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A person, often a family member, who stays by the bedside of a patient of any age who requires mechanical ventilation, and guards for equipment malfunctions or other problems
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 A person, often an intelligent family member, who stays by the bedside of a Pt requiring mechanical ventilation, and guards for equipment malfunctions or other problems
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
There are opinions that labor conditions for babysitters need to be improved to solve the fundamental problem.
Confused, the babysitter quickly reminds her that they had already discussed a payment of $16 ([pounds sterling]12.60) an hour before she agreed to watch the kids, then sends images of their previous conversation to prove it.
When the police arrived, we went to the park where the defendant was arrested," the babysitter said.
She then went upstairs towards the babysitter. One of the boys had followed and saw her drop the knife and when he went to pick it up McManus slapped him causing him to drop it and she picked it up again.
Perhaps that's why one of the singer's music videos was "Boos El Wawa " (Kiss It Better), where she turned her dreams of being a babysitter into reality.
My only concern is that any babysitter worth hiring would not have taken twenty eight visits upstairs before deciding to let loose the leopard!
Nevin Ulusoy, who worked for a family for 15 months as a babysitter without any social security insurance, sued her employer when the family refused to raise her pay and laid her off.
Throughout this section she includes brief narratives (called "Tales from the Crib") written by actual teenage babysitters, which expand and personalize the information.
A MACHETE-wielding man who wounded a two-year-old girl as she was being held by her babysitter, has been sent to prison.
Tucker, "What do you think of our babysitter?" and the next
"I have a babysitter's kit--I Sot the Ides from The Baby-Sitters Club books.