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Synonyms for Bacchanalia

an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)


Related Words

a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

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More accurately they are restaurant inside and Ibiza-style outdoor party outside with DJs, MCs and live musicians whipping early apres-ski crowds into table-dancing Bacchanalia. The Val Thorens Folie's terrace is traversed by a chairlift that affords skiers a bird's eye view of the debauchery.
Young conductor James Ham captured all the twists and turns of this furious musical reflection of the abandon and indulgence of these Mediterranean bacchanalia.
This summer saw the openings of properties in Shoreditch, London, a cantilevered glass-and-steel structure by architect Ron Arad, and one in Ibiza, a breezy Mediterranean-style outpost on a tamer stretch of the island, away from the all-night bacchanalia. >
Spirals of smoke drifted through the room, the faces curious, jovial, dreamy, wreathed in smoke, like beings captured in some strange nocturnal bacchanalia. The Little Red Chairs chronicles the experiences of dozens: Cloonoila locals as well as immigrants from South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
The celebrated the Bacchanalia festival, in which the most important event involved the worshippers tearing apart an animal and then eating it with their hands (Shipley 1984:245- 246).
Depending on how warm and wet the conditions remain in the fall, the mushroom bacchanalia here can last through the beginning of November.
Soundings in the Reception of Biondo Flavio's Roma triumphans," Frances Muecke reconstructs the reception of Roma triumphans, with special attention paid to such pivotal ancient customs as burial practices, Bacchanalia, oath-swearing, and the 'sortes Virgilianae.' The volume concludes with a thirty-page bibliography of primary and secondary sources and an index nominum.
By this way of thinking, the student who treats spring break like a seven-day bacchanalia is entitled to the same success as the conscientious classmate who works and studies while he plays--and isn't this same sense of entitlement often applied today to freedom?
Rio, of course, has a well-deserved reputation for partying that culminates in its annual bacchanalia, Carnaval.
Thursday night, amid a veritable bacchanalia of nostalgia and fame, the series will crown its 15th and final Idol, capping one of the most successful shows of the modern TV era.
Naturally, ego, bragging rights and old-fashioned competition are all elements of this annual bacchanalia. But as with any marketing push, business is ultimately the point.
The Carnival celebrations are a raucous, five-day bacchanalia known for street parties and lots of alcohol and kissing.
Ivanov, who has had several consecutive terms in office, has described the run-up to the vote as "police bacchanalia".
For some, it will also be the time for getting an acute attack of gout; exquisite pain unmitigated by all the bacchanalia.