baby carriage

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Synonyms for baby carriage

a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around

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References in periodicals archive ?
Therefore, for the radical self-preseration autonomous vehicle, the decision is between turning left and hitting the full shopping cart or staying the course and hitting the baby carriage. Turning left to hit the shopping cart would result in damage to the autonomous vehicle.
"Love, Marriage, and the Baby Carriage" is fourth in a series of 7 books by the author.
Love, marriage, and then baby carriage: as the nursery rhyme goes, so follow our general expectations.
Submissions ran the gamut from a kite to a baby carriage to (the winner) a hair dryer that sounded like a 911.
He never asked where we got the wheels, but he knew someone's baby carriage was on blocks.
SHAME on the air-headed young blonde woman who drove through Pennine Garden Centre car park at high speed - during what seemed like a cloudburst - and completely drenched seven or eight people, including two toddlers and a young mother pushing a baby carriage.
BABY carriage was tearful when the Thin Controller arrived for work.
"Did you see who is leading the 'baby carriage' protest?" My daughter-in- law said.
A room marked with a poster with a big "32." A line up of people trailed beside the door, including a woman with a ginormous baby carriage for twins.
I'm like a little kid out of a baby carriage seeing things that were once so huge now seem so small," the Daily Mail quoted her as saying.
So it's probably true that more people recall a baby carriage, rolling unattended down a long flight of steps - its infant passenger destined for the same fate as its unfortunate mother
Its main product categories today include speaker cloth, fabrics for seat covers and car interiors, baby stroller fabric, baby carriage fabric, garment fabric, eco-friendly fabric, recycled PET-bottle fabric, and-for something a little different--bamboo charcoal.
Whatever this disarming actor is thinking of as he dangles a toy carrot over the baby carriage that has been retrofitted with IV drips and flashing lights and beeping machinery, he coos like any doting dad over the joy he sees in his little darling's "sparkling" blue eye.
It is subtle but tells women we must always look our best when we leave the house, be on a permanent diet in that elusive quest to be the thinnest and make sure everything is plucked, waxed, painted, girdled, manicured and on stilettos even while pushing a baby carriage, and if we demand to enter into men's space we will at least present ourselves as they demand.
Like everyone else, I overspend, using my tiny credit card in my own pathetic way--sort of like when you see a 3-year-old girl wheeling a doll around in a toy baby carriage and pretending to be her mother.