baby sitting

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Synonyms for baby sitting

the work of a baby sitter

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References in periodicals archive ?
Shelly Ehlers of Eugene said she enrolled her 11-year-old daughter, Jackie, in the course so she could be prepared for the challenges of baby sitting.
Meeting my grandchildren for a what turned out to be a soggy-tasting lunch at Applebee's, I stopped to oogle an adorable baby sitting in a high chair on the aisle.
A TEENAGER drove uninsured and with his baby sitting in the front seat unrestrained, a court heard yesterday.
Too big to play hop-on-pop with his little siblings, too small to go hiking with his big brother, but always called upon to do middle-sized chores such as baby sitting, he decides enough is enough and runs to his hideout to sulk.
Christie Hefner has a picture of herself as a baby sitting on the lap of her father, Hugh, as he worked on the first issue of Playboy on his Royal typewriter.
AS I'm baby sitting Ms Lloyd's column while she's doing her celebrity safari,I just have to tell you about a recent baby-sitting incident that went horribly wrong.
The 12-year-old, who was baby sitting at the Adams's house in Duchess Road, Crumpsall, was arrested on Saturday, questioned and released on police bail.
IT'S difficult knowing where to start with this baby-sitting lark, I've baby sat babies in my time but baby sitting a newspaper column is a very different kettle of fish!
The body is from a normal picture of the baby sitting on the floor at home.