abilities, (e.g. Petrifying Gaze Petrifying Gaze, Mocking Shout Mocking Shout) Skarner is considered to be facing in the direction he is moving and not the one his model is facing.
  • Impale applies a small displacement to the target every 0.25 seconds whenever they are not close to Skarner. These displacements do not apply Airborne icon airborne and are not flagged as displacements, meaning that targets who are not Cc-immune icon immune to the Suppression icon suppression are also never immune to the displacement either. As a consequence, Unstoppable icon displacement immunity fails to ignore this movement.
Type Cast time
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Disabled
Movement Disabled
Items Usable Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
Disabled All the other item-actives are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Usable
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by N/A
Interrupted by
  • Death, unless protected by Revival icon Resurrection
  • Crystal Slash

    Crystal Slash old

    Active: Skarner deals physical damage to all enemies within range.

    Physical Damage:
    20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 40% bonus AD)

    Hitting an enemy with Crystal Slash grants Skarner bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed for 5 seconds (stacks up to 3 times) Subsequent casts within the duration deal bonus magic damage.

    Bonus Attack Speed:
    8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%
    Total Bonus Attack Speed:
    24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48%
    Bonus Movement Speed:
    2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6%
    Total Bonus Movement Speed:
    6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%
    Bonus Magic Damage:
    20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% AP)
    Total Mixed Damage:
    40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP)

    Basic attacks reduce Crystal Slash's cooldown by 0.5 seconds (doubled against enemy champions)

    • No additional details.

    Crystalline Exoskeleton

    Crystalline Exoskeleton old

    Active: Skarner shields himself for up to 6 seconds, gaining bonus movement speed that increases by an additional 16% over 3 seconds while the shield holds.

    Shield Strength:
    80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 80% AP)
    Initial Bonus Movement Speed:
    0 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16%
    Maximum Bonus Movement Speed:
    16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32%

    • No additional details.


    Fracture old

    Active: Skarner launches a blast of energy in the target direction, dealing magic damage and Slow icon slowing all enemies hit for 2.5 seconds.

    Magic Damage:
    40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 40% AP)
    45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%

    • No additional details.


    Impale old

    Active: Skarner rears his stinger and brings it down on the target enemy, Root icon rooting them for 0.25 seconds, dealing magic damage, and Suppression icon suppressing them for 1.75 seconds, at the end of which the target takes the same magic damage again. For the duration, Skarner can both move freely and drag the target around with him (cannot attack them)

    Magic Damage:
    100 / 150 / 200 (+ 50% AP)
    Total Magic Damage:
    200 / 300 / 400 (+ 100% AP)

    Impale consumes all active Crystallizing Sting Crystallizing Sting stacks for bonus magic damage.

    Bonus Damage Per Stack:
    50 / 75 / 100
    Maximum Bonus Damage:
    150 / 225 / 300
    Maximum Total Damage:
    350 / 525 / 700 (+ 100% AP)

    • No additional details.

    Previous Quotes[]

    Champion Select[]


    Original Original Cosmic Sting Skarner Cosmic Sting Skarner

    Each of these skins may feature: a voiceover filter; additional quotes and/or interactions. In all other cases, skins use the base skin's audio or version of the audio. Some voicelines may also be disabled while using alternate skins.




    In Brushmaker Brush
    12 seconds idle time, once per brush.


    Skarner swipes his claws and strikes the ground with his stinger tail.


    Skarner frantically checks the ground underneath his legs.



    Basic Attacking[]


    Ability Casting[]

    Using Crystal Slash Crystal Slash[]

    Using Fracture Fracture[]

    Using Impale Impale[]



    First Move[]



    Standing in Brushmaker Brush
    12 seconds idle time, once per brush.


    Skarner brandishes and activates its chainsaw blades threateningly.
    • ▶️   "How do you sustain respiratory function with such meager processing power?"
    • ▶️   "Biology is the study of defective systems."
    • ▶️   "You have taught us many methods through which you can die."


    Skarner lifts into the air, spinning its chainsaw blades like propellers to fly.
    • ▶️   "My stinger consists of metal matrix composites, thermoplastic polymers, and... ugly death."
    • ▶️   "Squish, plod. I'm a human."




    Basic Attacking[]


    Ability Casting[]

    Using Crystal Slash Crystal Slash[]

    Using Crystalline Exoskeleton Crystalline Exoskeleton[]

    Using Fracture Fracture[]

    Using Impale Impale[]


    Buying Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet
    Buying Sunfire Aegis Sunfire Aegis
    Buying Trinity Force Trinity Force
    Buying Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor

    Other Gameplay[]

    Placing a Ward icon Ward

    Recall Recall[]


    Previous Splash Art[]

    See also[]
