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Hussain, Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq. E-mail: ORCID ID:
She completed the Academy of Fine Arts in Babylon, Iraq. She?s been taking part in many exhibitions of Kurdish and Iraqi artist, whether in Kurdistan or in Baghdad.
The project would also contain some models of natural monuments and features, including The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq, Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia, Raouche Rock in Lebanon, Mount Rushmore in the US, rice terraces in the Philippines, Resurrection Island in the south Atlantic Ocean, and Niagara Falls on the US - Canada border.
A Quiet Reality: A Chaplain's Journey into Babylon, Iraq with the Marine Expeditionary Force is the true-life testimony of Navy chaplain Emilio Marrero, who has served the Navy and Marine Corps for over 29 years, including during Operation Desert Storm and two tours in Iraq.
Bodwell discovered the work being done by the United States and its allies, building health centers and rebuilding roads and electricity in Babylon, Iraq. The base, about an hour south of Iraq, is on the unofficial fault line between the Shiite majority population and the country's Sunni minority.
Babylon, Iraq (NINA) -- Anti-riot Police, under the leadership of Babylon police, dispersed this evening a sit-in for a number of citizens of the province gathered in front of the provincial building to demand services.
Mohammed AL-Araji, Department of Polymer Engineering and Petrochemical Industries, Faculty of Materials Engineering, University Of Babylon, Hilla, Babylon, Iraq
Babylon, Iraq (NINA) - A police force of Babylon, based on information from citizens in Jbala district, north of Hilla, found a bag containing pieces dating back more than 2500 years.