(redirected from Baby Up For Adoption)
BUFABrandon University Faculty Association
BUFABaby Up For Adoption
BUFABradford Under-Fives Association (England, UK)
BUFABikers United for America (Colorado Springs, CO)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Fortunately, she has a second family who are supportive of her and they help her have the courage to give her baby up for adoption. Her narrative won't fail to move YA readers.
At its conclusion, a young fundamentalist couple told me they believed that abortion was immoral and should be outlawed, and added that the appropriate alternative was to continue the pregnancy to term and give the baby up for adoption.
She suggested that the couple put the baby up for adoption if they cannot afford to look after her.
The lady doesn't have to put the baby up for adoption. She has a choice.
Q WHAT if she has always planned to give that baby up for adoption?
Sarah, from Wester Hailes in Edinburgh, said: "I would rather have an abortion than give my baby up for adoption.
My present boyfriend knew I was expecting and I decided to put the baby up for adoption.