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Bacău (bäkŭˈo͝o), city, E Romania, in Moldavia, on the Bistriţa River. The administrative and industrial center of an oil-producing region, Bacău has a papermill, textile factories, and industries that manufacture military planes. Although probably settled in the 5th cent., Bacău did not become important until oil was discovered there in the 20th cent. It has a regional museum and ruins of a 15th-century princely court.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an administrative district in eastern Rumania. Area, 6,914 sq km. Population in 1968,606,200. The western regions of Bacǎu are located in the East Carpathians (including the Ceahlǎu Mountains, which reach 1,904 m, with Stinişoarei, Tarkǎu, and other peaks); the eastern regions lie within the Birlad Plateau; in between are zones of hillocked piedmonts. Rivers belong to the Danube basin (the Siret and its tributaries, the Bistrica, Trotuşul, and others). Mountain and forest landscapes predominate, with steppes in the east.

Bacǎu covers the southern half of the Western Moldavian industrial region. Petroleum is extracted in the Moinesti area, soft coal in the Komăeşti basin, rock salt and gypsum near Tîrgu-Ocna. There are thermal power plants in Bor-sásti, Bacău, Komăneti, and Dărmăneşti, and a hydroelectric power station in the lower course of the Bistrica River. The most important branches of raw-materials processing are oil refining (Dǎrmǎneşti and George-Georgiu-Dez), the petroleum chemicals industry (George-Georgiu-Dez), lumber processing (Komǎnesti, Agǎs, and elsewhere), pulp and paper (bacău), textiles (Buhuşj, Bacǎu), and food processing. Bacǎu also manufactures garments, shoes and leather goods, industrial chemicals, and machinery. Animal husbandry (cattle and sheep raising) predominates in the agricultural sector; sugar beets and other vegetables are grown in the Siret Valley; corn and sunflowers are grown in the Moldavian Highlands. Bǎlia-Slǎnik is a mineral spa.




a city in eastern Rumania, near the confluence of the Bistrica and Siret rivers. It is the administrative center of the Bacǎu district. Population in 1968,73,500; with suburbs, 87,500. It is the center of a petroleum and a lumber region. Bacǎu has a wood-processing combine; a pulp and paper mill; petroleum equipment manufacture; and leather and footwear, garment, chemical, and food-processing (a meat combine, dry-milk plant, and brewery) industries. Bacǎu is known to have existed since the 15th century.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


a city in E Romania on the River Bistrila: oil refining, textiles, paper. Pop.: 128 000 (2005 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Bacau Bay Resort also has its exclusive pier that can serve as your pick-up and drop-off points as you venture to the other islands.
The Liverpool to Bucharest and Liverpool to Bacau routes represent a real success in Blue Air's portfolio and this was possible thanks to the support of our partners in the UK and specifically due to the involvement of Liverpool John Lennon Airport."
2.1.1 Among the archeological or medieval remnants, I mention the following: Horgecti ubiety situated on the left riverside of the Siret, attested by confirmation at 5th of April 1442, Brad ubiety (Zargidava), situated at 25 km from Bacau, on the left riverside of the Siret.
Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi, Senior psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Bacau County Emergency Hospital Emergency, Bacau, Romania
The match between teams Penicillin Iasi and Science Bacau, number relationships play in attack is approximately the same (57 to 54), which shows that lift both teams have a good and balanced cooperation with both player of the 4, the effectiveness of this collaboration is But for the team in Bacau (0.718 to 0.675).
Bacau have been struggling for form and have only amassed nine points in 14 matches, including one from the last five.
Bacau Mayor Dumitru Sechelariu said: "We reached an agreement with Baia Mare and Bacau will be back in the first division."
Situated in the historical region of Moldavia, at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains, Bacau is one of Romania's cultural centres.
October 2007--May 2008, for 8 months, not only in Bacau county, but also in the cantonments which the athletes developed together.