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a Babylonian demigod or first man (sometimes identified with Adam)

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References in periodicals archive ?
The company added that it has already embedded Zementis' ADAPA (Adaptive Decision and Predictive Analytics) into its Digital Business Platform to offer enterprises comprehensive insights for real time business analytics.
(6.) Chennareddy S, Adapa R, Kishore BK, Rajasekhar L.
Adapa. Power system observability with minimal phasor measurement placement.
Adapa Prasad introduced Ram Madhav and the program emcee was Ram Rakshpal Sood (OFBJP Adviser).
/ Natura isi adapa zeuE ["Vestido de folhas murchas Pan encontra-se sobre um rochedo.
Adapa (2008) investigated cultural influences on Indian women's adoption of Internet shopping in country of origin (India) and country of residence (Australia).
(17) In commentary to the regulations implementing the ADAPA, the U.S.
However, sedation is not without its disadvantages (Absalom & Adapa 2007) (Figure 2).
Alexander Heidel, The Babylonian Genesis (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951); see pages 122-26 comparing the Mesopotamian Adapa story with Genesis 3.
To preserve the active substances, a rather low temperature (30-35[degrees]C) is recommended for drying of Hyssopi herba (Adapa and Schoenau 2005; Ragazinskiene ir kt.
Shrewsbury: KranthiKiran Adapa, Seema Bhagat, Sanjeev Jain, Shahzad Sadozai and Shawn Smith.