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Synonyms for Babylonia

an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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These include a translucent alabaster goddess from a grave in Babylonia, Greek in proportion and treatment of the naked body form, but with inset rubies for her eyes and her navel; and from Dura-Europos, a bright red Roman shield, reconstructed from fragments found in the debris of a tower destroyed in the siege of the city in 256, and as richly painted as a Roman fresco.
Today, the glory of Babylonia is a thing of the past.
The nervous system of the female spotted Babylon, Babylonia areolata Link 1807, consists of left and right pairs of buccal ganglia, pedal ganglia, cerebral ganglia, pleural ganglia, and parietal ganglia, and a single left-side visceral ganglion.
Summary: An ancient bead necklace, terra cotta tablets from ancient Babylonia depicting Ishtar...
Marwe's rite of passage and eventual return to her family bears similarities with the tale of Persephone (Greece) and Ishtar (Babylonia) all of which involve a descent into the underworld followed by rebirth.
The messenger bearing the Egyptian response was also in charge of some gifts; their details are not preserved as the letter was written in Akkadian cuneiform (the language of Babylonia) on a clay tablet, the end of which has crumbled.
Films are starting to circulate of Rohan's sorties with three-star generals, forward base commanders, hopping with BMX riders in ancient Babylonia and skating in Saddam Hussein's pleasure palace.
Washington, Dec 19 (ANI): An exhibit of 13 ancient Babylonian tablets in New York has revealed that highly sophisticated mathematical practice flourished in Babylonia nearly 1,000 years prior to the Greek sages Thales and Pythagoras, with whom mathematics is said to have begun.
In between there are essays on the Hittites, Assyria and Babylonia, Persia, Athens, Alexander and his successors, the Parthian and early Sasanian empires, the Roman Empire and the early empires of South Asia.
Originally created for an exhibit Babylonia:Myth and Reality, the site includes a teacher packet and PowerPoint presentations of museum objects from Babylon, Sumer, and Assyria.
5, inscriptions similar to the CylinderEoACAOs were found on two pieces of cuneiform tablets from Babylonia in the museumEoACAOs collections.
Because of the strategic geographical location of the city, Kirkuk was the battle ground for three empires, Assyria, Babylonia and Media which controlled the city at various times.
His works have been deeply inspired by the ancient bas-reliefs and stone sculptures of Ancient Assyria, which was located in north Mesopotamia and spanned four countries; Babylon, which was the capital of Babylonia; and the era of Persian King Darius I who ruled from 522 to 486 B.C.