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Related to BABS: dabs
BABSBed and Breakfast Site (directory)
BABSBritish Association of Barbershop Singers
BABSBuild a Better Society (various locations)
BABSBuilding a Better Scotland (UK government report)
BABSBlind Approach Beacon System
BABSBorn Again Bikers (UK)
BABSBlack Alloy Bastard Sword (Everquest gaming)
BABSBrinks' ATM Balancing System
BABSBase Automated Budget System
BABSBritish Alpine Bred Society (UK)
BABSBasso Accompagnamento Batteria Solista (Italian quartet, Bass, Rhythm, Drums, Lead)
BABSBoutique Accommodation Bandarawela Sri-Lanka (Sri-Lanka)
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Bobby raised Babs to work as hard as you could; a currency which ensured the survival of her family.
"There is a cat being thrusted into my face," Babs says in her camera interview with a serious expression.
To congratulate Babs, of Armadale, West Lothian, William and Thomson Dairies milkman Scott Kyle - who delivers Babs' eggs - gifted her a luxury festive hamper and a complimentary batch of eggs.
After two years of training, Babs entered Jazz in the Good Citizen Dog Scheme's pre-beginner obedience stakes.
Babs helps patients to reduce the factors which increase the risks of the disease progressing - by lowering cholesterol, stopping smoking, reducing blood pressure and taking up regular exercise.
Build America Bonds (BAB)--a new and federally subsidized form of municipal financing--assist state and local governments to finance capital projects.
Babs was moving at between 170 and 180 mph when the huge crowd waiting to celebrate saw her slew out of control then spin, coming to a halt with the engine on fire.
Babs was born in Croydon, Surrey, and, after leaving school, went into service as a cook at a big house.
( READ: What Happened To Babs?
Yr hyn oedd yn cael ei drafod oedd "lle mae Babs yn treulio'r gaeaf?" Hwn oedd y cwestiwn mawr a doedd neb i weld yn siwr iawn, a dweud y gwir tybiais fod Babs yn mynd i rhyw garej yn rhywle i gael dipyn o ofal, rhyw MOT bach i gadw'r olwynion yn troi fel petae, ond dyna ni yr ateb, dyna Babs yn syth o fy mlaen wrth i mi gamu i mewn i Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau yn Abertawe.
Babs, 67, has been away from the soap for almost two years after falling victim to a virus that left her constantly exhausted.
Babs has spent the past 10 years raising funds for a memorial to those who lost their lives at Bethnal Green.