

Guido, Italian physician, 1832-1916. See: Baccelli sign.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Baccelli, "A Unified Asymptotic Analysis of Area Spectral Efficiency in Ultradense Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, pp.
[14] Adjih, C., Baccelli, E., Fleury, E., Harter, G., Mitton, N., Noel, T., Pissard-Gibollet, R., Saint-Marcel, F., Schreiner, G., Vandaele, J., and Watteyne, T.
(7) On one rare occasion in 1780 Lupino was accused of deviation from the rules of propriety with the splendid new outfits for Mademoiselle Giovanna Baccelli and her partner in the ballet after Quinto Fabio (Morning Post and Daily Advertiser, 24 Jan.).
(11.) Baccelli I,Schneeweiss A, Riethdorf S, Stenzinger A, Schillert A, Vogel V, et al.
(16.) Brugat T, Gault N, Baccelli I, Maes J, Roborel de Climens A, Nguyen-Khac F, et al.
It is curious that Obama would endorse this reform given that it is the reverse of the 17th Amendment in the US, which gives American citizens the right to directly elect their senators , as the law professor Luca Baccelli points out.
La lenta ma inevitabiledecadenza dell'Occidente, in particolar modo degli Stati Uniti, potrebbe essere prodottaanche dalla loro crescente connotazione multiculturale (Cfr.Huntington, 2000) (Baccelli, 2009).La fine della guerra fredda e il corrente scenario mondiale hanno dato origine alriordinamento di un mondo che, da un modello differenziato su basi politico-economiche, si contraddistingue soprattutto, se non esclusivamente, per le sueimportanti differenze culturali.
As materias-primas sao argilas e siltes argilosos, com alto valor de impurezas, entre as quais se destacam minerais de ferro, responsaveis pela coloracao vermelha tipica dos produtos (BACCELLI JUNIOR, 2010).