baby's dummy

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Synonyms for baby's dummy

device used for an infant to suck or bite on

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tell us your views at: Strange things pets eat A REAL DOG'S DINNER 1 - Underwear of owner's 'non-partner' 2 - Riding crop 3 - Carpet thread running from mouth to bottom 4 - Needle and thread 5 - Whole baked potato 6 - Rubber chicken (whole) 7 - Christmas tinsel 8 - Corn on the cob middle 9 - Baby's dummy teat 10 - Barbie doll head (without hair)
Arsenal's Joel Campbell celebrates his goal against Swansea with the help of a baby's dummy <B
Chloe, also seen with her baby's dummy on a ribbon around her neck, said in a statement: "I want the world to know how much I love her, miss her and cherished every moment with her.
Norbert is excited by scrambled eggs, chewy shoes, socks - dirty and clean - sticks, branches and anything left lying on the pavement from a baby's dummy to a beanie hat, to a half eaten ham sandwich.
Packed with songs - almost 30, including a Blues Brothers medley in the encore - it's a madcap caper from start to finish with zany props including a baby's dummy, a trampoline, a giant-sized defibrillator and a rubber chicken.
He carries a baby's dummy, which he offers players booked for dissent.
Angie's shop was open until 10pm, but if anyone needed a baby's dummy after closing, you would only have to knock on her side door and she would always oblige..
"A calm approach, replacing the baby's dummy, sorting out the blankets and some gentle stroking, don't do any harm.
One of my readers swears by a baby's dummy. She jammed it into her snoring spouse's mouth in sheer frustration and discovered it worked!
Hurley was inspired to latch on to the "baby's dummy" (as they refer to pacifiers in Britain) by the 1977 book "Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behavior," in which author Desmond Morris equated the urge to smoke with a baby's desire to breast-feed (BMJ 321[7257]:319, 2000).
Social media fan Judy also posted a picture by artist Nial Smith showing three tennis balls and a baby's dummy, and wrote: "Tennis family.
TOY poodle Lucy is in the doghouse after Stacy Skeates, of Lincoln, catches her with a baby's dummy. e
Hibs striker Leigh Griffiths whipped out a baby's dummy to celebrate yesterday after shooting his side into the Scottish Cup final.
ANSWERS: 1 Al Pacino; 2 Lilac time; 3 A baby's dummy; 4 Herman Melville; 5 Quinine; 6 Lamb; 7 The Graduate; 8 The Caledonian Canal; 9 John Denver; 10 The Seven Years' War.