baby universe

baby universe

A region of space–time that is connected to another region of space–time by a wormhole. It has been postulated that when a massive object in the Universe collapses to a black hole it could go through the singularity at the center of the black hole and create an expanding baby universe in another region of space–time. Inflation could allow such a baby universe to become large very rapidly. It may be the case that the Universe we live in originated in this way. Although the idea of baby universes is highly speculative and requires a theory of quantum gravity before it can be formulated definitively, it has been investigated by a number of theorists. See also multiverse.
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006
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"Every black hole would produce a new, baby universe inside," he stated.
A part of the vast retail precinct currently being developed in Town Square Dubai, it will feature several of Carrefour's signature concepts including Food 2 Go, Healthy Kitchen, Baby Universe, Green Home, Pet Lane, and more to create a shopping experience that is not only unique but enjoyable, it stated.
These same photons, cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, still permeate the entire universe with thousands of microwave photons per cubic inch, like the radiation in your microwave oven but at a lower power, and carry a portrait of a baby universe at only 300,000 years old.
His other books included, Black Holes and the Baby Universe, The Universe in a Nutshell and the Grand Design.
Initially he theorized about the "singularity" of the baby universe in thick but elegant mathematical equations comparing early time to wave functions.
Planck measured temperature differences in space, relics of variations in the matter density in the baby universe. Combined with other data and assumptions, those measurements can be used to deduce other properties of the cosmos.
Its Baby Universe was a science fiction romp through the galaxy, and The Death of Little Ibsen was about, well, just what it sounds like.
According to Charles Lawrence, the NASA Planck project scientist at JPL, "Our previous images of the baby universe were like fuzzy snapshots.
The masters, like Hawking, relish the messy bits, the structure of space-time, the "no-boundary" concept, the baby universe. Larsen (physics and astronomy, Central Connecticut State U.) makes such messy bits, and Hawking's expertise in straightening them out, accessible to general readers and sets the concepts within the framework of Hawking's career and personal life.
This may give the best evidence of the existence of 10 or even 11 dimensional hyperspace.Every time a black hole forms, it may be creating a baby universe. The matter disappearing down a hole may, under certain circumstances, be blown 'out the other end,' creating a white hole in another twin universe.
Gardner, on his excited way to a black hole where a "baby universe" will shortly be hatched to house "a transhuman rapture," rhapsodizes about everything from the explosive formation of stars, planets, and "autocatalytic webs of complex carbon-based polymers" to string theory, wormholes, heat death, and "symbiogenesis."