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BACASBath and Camerton Archaeological Society (UK)
BACASRoyal Belgian Academy Council of Applied Sciences
BACASBurial and Cremation Administration System
BACASBritish Academy of Composers and Songwriters
BACASBritish Airways Clubs Angling Society
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"It's their social obligation, but it's still up to (the victims and their relatives) if they will pursue the charges, Bacas said.
Bacas' statement was prompted by his findings that there were security lapses in the subdivision at the time of the hacking.
"There was only one security guard" when the incident happened, Bacas said, pointing out that the number of security guards was not commensurate with the number of exit/ entrance points in the subdivision.
Aside from the placement of security guards in those "strategic" points, Bacas recommended the assignment of at least two others to rove inside the subdivision.
Baca was offered merchandise worth about $25,000 for the inconvenience by Centex and the DNA.
When Baca's key opened the door, she was named the winner as "fireworks erupted above her, and cheerleaders swarmed," the News reported.
Two days later, Baca's picture appeared in the News and The Denver Post and were in an ad declaring, "I won a new home worth over $200,000!"
But last week, the Baca's were informed that another contestant also had a key that unlocked a door, but her actions apparently went unnoticed.