baby boomer

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Related to baby boomer: Generation Y
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Synonyms for baby boomer

a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
When measured in terms of relative change, more remote (nonadjacent) nonmetro counties will see the most dramatic changes from baby boomer migration.
Critique: A unique and entertainingly riveting read from cover to cover, "Shooting the Breeze With Baby Boomer Stars!: Surprising Celebrity Conversations for the Retro Generation" is an extraordinary and highly recommended addition to community library collections.
Of baby boomers with retirement savings, more than half have saved less than $250,000.
16 nationally with baby boomers carrying around $27,000 in debt, while Greenville ranked No.
More than half of Millennials (52 percent) said they were comfortable using TouchID and FaceID to authorize mobile wallet payments --almost double the number of Baby Boomers (29 percent) who said the same.
Much of the shift is down to demographics, with the taxable income of baby boomers falling as they retire while the taxable income of millennials increases as they climb the career ladder.
If you have noted as of now, the millennial generation does not come after the baby boomers. These two generations are actually separated by generation X, but the passage from boomers to gen xers was seen as a gradual one.
While the original baby boomers lived through the Great Depression, WWII baby boomers were the first to benefit from 20th century developments such as cradle-tograve welfare.
Called the Phoenix Fiscal Fitness Survey, the probers found that while the baby boomers estimated they would need 60 percent of their final annual income to be comfortable in retirement, financial planners frequently suggest that a minimum need would be 70 percent or more.
Morgan Asset Management said it has released Investment Insights with new research that compares the saving and investment experiences of baby boomers with those of Gen X and millennials, and derives potential implications for asset markets as boomers enter retirement en masse.
For all that is written about differences between the 147 million people who comprise the Baby Boomer and Millennial generations, it appears there is something they have in common: "Many individuals in both of those demographic groups are in the midst of major life changes that will often involve changes in housing, something that smart real estate investors should take into consideration when deciding when and where to buy or sell," writes Daren Blomquist, Vice President at RealtyTrac.