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Synonyms for babysitter

a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
'The babysitter had previously taken the victim to a nearby private clinic in an unconscious state and claimed the victim had fallen while standing on the sofa at her house.
Datenight was started by Elize Shirdel, a mom of two boys who wanted desperately to have a monthly dinner out with her husband, but constantly struggled to secure a babysitter. As an engineer and a developer, she figured there must be a technical solution to this problem, so she built an app to do it.
In last October, the Busan District Court handed down a suspended one-year jail sentence to a babysitter for pricking a child with a needle and attacking him in the blind spot not covered by the surveillance camera.
Babysitter, according to the actor, is a signal to set the record straight for those that have been insinuating that he has shifted to other business.
The government has commissioned a study to implement policies and regulations on recruitment of foreign domestic workers in the country.DrukNyamrupTshogpa (DNT) hadpledged in its election manifesto that theparty would review and adopt policies to employ foreign domestic workers to addressthe shortage of babysitters and domestichelps in the country.
The change in his behaviour came days after she terminated the services of the 22-year-old Filipina babysitter and sent her back to the agency.
The unidentified mother of the infant reported to the police that upon returning to their home at 2 p.m., the babysitter Jocelyn Cruzada, a resident of Castilla town in Sorsogon, and the baby were gone.
03 ( ANI ): Pamela Anderson opened up about the experience working with Harvey Weinstein and being molested by a babysitter in her childhood, among other things.
Given that hiring a babysitter sends me into meltdown, tonight I shall mostly be doing this lo - adh Taking my kids to a friend's party 10 mins walk from home and staying there for slightly longer than is acceptable - leaving only after my daughter has held onto my leg sobbing exhaustedly for 20 minutes.
A Filipina babysitter took her sponsor's 10-year-old daughter to play in the park along with the neighbours' girls in August at the Greens community.
Despite some awkward narrative moves (such as excerpts from video camera footage), A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting has more than enough charm to leave readers curious about Kelly's next adventure.
A court heard the four and seven-yearolds had been left with their 15-year-old aunt as a babysitter while their parents were out at the supermarket and she answered the door to Siobhan McManus.
This compilation features all six books in the series: Babysitter Out of Control!, Looking for Love on Mongo Tongo, The Improbable Party of Purple Plum Lane, What Happened in July, The Sinking of Wiley Bean and The Queen of Second Chances.