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Synonyms for babytalk

an adult's imitation of the speech of a young child

the developing speech of a young child


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References in periodicals archive ?
Keep your voice light and soft as you speak, but don't use babytalk or a squeaky, high-pitched tone.
Babytalk as a communication of intimate attachment: An initial study in adult romances and friendships.
I always liked kids but can now babytalk for hours without feeling weird.
After I played "Keep On Move," by Babytalk (aka Eric Broucek, one half of Watussi) to my friend Simon, he noticed that the song had been out since November.
"The Poetics of Babytalk." Human Nature 14 (2003): 337-64.
"I never like to write down towards children, you shouldn't babytalk them," said the grandfather.
He continued to "vocalize," making the whistles and wheezes of killer-whale communication, just talking to himself, but he did so less and less, and in the end it became a kind of babytalk. His companions in the tank were bottlenose dolphins, and Keiko began to speak like one of those.
Its two flagship brands are Parenting, the nation's leading magazine for moms, and the Babytalk portfolio, which includes the monthly Babytalk magazine and its siblings Babytalk First Months and Babytalk Mom-to-Be.
Blackmur, struck out at the young poet's growing reputation, bruising his verses with an epithet that, in high critical corners, has never faded--"babytalk":
Senator Harradine also appeared on television in tears over the issue, and stated publicly that the decision marked "one of the nation's blackest days": David Marr, "Babytalk" The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 September 2001; [No author given], "The Baby Maker" The Sun Herald, 13 May 2001.
To further her own career and job opportunities, Lisa is now a partner in a new all- woman production company called Babytalk Productions.
(1992) also found that the melodic contours of lullabies reflect the typical features of infant directed speech (IDS), which is also known as "motherese" or "babytalk".
It was a fateful day when someone congratulated Maureen Dowd on her cutesie, babytalk style of political satire.