baby selling

baby selling

Black market adoption Social medicine The illegal act of selling an infant to adoptive parents or other persons by the birthparents or by an intermediary. See Adoption. Cf Independent adoption.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
You once retweeted a libertarian account that wrote, Whats so bad about baby selling? And you added, Headline = Why people think Libertarians are crazy 1.
Malaysia: Babies for Sale was the result of an undercover investigation into the world of baby selling, where infants are sold to the highest bidder.
The police say 2 doctors involved in a "baby selling business" were detained.
The equation of surrogacy with baby selling or the sale of women's reproductive capacities has been the argument made by some feminists who fear the devaluation of women's bodies and reproductive capacities through the work of market forces.
The commercialization of surrogacy raises fears of black market and baby selling, breeding baby farms, turning impoverished women into baby producers and the possibility of selective breeding at a price.
Investigation, prosecution, and conviction data reported in 2008 likely included cases involving baby selling, which is activity that is beyond the scope of this report.
How did it happen that surrogacy was framed as baby selling during the Baby M litigation?
The Hague Convention also threatens the Guatemalan adoption industry by demanding low fees to avoid baby selling or women deliberately getting pregnant for the purpose of adoption.
Committee on International Relations, noted during a hearing on the issue last year that the United States has serious concerns about things like "baby selling and trafficking, abandonment and fraud" out of the top countries from which Americans adopt - China, Russia, Guatemala and South Korea.
And the Irish Sunday Mirror can also reveal that Rosdiana has been convicted of baby selling and is serving a nine-year prison sentence.
Well done love, nowt like a bit of baby selling to garner some press.
But, corruption, complicity of government authorities, lack of police training and poor implementation of laws facilitate trafficking of persons and similar crimes, such as baby selling.