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Words related to Babylon

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References in classic literature ?
The King o' Babylon grinned, but did not deign to reply.
"My word, King o' Babylon," he muttered in the chief's ears as the boat's crew bent to the oars, "one fella boy make 'm trouble, I shoot 'm hell outa you first thing.
"We don't want to get to Babylon, oo know!" Bruno explained as he swung.
Babylon, Troy, Tyre, Palestine, and even early Rome are passing already into fiction.
As the Persian imitated in the slender shafts and capitals of his architecture the stem and flower of the lotus and palm, so the Persian court in its magnificent era never gave over the nomadism of its barbarous tribes, but travelled from Ecbatana, where the spring was spent, to Susa in summer and to Babylon for the winter.
"Nay, we might have judged that such a child's mother must needs be a scarlet woman, and a worthy type of her of Babylon! But she comes at a good time, and we will look into this matter forthwith.
There is iron-dust on everything; and the smoke is seen through the windows rolling heavily out of the tall chimneys to mingle with the smoke from a vaporous Babylon of other chimneys.
I will not tell you, poor old man, to go and visit the sepulchral chambers of the pyramids, of which ancient Herodotus speaks, nor the brick tower of Babylon, nor the immense white marble sanctuary of the Indian temple of Eklinga.
Simmun and gentlemen, I've been locked up here for safety, but my endeavours has always been, and always will be, to be on the right side--the blessed side and to prenounce the Pope of Babylon, and all her inward and her outward workings, which is Pagin.
Such follow him, as shall be registerd Part good, part bad, of bad the longer scrowle, Whose foul Idolatries, and other faults Heapt to the popular summe, will so incense God, as to leave them, and expose thir Land, Thir Citie, his Temple, and his holy Ark With all his sacred things, a scorn and prey To that proud Citie, whose high Walls thou saw'st Left in confusion, BABYLON thence call'd.
* the city of Babylon is on fire, and he proposes to carry her from
In such a way Babylon rose and fell, and Nineveh, and Thebes, and Carthage, and Rome.
HILLA (NINA) - A joint force of Babylon police and intelligence arrested 21 Bangladeshis who violated the conditions of residence in different areas of the city of Hilla, the center of Babylon province.
NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-August 5, 2019-Kinnevik announces USD50m participation in funding round of Babylon Holdings
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 5, 2019-Kinnevik announces USD50m participation in funding round of Babylon Holdings