Bach flower remedy

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Bach flower remedy

Flower essence therapy
A form of alternative healthcare delineated by a British physician, Edward Bach. In Bach therapy, flowers are used to directly address a person’s emotional state and to facilitate both psychological and physiological well-being; by balancing negative feelings and stress, flower remedies can remove the emotional barriers to health and recovery. Bach descibed 38 concoctions, which consist of infusions prepared from freshly-picked, sun-exposed flowers placed in spring water and brandy, which forms a so-called “Mother Essence.”
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Bach Flower remedy Rock Rose can help make people who always think they're right become more tolerant.
Shaking and anxiety are commonly found in multiple sclerosis sufferers and so the use of either the Bach Flower Remedy or the Emergency Essence are recommended.
This product also contains Rescue Remedy, the Bach Flower Remedy blend that supports dogs in all types of emergencies."
Kris Lecakes Haley, a Bach Flower Remedy practitioner in Arizona, has found that white chestnut and chestnut bud flower remedies effectively address repetitive chewing and licking, while crab apple and beech help with allergy-driven skin eruptions.
The Bach Flower remedy Crab Apple, which is taken as drops in water, is also claimed to be able to help with feelings of nausea.
Olive Bach Flower Remedy can treat weariness while arnica eases exhaustion and aching muscles after sustained physical activity.
Rescue Remedy, a Bach Flower Remedy blend of five flower essences, is sold in health food stores and by many online retailers.
The Bach Flower Remedy Minulus can help you face your fear, whatever the occasion.