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Synonyms for babyminder

a person who looks after babies (usually in the person's own home) while the babys' parents are working

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References in periodicals archive ?
(29) Jeanne Thomas, 'Age and Gender Differences in Perceptions of Grandparenting' (1986) 41 Journal of Gerontology 417, 420; see also Pamela Cotterill, "But for Freedom, You See, Not to be a Babyminder': Women's Attitudes Towards Grandmother Care' (1992) 26 Sociology 603.
'But for Freedom, You See, Not to Be a Babyminder': Women's Attitudes towards Grandmother Care", Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological Association, 26 (4), pp.
Then, just when it seemed Moyes had overplayed the role of fussing babyminder by keeping Rooney from his adoring audience, Radzinski smashed his 11th goal of the season to become only the seventh Everton player in 15 years to reach double figures in the League.
In fact, being a good babyminder is an important aspect of being a good hairdresser."
Author Geoffrey Wansell, whose book An Evil Love was written with the collaboration of the Official Solicitor, also revealed that Fred told Mrs Leach that it was John who had killed babyminder Ann McFall.