baby snatcher

Also found in: Idioms.

baby snatcher

1. a person who steals a baby from its pram
2. another name for cradle snatcher
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A BABY snatcher disguised as a nurse tried to steal five new-borns from two hospitals in eight hours, say police.
As the clock ticks and there's still no sign of the pair, Priya starts to fear that the menopausal control freak has turned baby snatcher and rings the police.
As the clock ticks and there's still sign of the pair, Priya starts to fear that the menopausal control freak has turned baby snatcher and rings the police.
The baby snatcher said she was at the ward waiting for her doctor for a check up.
EastEnders baby snatcher Ronnie Mitchell handing stolen tot Tommy back to crazy Kat Moon, queen of the gurners.
But after 10 minutes chewing on a cupcake and twiddling with a doily, a better option for the barmy baby snatcher might have been the raw end of a rattler pulling out of Walford East.
The baby snatcher is played by veteran actress Gerda Stevenson, who comes into the show as the girlfriend of Ewan Patterson (Alastair Harvey), brother of the late Tall Ship landlord Tommy.
They also said they believe the baby snatcher fled in a getaway car as they have not obtained information on anyone suspicious riding in a taxi or bus, nor of anyone walking around the hospital in Yonago.
by GERARD COUZENS A BABY snatcher disguised as a nurse tried to steal five new-borns from two hospitals in eight hours, say police.
The girl also described the baby snatcher as slim with curly shoulder-length hair and around 5ft 8in tall.
APPALLING security blunders at a famous baby hospital - already hit by a baby snatcher - are exposed today by the Sunday People.
"One sort of baby snatcher may have tremendous antagonism towards her own sex.