deciduous teeth

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deciduous teeth

[di′sij·ə·wəs ′tēth]
Teeth of a young mammal which are shed and replaced by permanent teeth. Also known as milk teeth.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Stem cells derived from baby teeth can also be handy for fixing dental injuries such as dead teeth,
"I find it intriguing that a young person losing baby teeth rapidly may serve as a donor for an older family member," Morse says.
Even though it may sound early, some issues can be addressed more quickly when caught early, such as issues with the growth of the jaw bone, remaining baby teeth, impacted teeth, the number of teeth growing in, and more, Reynolds says.
We lose people but we can keep objects seems to be the stubborn refrain for any collector, but the tensions in Contreras's "A Collection of Bruises, Curses, Baby Teeth" reveal a knowledge that it is actually the opposite that is true.
Using evidence found in baby teeth, researchers from The Senator Frank R.
During 2011-2014, 13.7% of children aged 2-8 years had untreated dental caries in their primary teeth (baby teeth).
For example, many parents knew that baby teeth are important (97.7%), and that baby teeth (92%) and permanent teeth (98.9%) need to be brushed twice a day.
Many parents have a very mistaken approach towards their children's baby teeth, believing they are not important as will be replaced anyway.
Around 2% of children find PS20 or more, meaning they could make as much as PS400 from a full set of baby teeth. A further 3% get between PS10 and PS20, 9% receive PS10, and 12% pocket PS5.
In all, they have 20 baby teeth - 10 on top and 10 on bottom.
The Public Health England (PHE) study showed that an average of 12% of three-year-olds have rotten baby teeth, with some areas of the country having 34% of the age group with tooth decay, and other areas just 2%.